
I'm in Solo Leveling With My Brothers

Me and brothers are in Solo leveling, we just got our memories back when the first gate appear in front of us. So it's up to us fight against the monarch & brilliant light whatever they call themselves. Warning: I don't own solo leveling, the credits goes to owner that made solo leveling. I'm just fan that's looking forward to see solo leveling on Anime,and I'm just making some random fiction ideas for the readers to enjoy.

Mazino_Carlodaze · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 Plan part 2


5 brothers killing hundreds of monsters,they were competing who can kill the most. Issei was sliding and flipping while dodging the monster attack. He then jumped backward while use his hand signs.

Issei " Inferno majestic flames!"



The monsters were screaming for there life, issei flames cover the whole field. While that was going on, some of the monster couldn't move or stand up. Because, Danny is using his spiritual pressure on them, he didn't need to use his blade.

Danny " I'm not even using 10% of my spiritual pressure, and you already struggling"

Andrew " This insect are not worthy of my blade, this was a waste of time."

On the other side, you can see the purple flames in front piles of dead bodies. Mike was folding his arm while flexing, he was showing everyone his back. He wanted to act cool in front of his brother, but he still put on a series face while looking back at Michael.

Mike " What's next "

Michael " don't worry. We are almost there, good thing that this place is huge,it's like maze in here."

[Speed activate]


Michael ran towards monster and use 3rd stance hwechook technique. The monsters were knockout cold, he didn't hold back at all.

3red stance hwechook info: An attack that has gathered force through rapidly spinning on a central point. The technique is essentially a three step kick, where after knocking the opponent's head in two direction with the first and second kick, shaking the opponent's brain, then follows up by rapidly spinning and kicking the opponents head in the opposite direction to finish the opponent. The force from being knocked one way and the collision with the kick coming from the other side causes the damage dealt to an opponent to be two to three times than normal. If the victim flinches and tries to evade by going back, damage increases.

Mike " What the hell was that move, I didn't see a technique like that before"

Michael " I already memorized it"

" Hey"

Michael and Mike was listening to someone calling to them.

Issei " Just letting you know, we almost to the boss room. I also got some information from my clone, that one the guild is almost here. Should I send some one of my clone to stall them."

Michael " Nah. Let's just move little bit faster."

Andrew " Mongrel. what should we do with these lower life form,my precious time is limited "

Andrew pull out golden cup out outta know where, he immediately grab another cups for his brothers. He was able get all of gilgamesh treasure in his vault, he had his memories as well.

Issei " Is this what I think it is"

Andrew " yes. Should we head towards there already"

Michael " Go"



2 hours before...


" Damn it!, this creatures are every where"

Jack " Yeah ...Fu**!"

David Cortez " Everyone back in formation"

David told everyone to get position, there are more monsters heading their way. This Goblins are no by means weak, this type of monsters usually appear in low level gate not mid level gate. David can tell this low creatures are trying to do something but, he doesn't know what it is.

Jack: " What!"

" What's going on man!(man voice)"

David " Something is not right here"

Everyone: "???!"

Jack " What do you mean by that"

David " Well. For example, this type of monster doesn't appear in these level, usually it's wolf or giant snake."

Jack " Anddd.."

David " Sigh... what saying is, can you feel this something wrong about this gate"

" Now you mentioned it, this type goblins usually run away if one his kind die on the spot,but this goblins doesn't want to. It's almost like they trying to suicide or something.(man voice)"

Jack " Maybe they are not afraid of death"

David " No, it's almost like they have no choice "

Jack " So, are saying they are afraid of something more than us"

David " I don't know but be on guard at all time"

" Alright!"

Somewhere on the otherside of the gate...


The Angel guild is fighting some huge goblin. They were killing alot of them, while there healer is giving them buffs.

" Come on you bastards!(Women voice)"

" Sonia!, I'll cover you"


Sonia " Thank you captain!"

Victoria " Make sure you don't give them opening if you do, they will strike without hesitation"

[Speed activated]

[Sword slash activate]

Victoria ran towards the goblins slicing them into pieces, the goblins was still jumpimg toward them with evil smile. They didn't care if they die on spot, the goblins was still carrying a smoke.


There were smoke everywhere covering the hunters sight but, for goblins they didn't need to see. They use there sensing skill to find them in the smoke.

[ Dagger Slash activate]

Goblin "Kkikii!(laughing)"


" Haawww!(women voice)"

Sonia " Damn it!, this goblind are slick. They use smoke bomb to cover our site, but for Victoria is different story(Smile)"

[ Speed activate]

[Dual blade activate]


Victoria slash all the goblins in the smoke, not giving them anytime to escape or attack. Goblins blood were everywhere, even there body's were cut into pieces.

Victoria still pushing herself to the limit, she was dashing and slashing .

The teammates were at "Huh" at her while killing the hobgoblin. The womans started running towards the goblins since, they can see them now. Sonia use her speed to get close behind the hobgoblin back.


Hobgoblin " Haawww!(scream)"

Sonia " That's for payback for ambushing us, you damn ugly motherfu****!"


Hobgoblin was stab from behind his back, but he still grab his weapon and look back at the enemy.

[Speed activate]

[Sword slash]


The goblins head can see his own body. He didn't know what happened, it was to fast that he couldn't see it. Victoria close her distant towards Sonia enemy, she cut of his head instantly.

Victoria " Are you alright"

Sonia " Better than you...haha"

Victoria " Let's move on.the scavenger guild are ahead of us we need to go there, we don't wanna fall behind them."

Sonia " You got it boss(Smirk)"

" Hey guys someone here"

Every women were on guard, they were ready to kill the enemy. Sonia told them to wait, Victoria went to check who it is.

Victoria " You can come out now"

"Haha.... Sorry, we got up with you guys. Can you guys put down your weapons please."

Victoria " Who are you"

" I'm Jonathan. I'm here with my teammates to collect the some monsters core(sweating)"

" They are here to steal our loot(woman voice)"

Johnathan " No, no you got it wrong guys. We are hired for collecting but not to steal your loot."

Victoria " And who are them then"

Jonathan " This is Jake,Stacy and Mei. They are Kevin and his groups"

" I can sense their aura, their level seems a C ranks(women voice) "

Jonathan " So your sensory type"

" I'm also a Swordsman class(women)"

Jonathan " Good to know "

Random woman " How about them"

Jonathan: " Oh. Those are my new recruiters, they were hired to hold our bags."

Victoria " They seems to be good looking(blush)"

Sonia " They seem like good ones, what rank they have"

Jonathan " Well...."

Jake " You don't worry about it miss... They are just some E rankers, you don't need to bother by it...lol"

Every women " What!"

Victoria " Why is E rank doing in a C gate, you guys should know that they can die easily in here(mad)"

Jonathan " Well.... It's tha...."

Jake " because, they volunteered themselves we didn't force them to join us."

Kevin " Besides we were short staffs(smile)"

Victoria " So, your telling me they join on their own"

Jonathan " Yes miss, I told them many times that is gonna be dangerous. They still join our party to the end."

Victoria went and looked at those five recruiters. She still didn't know why would they join even they knew it's dangerous, in the gate anything could kill them even hunters. The laws in here are different, hunters can easily can kill you and get away with it.

Victoria " May I know why you joined this raid, even you know it's dangerous"

Michael " Well miss. We got family to take care & also gas prices are going up, so we got know choice but to find a simple job to get paid easily"

Random woman " True that"

Victoria " How much they paid you"

Michael " 17 hour"

Sonia " That to low"

Jonathan " hahaha(Worry)"

Jake " Please. We are protecting them with our numbers, so 17 hour is good paid & easy money for them."

Kevin " Yeah, they should feel grateful for what they got."

Jake was signal his eye towards Kevin to help him, Kevin immediately spoke for Jake behalf. They are trying to look cool in front Angel guild leader, Jake had crush on victoria . He then grab his equipment and walk in front Victoria.

Jake " I wonder if you guys still need any assistance, me and my group will help you as much we can"

Jonathan " Jake!, that's not why we are here for"

Kevin " Chill out boss, Jake got good idea think about it. It's better to be safe in a group"

Mei & Stacy " Should we"

Jonathan was thinking about it, they were not wrong though. Jonathan look at the five brothers, they are the only E level rankers here. He doesn't want there new recruiters to die in here.

Jonathan " Sighed.... Alright then"

Kevin " See...."

Victoria didn't have time to watch other party members, but she also worried about the 5 brothers. They are basically easy target for monsters, she doesn't know wether they accept their offer or not.

Sonia " Alright then, we will be in you care as well."

Jake " Alright then....haha"

Jonathan " Sorry.... For dragging things"

Sonia " No problem"

Victoria grab Sonia arm and told her.

Victoria " What are you doing Sonia"

Sonia " Come on Captain, I know what you thinking. Let them join our party for now, besides our group are still recovering from the battle we have before."

Victoria look at their teams, they are almost tired. Sonia was right, she doesn't want them to fight while their fatigue are worse.

Victoria " Your right sonia"

While there busy talking talking to each other, the brothers were looking ahead. They can sense a powerful aura wave far distance, they know it's the boss minion are fighting.

Michael " This aura properly A rank level or higher."

Issei " Good thing we are just clones while our real body are already ahead of the scavenger guild"

Danny: "Well, let's move on"


Back to the scavenger guild....


Fire was everywhere, the scavenger teams were fighting wizard. They were fighting 4 hours already, they are thinking about retreat and regroup.

Jack " Damn it!, why is this mage strong"

David " We need to hurry up, before he use another fire magic"

Jack " I know that already"

[ Speed activate]


Jack speed around the mage while David distract the mage.

[ Taunt roar activate]

David " Hhhaaaaa!.... Over here you bastard!"

While he got the mage attention, further away on top the rock in the dark. The glowing eyes can be seen were looking at the battlefield.

Issei "(whistle)"

Michael " They are taking forever, the other party are almost here."

Andrew " We should never trust this pheasant, they couldn't even handle a mere low level guards"

Michael " Let's just wait,and see what will happen then"

The brothers all agree...


Tell me what you guys think about this chapter.