
I'm in Naruto: Double Package at the Start!

=== - Translated by: MTLNation (website) - Edited by: Me Link to MTL: https://mtlnation.com/novel/im-in-naruto-double-package-at-the-start/ 2 Chapters every night at 9pm GMT +8 No chapters during sundays === Traveling to the world of Naruto, Shirakumo Hayama awakened his system! He thought he was about to reach the pinnacle of his life, but the system failed! Ten years passed in a flash… Just when Hayama had no hope for the system, in the morning the system was suddenly repaired! In the beginning, not only a [Newbie Gift Pack] was presented, but also a [Failure Gift Pack] was compensated. Two gift packs, double happiness!! Inside those gift packs were...

Sleeping_God · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 44

"Captain, give me another bag of potato chips…"

On a small tower next to the central tower, the Hayama and his team were hidden in a corner.

This is already the second day that the three of them have been here to wait and see.

Although Tekuno and Kakashi both had doubts about Hayama's behavior, the two obediently obeyed the instructions and continued to wait here together.


Seeing Takuno stretch out his hand eagerly to beg for snacks, Hayama felt speechless.

In these two days, this guy was about to eat up all the snacks he had drawn in the system.

Taking out the last remaining two packets of potato chips, Hayama threw them to him helplessly.

"Heh…you are such a pig!"

Kakashi, who was aside, taunted Tekuno mercilessly.

He doesn't care about the fact that Tekuno is his senior.

"What did you say to say me?! At least I'm not reading a porn book during our mission!"

(E/N: Puff... Ha ha ha)

Tekuno tore open the package of potato chips, and at the same time turned his head and exchanged words with Kakashi.

Hearing his words, Kakashi's face flushed with shame.

Because it is boring to wait, Hayama took out a book and passed it to Kakashi.

This book will be his favorite book in the future, 'Icha Icha Paradise'

"Puff ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing Kakashi with a cold face turned blushing, Hayama couldn't help but laugh.

Although the two of them will exchange words from time to time in the past two days, their relationship is obviously much better than before.

Maybe because they discovered the embarrassment between each other, they also had a strange bond.

"Hayama-sensei, why you are still smiling. If you hadn't given me this thing, could I be so ridiculed by him…"

Seeing his teacher's heartless laugh, Kakashi's face suddenly became helpless.

But he still held his chest tightly, and his words and actions were completely opposite.

"Ahem… Stop smiling… Stop smiling…"

Hayama coughed vigorously twice, which brought his emotions under control.

However, the corners of his mouth still twitched from time to time, indicating that he had been trying his best to endure it.


After the three of them waited for a while, Suddenly, on the square below them, there were waves of the clattering of wooden planks being resounded.

Looking up, they saw countless humanoid puppets pouring over the square from all directions.

"Hey hey hey~ pay attention, it may be now!"

Seeing this, Hayama quickly reminded Tekuno and Kakashi.

If he remembers correctly, Sārah, princess of Rōran, was pushed down from the high platform at this time.

Then Naruto, who appeared in time, hugged and rescued the princess.

Hearing Hayama's words, Tekuno and Kakashi also let go of their errands.

"Captain, are you waiting for this opportunity?"

Looking at the densely packed dolls, Tekuno was very puzzled.

Because before Hayama, they did not tell them why they were waiting.

So they all thought that Hayama was looking for a good time to kill the target. But the current situation seems to be different because if they were to do it at this time, they would definitely be overwhelmed by hundreds of puppets, which was obviously not a wise choice.

Kakashi was also a little confused, but he completely trusted Hayama and did not question it.

After these days of understanding, he knew very well that his teacher was by no means a reckless person.


Just when the two were thinking about each other, guessing Hayama's mind, A sharp scream suddenly came down from above the sky.

The fence above the central tower suddenly collapsed, and a red-haired girl fell straight down.

*Click, click, click…*

Hayama instantly reduced his weight by half with the squid girl's bracelet.

At the same time, his attention suddenly concentrated.

If Naruto does not appear at this time, then he must rescue Sārah at a critical moment.



Just when Sara thought she was bound to die, Hayama was also about to make a move.

A beautiful shadow with red hair suddenly rushed out from the nearby building and caught Sarah who was hanging down.



After the red-haired girl took Sārah, her feet slid down two or three meters on the wall.

Then suddenly she jumped lightly, and after a few jumps, she had already jumped out of the square.

What the fuck?

What's this situation??

At this moment, Hayama looked dumbfounded!

"Chase them!!"

When he reacted, Hayama hurriedly gave an order to Kakashi and Tekuno beside him, and then quickly ran out.

At this moment, his head was very confused.

What about Naruto? Where did Naruto go?

And this red-haired girl, what is the situation now!!

*Swoosh* ×2

After hearing Hayama's shout, Kakashi and Tekuno quickly rushed out behind him.

However, compared with Hayama at this time, their speed is undoubtedly much slower.


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