
I'm in Pirate, Iron Fist Garp Cried At The Start

Crossing the pirates, I just want to be a salted fish. What? Dragon, the most vicious man in the world, is my father? Naval hero, Iron Fist Garp is my grandpa? That Emperor Luffy who gets into trouble everywhere is my brother? Ask: Born in this ** troublemaker family, how to survive? waiting online, very urgent! Fortunately, the standard gold finger is here. Pick up attributes to become stronger! Since then, a scary eight-year-old general was born! --------------------- First time translating Trying my best to be readable and understandable open to criticism open to suggestion Thank you

I_am_a_BigBoy · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 7: Everybody is Kung Fu Fighting

"Ha ha ha!" Garp laughed heartily as he looked at the surprised Sengoku. "And my grandson, who is only seven and a half years old, is already a skilled swordsman."


Sengoku was immediately dumbfounded. In his eyes, anyone who was not a great swordsman was not worth mentioning, but the idea of a young child mastering the art of swordsmanship was beyond his imagination.

"Do you know how old Vell is?" Garp asked, still chuckling. "He's only seven and a half years old, yet he's already a talented swordsman. With his potential, he could become a great swordsman in the future! And that's not all, he also has an unparalleled talent for conqueror's haki."

"Swish, swish."

Without hesitation, Sengoku signed the documents to allow Vell to enter the advanced training camp. "Old man Zephyr seems to be selecting students for the advanced training camp the day after tomorrow." After signing the document, Sengoku suddenly thought of something.

"Ha ha ha, I'd really love to see the look on that bastard's face when he sees my grandson's talent," Garp said, his interest piqued.

"I have something to attend to now, but I'll go and see for myself the day after tomorrow. I want to see if your grandson is really as talented as you say," said Sengoku as he handed over the signed documents to Garp. Garp, munching on his rice crackers, then left the marshal's office.


"Hmph! You're Vell? I heard that Lieutenant Tom brought you here," said Homer, a towering figure who exuded an oppressive aura. He approached with heavy, stomping steps, his words and gaze full of aggression.

At only seven or eight years old, Vell had already surpassed him in strength, making Homer, who should have shone brilliantly, suddenly appear dull. Now, he wanted to regain his dignity. But what if Vell's strength was overwhelming? The navy valued actual combat the most. No matter how talented someone was, if they couldn't handle actual combat, they were useless.

"I've been undergoing devilish training since I was three years old, fighting for my life against beasts to hone myself! Are you ready to fight me?" Homer stepped towards Vell, each step causing the ground to tremble slightly.

But Vell remained indifferent, his gaze towards Homer extremely calm. Only the weak constantly boasted of themselves. Why should the strong do the same? Vell knew who he was and what he was capable of. Being strong was simply part of his nature. There was no need for him to show off or brag.

"Can we start the fight now?" Vell asked the Examiner beside him, his impatience obvious.

"Yes," the Examiner nodded.

Actual combat training didn't require so-called fairness. As long as you could win, whether alone or in a group, it didn't matter. In other words, the world of pirates was a world of the strong. This was Vell's chance for a fair one-on-one fight. On the battlefield, would pirates give him the same chance?

"Let's attack together. We don't have time to waste on you guys." Vell looked at everyone and drew his sword, an extremely sharp aura spreading out from him as its center.

"Damn it, don't underestimate us!" The new recruits, who had been intimidated by Homer's arrival, became angry. They couldn't stand being ignored time and time again. Did Vell think they were all like Homer?

From Homer's performance just now, it seemed that his physique was very average. Almost all of his scores were around fifty. But he had been fighting wild beasts since he was a child, so his fighting instincts must be very strong. That was why everyone was afraid of him.

As for Vell, he might be a child with natural divine power, but he was still just a child. What good was having explosive Doriki without enough fighting skills? Could he just avoid getting hit?

Amidst a series of roars, Homer took the lead. He didn't care about everyone's attack on him. In a fight, fairness had never existed! He didn't believe in the so-called samurai spirit of one-on-one combat. As long as he could win, any means was fair game!

"Stop...!" exclaimed Tom, who was not far away and wanted to step forward to intervene. However, Koby and Helmeppo held him back.

"What are you doing? Vell is the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp. I can't let anything happen to him!" Tom said anxiously.

"Don't worry, Lieutenant Tom. Vell's strength is beyond your imagination," replied Koby with full confidence.

Tom was incredulous. Could a child of seven or eight years old really have practiced martial arts since he was in the womb? Even if he had, without systematic learning, how strong could he be? While Koby delayed, the crowd had already surrounded Vell, making it too late to stop it now. A drop of sweat slid down Tom's forehead. This was bad. Trouble was brewing.

"Heh," Vell, the person involved, remained surprisingly calm despite being surrounded by people on all sides. He closed his eyes, completely focused on the moment.

Holding just a wooden sword, Vell's aura was so fierce that it was frightening. However, the many new soldiers who were coming to attack him couldn't sense it.

"Heh, closing your eyes in despair?"

"This is the price of your arrogance!"

"Want to challenge all of us alone? You're too young!"

At this moment, almost all the new soldiers laughed. They thought Vell had given up resistance. The victory of this battle belongs to them!


The laughter on their faces froze the next second as they approached Vell, but they never saw it coming. Suddenly, Vell's eyes opened and his wooden sword immediately slashed out, unleashing an invisible shockwave.

The wooden sword couldn't withstand the force and shattered inch by inch. Dozens of new soldiers who were approaching Vell screamed and flew backward, their bodies torn apart by the invisible slash.

Blood sprayed into the sky as the parts of their bodies that were swept by the invisible slash were torn open. Though not fatal, the pain was excruciating.