
I'm Innocent

A scene that occurred late at night were witnessed by four friends and now, each and every one of them are being haunted by what they saw.

Tari_Foxie_7913 · Urban
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5 Chs

My Arrest

My legs were numb as they dragged me to the car. I didn't even ask if they had a warrant of arrest. Taking a deep breath, Iw allowed the officers to force me into the cramped car as two officers flanked my sides. Head down, I endured the drive to the station.

I was stuffed into a tiny jail cell. I couldn't understand what was happening. I gazed into the eyes of a police officer. "What's happening?" I asked hoarsely.

"You've been arrested for multiple homicide. Your friends testified against you." His last sentence slapped me to attention. I blinked rapidly, gripping the iron bars.

"What did you say?" I asked, carefully spacing out my words. He shook his head slowly.

"I don't think you're guilty but everyone's saying that it's you." He said before walking away slowly. I felt anger swell inside me. My head throbbed and my legs ached. I sat down heavily on the floor and focused on breathing. I began to plan revenge. Somehow, I fell asleep. The sound of Jared's voice woke me.

"Hey" He said, poking me through the bars. I jumped and shifted away. He looked hurt. "Why are you here?" He asked

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at him and rolling my eyes. I shifted deeper into my dark corner and wrapped my arms around my knees.

"I mean, what were you charged with?" He said loudly, squishing himself against the bars. I scowled at him and wondered if I should answer his question or not.

"Homicide" I muttered, carefully watching his expression. It was neutral. He wasn't the one.

"What? Who?" He stuttered, taken aback. He jumped up and shook the iron bars, apparently trying to get it. He gave up and sat on the ground as I inched closer to him.

"Someone from our friend group said it was me" I said, picking at a scab on my elbow absently. He reached out his hand and grabbed mine. Smiling, I patted his hand. I almost told him about the rape but I thought it better to keep it to myself.

"Kita's in the questioning room right now. She and Jeremy were having an argument. What a snitch" Jared said, scowling heavily.

"It was Kita" I said, realization striking me hard. She could be the only one. She's the only one among us that would bend under pressure. The question is, why would she say it's me who killed them?

"I know, she's a snitch" He said, rubbing his hands together thoughtfully. Then, we heard a bloodcurdling scream. Police officers ran in the direction of the questioning room. I sat still, fearing that Kita was going through the same ordeal I went through.