
I'm in the heros harem?

"some people fulfill their Hope's and dreams, but most dont. Some give up halfway, and others just dont even try, But me... I'm not giving up"

gates_of_babylon · Urban
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3 Chs


Outside it is spring, this spring is a beautiful spring with all the cherry blossem trees in full bloom and it's not to hot outside either.

On the other hand some people aren't able to witness the beautiful spring, or any season for that matter.


"Hmmm" on a hospital bed we can see a bald girl with her eyes closed starting to wake up.

'Tap, tap'

The girl on the bed (who has already woken up) starts to look around with her dark brown eyes, hearing the footsteps.

"Hello Mrs. Amellia" The girl on the bed says weakly.

"Hello to you to sherry" The doctor Mrs. Amellia says. Then she looks at sherry with a down look and starts to get tears in her eyes.

"So, let's get straight to the point, how long do I have left" Sherry the bedridden girl says.

Mrs. Ammelia looks down but you can sull see tears on her cheeks that are starting to fall.

"You have about a week at most" Amellia says in a choked breath.

Sherry upon seeing Amellias state flashes a small weak smile and says.

"Please dont cry Amellia, its not your fault that cancer got the best of me" Amellia looks back up and give Sherry a small forced smile.

"Sherry, me and you have known each other for a long time, and I didnt think you would go so soon"

"But it was really nice knowing you Sherry, so let us spend the rest of your time together.

Sherry then smiles and lays back down while looking at the ceiling.

"Yeah amellia, it has been really nice knowing you, so let's spend all the time we can together" Sherry says

After that Sherry and Amellia spend the next week talking about whatever they can think of.

(A week later)

In the middle of the night we can see the same bedridden girl laying on the bed with her eyes open.

She suddenly heaves a heavy sigh and puts her hand together in a praying motion.

"God if your listening to me, please let amellia have a good life after this and dont let her get depressed." She stops to take a breath.

"Also, I know this might be asking for alot, but let me marry a prince charming in my next life" She stops praying and closes her eyes.

A little while later she fell asleep. And never woke back up again, In this world atleast.