
I'm in Naruto: Double Package at the Start!

=== - Translated by: MTLNation (website) - Edited by: Me Link to MTL: https://mtlnation.com/novel/im-in-naruto-double-package-at-the-start/ 2 Chapters every night at 9pm GMT +8 No chapters during sundays === Traveling to the world of Naruto, Shirakumo Hayama awakened his system! He thought he was about to reach the pinnacle of his life, but the system failed! Ten years passed in a flash… Just when Hayama had no hope for the system, in the morning the system was suddenly repaired! In the beginning, not only a [Newbie Gift Pack] was presented, but also a [Failure Gift Pack] was compensated. Two gift packs, double happiness!! Inside those gift packs were...

Sleeping_God · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 47

"You guys, who are you guys!?"

"You actually want to murder the minister of our Kingdom!!"

After hearing what Hayama said, about how Mukade was killed and sealed the Ryūmaku veins, Sārah suddenly became a little angry.

Because in her heart, Mukade is a minister who has inherited her mother's last wish and dedicated his best to Rōtan.

Therefore, she naturally didn't believe Hayama's remarks.

She felt that the group of unknown people in front of her was even more suspicious.

"Your Majesty… The Queen…"

Just when Sārah questioned Hayama's group, a whispering voice suddenly came from a corner next to it.

Then a group of old and weak women and children in ragged clothes, holding various rakes and clubs, walked out of the shadows.

They are the people of this country. They originally planned to sneak into the central tower to find Her Majesty the Queen.

Unexpectedly they found her here.

"You…what are you doing!?"

Seeing a group of people holding weapons, Sārah paled and took two steps back.

After all, even though she was pampered, she knows the dangers of the world.

"You… are you really the Queen?"

Suddenly someone in the crowd asked, Sārah nodded subconsciously.

At this moment, a woman walked out of the old and weak women and children and came to Sārah and pleaded:

"I beg your Majesty, return my husband to me!"

"What… what husband?"

Sara's face was puzzled, and she couldn't figure it out.

"And my brother…"

"My dad..."

"My son..."

Just when Sara was confused, there were bursts of voices begging for loved ones among the crowd of old and weak women and children.

This made Sara, who had not figured out the situation, even more, bewildered.

"What husband… brother… father… son, what are you talking about?"

Sārah asked suspiciously.

Her head was completely stunned at this moment.

"Did Your Majesty Sara forget?"

The previous woman spoke again: "Your Majesty Sārah gave us an order to send all of our relatives to you. So far, there is no news…"

"Nonsense…I never gave that kind of order!!"

Before the woman finished speaking, Sārah retorted loudly.

"It's an order from Mukade, in your name…"

At this moment, Hayama's voice sounded faint from the side.

All the attention of everyone was focused on him at once.

"I speculate that these people's relatives were taken by Mukade and he never intended to return them!"

A faint voice came from Hayama's mouth.

In the past two days, waiting wasn't the only thing he had been doing.

His eyes of Kagura had already probed the ground and the ground of this small country a long time ago.

"You mean… Mukade really..."

Sārah's body shook for a while, and she was a little unacceptable for a while.

She always thought that Minister Mukade was sincere, however, he was hiding the word from her, arresting the people in her name, and planning for his ambitions.

"Don't you really know?"

At this time, among the old and weak women and children, a fat child said naively: "No wonder everyone said that Your Majesty Sārah is a puppet princess…"

"Salai, don't talk nonsense!"

The women and children beside the fat boy quickly blocked his mouth and then apologized to Sārah again.

"Puppet… princess?"

A wry smile appeared on Sara's heart, and her heart was desolate.

Unexpectedly, as the queen of a country, she actually has such an image in the hearts of the people.

"Please take me to find the enslaved people, and I will rescue them myself!"

After suffering for a while, Sārah turned around and bowed deeply to Hayama.

She could also see that at this moment, only by relying on this group of people can she rescue the people who were enslaved by Mukade.

"Well, it's time to let go!"

Seeing everyone's eyes gathered, Naruko still buried her head in Hayama's arms. Seeing this, Hayama suddenly felt a little helpless.

Is my future daughter so clingy?

'I do not want that...'

Naruko squeezed his hands and muttered: "It's rare for me to fondle dad's arm like this… Let me stay a little longer"

A group of people from Rōran looked at the young girl in Hayama's group calling a young person 'Dad' who was about the same age as her. Everyone's expressions were full of weirdness.

Hayama also felt a little helpless.

'It seems that I will have a clingy child in the future...'

Seeing that Naruko still refused to let go, Hayama had no choice but to forcibly separate her.

It seems that it is better to be strict with his future daughter.

'This is too clingy' Hayama secretly thought.

"Come with me!"

Kagura's eyes opened, Hayama turned and walked towards a dark place, Kakashi and others followed.

"Everyone, go back, I promise, I will definitely bring your loved ones back!"

Sārah said to the people.

Then she took small steps and closely followed in the footsteps of Hayama and his group.

"Your Majesty Sārah, I will go with you!"

The woman who had asked Sārah for her husband before saw Sārah looking for their relatives for them, so she immediately followed.