
I'm in Naruto: Double Package at the Start!

=== - Translated by: MTLNation (website) - Edited by: Me Link to MTL: https://mtlnation.com/novel/im-in-naruto-double-package-at-the-start/ 2 Chapters every night at 9pm GMT +8 No chapters during sundays === Traveling to the world of Naruto, Shirakumo Hayama awakened his system! He thought he was about to reach the pinnacle of his life, but the system failed! Ten years passed in a flash… Just when Hayama had no hope for the system, in the morning the system was suddenly repaired! In the beginning, not only a [Newbie Gift Pack] was presented, but also a [Failure Gift Pack] was compensated. Two gift packs, double happiness!! Inside those gift packs were...

Sleeping_God · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 45

*Swoosh* ×3

After a few fast jumps, Hayama caught up with the red-haired girl and Sara in a flash.

"Stop! Put Sārah down for me!"

Hayama shouted. Just as he was about to draw his sword, A figure quickly fell in front of Hayama, blocking his pursuit.

This figure has broken white hair and a mask underneath his face. Judging from his figure, he is about thirty years old.

And his body is exuding a breath that Hayama is very familiar with.

That's right, it's the aura of kendo…

*Swish* ×3

Hayama's legs were on the ground, and there was a violent sudden stop.

A harsh rumbling sound came from under his shoes.


After a sudden stop, Hayama instantly pulled out the black sword Shusui in his hand.

Because blocking his figure in front of him actually gave him a very powerful feeling.

"Who are you!?"

Hayama's voice was a bit solemn.

As a traverser, a person who knows the Naruto world's plot very well.

He doesn't know that in the Naruto world, there was actually such a powerful kendo master.


The other party did not answer Hayama's words, but rushed straight up as soon as he pulled out the weapon from his waist.

He attached thunder attribute Chakra to his blade.

Hayama frowned. He seemed to have seen something familiar just now.


At this moment, a slash with thunder attribute slashed towards Hayama head-on.


The moment Hayama swung the sword, the wind attribute Chakra quickly covered his blade.

The wind attribute originally restrained the thunder attribute, so the opponent's slash was very easy to dodge and to stop Hayama from being cut in half.

*Clang* ×5

The two drew their swords and slashed at each other, and the sound of weapon collision surrounded them.

The attack between the two sides has also become more and more rapid.

However, no matter how sharp or tricky the opponent's attack was, they were all defended by Hayama one by one.

And at this time, Hayama's heart suddenly felt a very strange feeling.

Because he noticed that the guy on the other side's moves was very similar to him.2

*Clang* ×3


After a few more matches, Hayama suddenly tried hard.

Relying on the strength of the Uzumaki physique, he knocked the opponent out at once.

"You… are… Kakashi!?"

(E/N: Oh wow... I TOTALLY did not expect that~)

Just when the other party wanted to rush forward, Hayama suddenly spoke out.

So the other person's figure suddenly stopped on the spot.


After a moment of silence, the thunder attribute Chakra on the opponent's weapon slowly dissipated.

And the weapon in his hand was also displayed impressively, and it was undoubtedly the black sword Shusui.

"Unexpectedly, Sensei still recognized me even with a mask…"

(E/N: Bruh your Hatake family's hair color is like your brandmark. I'd be retarded if I don't recognize you)

With a wry smile, Kakashi slowly returned the black sword Shusui into the sheath.

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to test the gap between him and Hayama at this time.

However, after Hayama spoke his name, he could only give up.

There is a big difference between the Kakashi at this moment and the original.

Not only is there no scar on his left eye, no Sharingan, but the temperament exuding from all over his body is undoubtedly another kendo master.

This is why Hayama did not recognize him as Kakashi in the first place.

"You are holding my weapon and using the kendo I taught, how can I not recognize it!!?"

Hayama was also helpless.

He didn't expect that the person who blocked him would actually be his future apprentice.


Kakashi scratched his head and gave an awkward smile.

"So, in the future, I will give you all the Black Sword Shusui?"

Looking at the weapon in Kakashi's hand, Hayama asked with some confusion.

"Yes, When I got the Jōnin rank, you gave me this, sensei."

After Kakashi finished speaking, he stroked the black sword Shusui with both hands, obviously he was also very satisfied with the weapon.


It seems that the Naruto plot has been completely destroyed because of his arrival.

Seeing Kakashi touching the weapon with affection, Hayama's heart was a little fluctuating.

Naruto and Yamato were supposed to be the ones that will travel here. But it seems like Kakashi from the future and the red-haired girl are the ones that replaced them.


Thinking of this, Hayama suddenly asked Kakashi, "The red-haired girl just now…who is she?"

In Hayama's impression, Konoha probably didn't have any red-haired girls when Naruto and Yamato crossed over.

This is also something that puzzles Hayama very much.


(E/N: I TOTALLY did not see this coming...)

As soon as Hayama's words fell, the red-haired girl suddenly rushed out from the side and plunged into his arms.


At the moment the girl made her voice,

As if a thunder blasted in Hayama's heart, his body also froze in place.

"This… Don't tell me… Hey, Kakashi?"

Frozen in the air, Hayama turned his head to look at Kakashi in disbelief and helplessness.

Kakashi smiled and nodded silently.

My child?

My future child?

Looking at the girl with red hair in his arms, Hayama unconsciously raised his hand and placed it on it.

Is this red hair because of his Uzumaki physique?

Thinking of this, Hayama stammered and asked: "Are you… Are you… Me and Mikoto's child?"

"Dad, what are you talking about!"

The girl puffed up her cheeks and said angrily: "I am not the child of you and Mikoto, I am the child of you and Kushina…"

(E/N: I TOTALLY— okay I'll stop.)



Hayama's heart was thundered again, and it was even more violent than before.

Me and Kushina's child?

Mikoto isn't?

How did this happen?

How did me and Kushina end up together...

After the horror, a series of doubts emerged in Hayama's heart…