
I'm in Naruto: Double Package at the Start!

=== - Translated by: MTLNation (website) - Edited by: Me Link to MTL: https://mtlnation.com/novel/im-in-naruto-double-package-at-the-start/ 2 Chapters every night at 9pm GMT +8 No chapters during sundays === Traveling to the world of Naruto, Shirakumo Hayama awakened his system! He thought he was about to reach the pinnacle of his life, but the system failed! Ten years passed in a flash… Just when Hayama had no hope for the system, in the morning the system was suddenly repaired! In the beginning, not only a [Newbie Gift Pack] was presented, but also a [Failure Gift Pack] was compensated. Two gift packs, double happiness!! Inside those gift packs were...

Sleeping_God · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 46

"You…what's your name?"

After a while, Hayama asked the girl in his arms.

He didn't expect to have children!

And still such a cute girl!

At this moment, although Hayama's complexion eased a little, there was no sign of calming down in his heart.

Because the amount of information in a girl's mouth is simply huge…

"My name is Naruko… Shirakumo Naruko!"

(E/N: •_•)

The young girl arched Hayama's chest delicately, her voice still the same as before, Tsundere.


Hearing the girl's name, Hayama was full of black lines…

Will I give my daughter a name that is so casual and so second?


"Captain Hayama!"

At this moment, Kakashi and Tekuno rushed over from behind.

Hearing Kakashi's voice, Hayama suddenly felt strange.

For a while, I turned to look at the future Kakashi, and then I turned to look at the Kakashi of this era.

"Captain Hayama…now…what is the situation?"

He caught up with Tekuno who was coming and looked at the girl in Hayama's arms, with a dazed expression of confusion.

"Oh, Uncle Tekuno…"

When Tekuno was puzzled, Naruko suddenly got his head out of Hayama's arms.

Then he stuck his tongue out mischievously and said, "You have been so fat for more than 20 years…"

"Huh… Uncle? Fat?"

Hearing the girl's ridiculous words, Tekuno's black line on his face said angrily: "I'm only seventeen years old this year, okay, you actually call me uncle?"

In Tekuno's heart, he received 10,000 critical hits.

"Ahem!!" ×2

Hayama coughed twice.

Then to Tekuno, who looked sad, and Kakashi, who looked curious, said, "I'll introduce you to…this is…my daughter…"


Hayama's voice fell, and Tekuno and Kakashi exclaimed at the same time, and their voices became broken.

At this time, the actions of the two men were surprisingly consistent.

For a while, he looked up at Hayama, and for a while, he looked down at the girl in his arms.

After repeating it several times in a row, they really found that Hayama and the girl actually had five points.

"Captain, don't joke around! How is this possible!?"

Tekuno's head shook like a rattle, and he didn't believe Hayama's words at all.

Because Hayama and the girl in his arms, although they look similar in appearance, the difference in age between the two is definitely not more than five years old.

So he decided that the two could never have a father-daughter relationship.

Kakashi on the side also nodded in agreement.

"Well, she came here after more than twenty years…"

Hayama rubbed Naruko's head indulgently.

Then he smiled and explained to Tekuno and Kakashi…


"Travel through time?"

After listening to Hayama's explanation, both Tekuno and Kakashi were dull.

Because this kind of thing is simply unheard of, and it's too outrageous.

At this time, the future Kakashi was also quietly listening to Hayama's words.

He also didn't expect that Teacher Hayama actually knew so much about Ryūmyaku veins at this time…

"That's right..."

Hayama looked at Kakashi in the future with a smile, and said to the two: "There is still one person who hasn't introduced you to you, this is…"

"My name is Yamato!"

Just when Hayama was about to say his name, the future Kakashi quickly interrupted Hayama's introduction.


What the hell is this?

Don't you want to reveal your identity?

Hayama looked at Kakashi in the future with a weird face.

"We were accidentally affected by the Ryūmaku vein during the mission, and then we passed through."

The future Kakashi explained it to the past Kakashi and Tekuno.

Undoubtedly, the two of them once again confirmed the authenticity of the Ryūmaku veins Hayama said.


"You really crossed over twenty years from the future?"

Although the matter is very clear, Tekuno still feels very incredible.

After all, things like traveling through time, no matter what world they are in, only appear in the bridge segment of movies and novels.

It was the first time they met in the real world.

"Of course, that's why I called you my uncle"

Naruko's voice came out again, adding a few more black lines to Tekuno's face.

"By the way, the future Hayama…cough cough!"

The future Kakashi wanted to ask something, but he almost revealed his identity because of a missed word.

So he hurriedly coughed twice and concealed the honorific name that had not yet been called.

Finally, he said again: "Hayama-sensei, since you know the Ryūmaku veins so well, do you know how we should go back?"

"A way back?"

Hearing future Kakashi's question, Hayama thought about it.

In the Naruto movie version, after Naruto and others defeated Mekudo and sealed the Ryūmaku veins, time and space would be corrected.

Naruto and Yamato were also brought back to the original era.

Thinking of this, Hayama also truthfully told the information he knew.

"I see!"

Hearing Hayama's explanation, Kakashi also nodded.

At this moment, Sārah, who had been standing by for a long time, stepped up angrily.