
I'm in love with my driver

Denise is a 33 year old woman who has it all. Beauty, money and brains. She is looking for love, real love. But all the men she ever dated all wanted to have a share in her wealth. She almost gets disappointed when real love finally comes to her from a place she least expected. Will she accept this love, or will she let him go? Harold works for Denise. As her driver, he has seen how much Denise suffers in the hands of love. It worries him a lot and always does his best to make her happy. But as time went on, he begins to fall for her. He knows faking for your boss is wrong but he can't help what he feels. He tries his best to hide his feelings so that he does not ruin the friendship he has with her. Old lovers come between them and try to tear the two apart. Will he be able to tell her how he feels about her? Or, will he remain silent, and watch her fall for another man?

Maame_Efua_Quainua · Urban
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38 Chs


Denise wanted to go visit Mrs Sandy. She had not seen her after she set up the meeting with Harold. She had grown to love the woman, and was missing her. She called her up and arranged to meet her at one of the prestigious restaurants in the city for lunch. She drove herself to the place. She was to meet the older woman around 1pm. Harold was busy running some errands for Mrs Wilson that day, so he could not go with Denise.

Her mother wanted to give her one of her bodyguards to go with her to protect her but she declined saying she was going to meet a friend. Her mother wanted to insist, but she knew her daughter. Denise was not the one to easily give up when she sets her mind on something. She managed to convince her mother to let her go alone and her mother reluctantly obliged to her request.

When Denise got to the restaurant, it was already 1:30 pm. She was late and it bothered her that she might have made her future mother in law wait for her. To her relief, when she got there, Mrs Sandy hadn't gotten there yet. She sighed in relief and got herself a table. She ordered for a bottle of water and waited for Mrs Sandy to arrive.

What she did not expect was to see Karen coming into the restaurant with an older man by her side. As soon as Denise saw her, she looked away. She was late though, because Karen had taken notice of her already. Karen excused herself from the man and walked over to Denise. Denise wore an annoyed look on her face.

"Hello, Denise. Long time, no see." she smiled.

"What do you want, Karen? Why are you by mistake when you can just find a seat for yourself and your man over there?" Denise asked, looking bored.

"Aw, come on. I only came to say hi to you. Does my presence bother you so much?"

"Your presence mean nothing to me. I don't care why you came here anyway. Besides, I did not come here for you."

"Well too bad. I just came here in a friendly way but instead, you welcome me with violence and insults. I am surprised Harold even likes you. You are too bitter."

"Excuse me? What did you just say?" Denise narrowed her eyes at her.

"What?" Karen asked, feigning ignorance.

"Leave this place, Karen. I don't want to talk to you." Denise warned.

"Oh why? Is it because I mentioned your little boyfriend? I know you don't even love him. You are just using him to satisfy your whims. that is why no man wants to stay with you for long. Very soon, Harold too, will leave you and you will be all alone again."

"How dare you?" Denise charged at Karen who only jumped back, laughing hysterically.

"By the way, tell Harold I said hi," she said and walked away, still laughing.

Denise was fuming with anger. She wanted to ran after Karen and beat her to a pulp but she controlled herself. She was here to spend time with Mrs Sandy and nothing was going to spoil her mood.

A few minutes after Karen left the table, Mrs Sandy appeared at the door way. She smiled widely at Denise when she saw her. She waved at her and walked towards her.

"I am so sorry I am late, dear. I was in a meeting I could not get out of. So sorry," Mrs Sandy apologised and sat down beside her.

"It's okay ma'am. I know how busy you are and I am happy you came at my humble request. Thank you," Denise said.

"Ah, it is nothing. I will do anything to spend some time with my son's girlfriend," Mrs Sandy responded playfully.

Denise was blushing so hard. "He already told you about us, didn't he?

"Of course. Harold and I have been on really good terms. I am happy he trusts me enough to me anything on his mind. I have my son back with me and that gives me so much joy," Mrs Sandy answered with brightness in her eyes.

Denise smiled. "I am glad you guys are close now. I am very happy that you have settled your differences, really."

"Thank you dear. Have you ordered anything yet?" Mrs Sandy asked.

"No. I was just waiting on you. So, now that you are here, I guess we can order something then."

She called the waiter, who quickly ran to their side with their menus and handed it to them. She ordered her food, and gave Mrs Sandy the chance to order hers. She noticed something about the woman. Harold and his mother were so alike. She throws her head back whenever she laughs, just like Harold. She makes a lot of features with her hands whenever she talks just like Harold. And there was this brightness in both mother and sons eyes whenever they spoke about something that excited them.

She noticed the similarities when she watched the woman carefully. When the woman caught her staring, she stopped talking and looked worried.

"Denise, are you okay? You completely zoned out."

"Sorry. I-I am fine. I was just thinking about how similar you are to Harold. There are so many similarities between the two of you," Denise replied.


"Yes. You both look me so much alike. it's amazing, " Denise said.

The waiter brought their food at that very moment. He served them and left their table to attend to another customer. The two women continued to eat and chat. They kept talking and laughing that they did not notice the man staring at them.

After a while they both left the restaurant and walked to Mrs Sandy's car.

"I am happy to have finally gotten the time to spend time with you like this. I think we should one day meet at the house and watch movies one of these days."

"Yes, you are right. You and Harold should come by my house. Both of us can spend a lot of time together." Mrs Sandy suggested.

"That is a wonderful idea."