
I'm In The World Of Attack On Titan

Jiyu Tsukuru was chosen one night by the soul deliverer Truck-kun to be reborn in the world of Attack on Titans after he and his partner finished watching the last episode of its anime. In this familiar place, he was reborn as a child named Heishi of the Ryoshi family with his memories temporarily locked. An ancient family hidden from the rest of the world along with their many secrets. Join Heishi as he works on completing his mission along with his companions and serve as the light of hope and freedom in this dark cruel world. Expect a few moments or chapters where I try to add comedic and emotional scenes into the story. Attack on Titan and its pre-existing characters does not belong to me and this is only a work of fan-fiction.

Ludicolo_46th · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

The Titan Hunt

'Looks like this one's an abnormal titan.' After some thinking, Heishi finally thought up a way for his hunting. 'If it tries to eat me the first time it meets me, it's foe. If it doesn't, leave it alone.'

Heishi unstrapped the machetes on his back and dashed towards it, sharply turned left, and used a big rock as a stepping stone as he side jumped and spun in the air cleanly cutting of the nape as he neatly landed on the ground with grace.

"First hunt complete."

With the titan of the day dead and the abundant food supplies he collected yesterday, he decided to just roam for the rest of the day. Heishi walked around for a while enjoying the scenery when he came upon a big rock wall for behind it laid more trees.

For someone like him who was trained for 4 years for various skills, such a wall could not hinder his curiosity. He quickly climbed a tree and jumped to the top of the wall which upon looking at it now was about 20 meters tall and 3 meters thick, it encompassed the trial grounds in a semi-circle, ending in the mountains.

Heishi went down the other side and explored for quite a while till he finally reached the end of the forest where he surprisingly found a simple farmhouse complete with a little garden farm.

By the time he found the house, the sun was already starting to set on the horizon so he immediately went back while there was still light to prevent getting lost and made a mental note to come back and investigate it the next day.


The next day, he immediately proceeded to find the 2 titans after having breakfast.

This time, one was a 5-meter class and the other was a 7-meter, both were aggressive and went to take a bite of him quickly.

The slight increase in height also slightly increased the difficulty. The titan the day before was taken down in 8 seconds (time excluding the chase) but these two were taken down in half a minute for they were too tall for the nape to be reached by jumping.

This time he reached the house by noon and was able to deduce that it belonged to a family of 3, a beautiful middle-aged woman who should be the mother, an average-looking middle-aged man who's probably the father, and a beautiful young girl who seems to be the same age as him. (They're actually not, Mikasa during this time was still 9 just like Eren while Heishi is 10, similar to Annie and Armin.)

Heishi took a look at them again the day after once he finished hunting the titans sent to him who were all unsurprisingly hostile. The hunt took longer as the difficulty increased every day.


It was now the early morning of the fifth day, Heishi wore the violet scarf on his neck due to the chill in the air brought by the cold temperature that accompanied the dark clouds hovering in the sky. He had already been walking around for hours and had only hunted down two out of the four titans he was expecting to appear.

He was currently tracking one which was moving quite erratically, far more than normal abnormals. This one was leaving deep imprints on the ground and moving away from his and the family of three's location and into a secluded part of the grounds where the grass was higher than people and really long vines growing all over the place.

Heishi carefully entered the grass with his machetes on both hands and the kunai knife on his mouth. There in the middle was a clearing where the titan laid still on a...seducing position? It had one arm supporting its head and the other on her hips while facing his direction looking at him.

"What the hell?" Heishi was unsurprisingly surprised as this was by far the most abnormal... well, abnormal he met.



Suddenly sounds of rustling and hoarse growl were heard from behind him to which he quickly turned around but was still not fast enough as a titan tackled him sending him flying near the other one, crashing into a tree with a loud thud.

Heishi dropped the kunai knife in mid-air but was still able to cling onto his machetes. The pain was present all over his body and this was the first time in 5 days that he was actually hurt by a titan.

Trying his best to ignore the glaring pain, he tried to get up which he did with great effort and he knew that strength was quickly leaving his body so before he would lose it all, he jumped for the neck of the titan near him which was still lying down and mustered all that was left of his strength as he chopped down at the titan's nape.

The titan died with one final growl as it started releasing steam. Heishi was only able to release a quick breath of relief when the titan that ambushed him grabbed him with both hands. and lifted him in the air. Taking a better look at it now, the titan had a thin body and very long limbs which were nearly a third of the thickness of its torso. The titan opened its mouth and slowly pulled him closer to its mouth...deja vu. Unlike last time, he no longer has any strength to resist.

He closed his eyes, awaiting his demise...any time now?


Along with the growl, he felt his body be sent to the air before falling on the ground. Heishi opened his eyes and found the titan lying in front of him facing down with smoke coming out from all over its body with blood clearly flowing from its neck on where the nape should be.

In front of him stood an ape on two legs, looking at him in curiosity while holding a bloody kunai knife in hand, the blood in it evaporated quickly.

He knew this creature, it was the furious Chimp-Bono back in his first day whom he helped retrieve the body of the bird that was entrapped in a bear trap.

Just as he was about to give his thanks to it, fatigue washed over him as the adrenaline vanished. He could no longer hold on as he lost consciousness.


<An unknown amount of time later>

Heishi awoke with a start as the pain in his body was still there but it significantly lessened. The monkey was no longer there but it left the kunai knife on the ground.

Seeing as the monkey was nowhere to be found and all the titans of the day dead, he slowly made his way to the house outside the forest even though the dark clouds in the sky signify that it would rain soon.

He was just about to head out when suddenly flashes appeared in his mind, visions of the vibrant home but instead, it was dark and dull that matched the horrifying scene within it where a man slumped down beside the table and a woman fell lying down both oozing blood from their pale dead skin.

Heishi's heart skipped a beat for he could not be any more familiar with these 2 for they were the parents within the family of three he had been watching for days.

Fear and anxiety for them arose within him as he picked up his pace and hurried to the place, hoping that it was just a vivid thought, a figment of his imagination.

The house seemed...quiet, a bit too quiet. Not a soul was in sight and Heishi had an ominous premonition as he remembered the vision he saw earlier when the scent of human blood traveled to his nose from the direction of the house.

Heishi hoped it was all false thoughts but simultaneously preparing for the worst as he slowly stepped out of the forest and walked to the house. The closer he got to it, the stronger the scent was.

As he walked to the front of the house, he found the door wide open with a body lying by the side of the table in an awkward sitting position with its face hung down and a bloody wound on his waist. Heishi's eyes were wide open as he recognized the person as the middle-aged man.

The man was stabbed! He deduced after looking at the situation that the man probably opened the door when the person on the other side stabbed him in the waist. He must not have had the chance to warn his family inside the house before falling down beside the table and that was when he drew his last breath. Inside the house near the body of the man was the body of the woman lying on the ground with a deep cut on her shoulder and her head similarly looking inside.

It was exactly the same as the one in his vision earlier! Heishi worried for the girl for he did not see her in his vision and hurriedly searched for her.

He searched the house but did not find the young girl of similar age to him but there was blood on the floor in the living room.

"Did they take the girl?" Heishi immediately went outside after closing the door and looked for clues to what direction they went to after thinking of what they might do to her.

After some investigation, he deduced the direction and immediately went back inside the forest, opposite to where the trial grounds were for that was where the clues led to.

Unbeknownst to him, half an hour after he left when the downpour had just begun, a cart pulled by 2 horses with a middle-aged man and a young boy similar to his age as well on it stopped in front of the house as they went down and the middle-aged man began knocking.

The middle-aged man wore a pair of glasses and his long black hair's end was covered by the hood on his raincoat. The young boy did not wear glasses and had short hair but similarly wore a raincoat but had the color green instead of blue and wore a red scarf on his neck.

3 chapters for now, the missing two will be posted later. There isn't much action as what would you expect? Those are all weak abnormals who only knew how to lunge and not shifters. More of the action will be on the next chapter.

Yes, Heishi's memory is not locked but only prices of it appear from time to time and I indeed changed and added a few thing in this chapter including the Author's Thought.

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