
I'm Innocent

A scene that occurred late at night were witnessed by four friends and now, each and every one of them are being haunted by what they saw.

Tari_Foxie_7913 · Urban
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5 Chs

Misfortune Strikes

I screamed as I felt the officer force himself inside me. He was huge. Before I could scream again, he slapped his hand over my mouth and rammed himself deeper into me. I bit into his palm and he slapped me. Hard. I felt my teeth cut through my bottom lip. Tears stung my eyes as I lay on the cold iron table helplessly. I moaned in pain as he changed positions and slid deeper into me. I begged, words tumbling from my lips. He didn't listen. Instead, he pulled down the sleeve of my blouse and my breasts were exposed. They bounced up and down vigorously as he hammered into me, breathing violently.

After he was done, I lay on the table. Bleeding. Tears seeping through my closed eyes. I shook my head, denying the pain that coursed through my body. Whimpering, I stood up slowly and rearranged my dress. Wiping my eyes, I walked outside and plastered a smile on my face. Jared rushed up to me holding out his ice pack.

"How was it?" He asked quickly, settling down.

"Sir, it's your turn for questioning" a distant voice murmured. I didn't care, I didn't wanna talk. I just wanted to go home and sleep. Sighing, I walked shakily out of the police station without giving Jeremy or Kita a sideways glance. They stayed rooted to their seats as I breezed past them.

I drove home and struggled to unlock my door. I flung myself on the floor and wept until I was empty, feeling a knot grow inside my body. Before I could get off the floor, I heard a knock and the police stormed into my house. I was yanked mercilessly off the ground. I stared down at the little puddle of blood on the ground and realized that I was still bleeding. My hands were pinned behind my back and they were slapping on handcuffs.

"You're under arrest for the murder of Cole and Cheri and Officer Gerald." Offered the officer that was holding me. I shook my head vigorously. What was happening? Shocked, I let them shove me into their police car.