
I'm in love with my driver

Denise is a 33 year old woman who has it all. Beauty, money and brains. She is looking for love, real love. But all the men she ever dated all wanted to have a share in her wealth. She almost gets disappointed when real love finally comes to her from a place she least expected. Will she accept this love, or will she let him go? Harold works for Denise. As her driver, he has seen how much Denise suffers in the hands of love. It worries him a lot and always does his best to make her happy. But as time went on, he begins to fall for her. He knows faking for your boss is wrong but he can't help what he feels. He tries his best to hide his feelings so that he does not ruin the friendship he has with her. Old lovers come between them and try to tear the two apart. Will he be able to tell her how he feels about her? Or, will he remain silent, and watch her fall for another man?

Maame_Efua_Quainua · Urban
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


Harold kept smiling to himself. He has been smiling a lot ever since he told Denise how he felt about her. Being in love with Denise made him feel good again. It had been a while he felt this way and now that he was feeling it again made his heart flutter. 

He changed into new clothes after he came out of the shower. He had just returned from work with Denise. Denise had asked him to dress casually but she had not even told him where they were going. So, he took out his best shirt and jeans and changed into it. He came out of his room after he had made sure he was looking good for about the third time. 

He came out, and waited by Denise's car. He stood by the car and looked at his watch. Ten minutes later, Denise walked out of the house. She was wearing a pink dress which went all the way down to her knee. She was looking stunning in the dress which made Harold stare at her for far too long. 

"You don't have to stare so much. You can also tell me how you feel about the dress, you know," Denise said. 

"S-Sorry. You look absolutely stunning. I really love the dress," Harold stammered making Denise laugh. 

"Thank you, darling." Denise took out a blindfold from her purse and Harold frowned a bit. 

"What is that for?" Harold pointed at the black blindfold Denise was holding. 

"I am going to cover your eyes with this," Denise said slyly. 

"Cover my eyes? How am I going to drive you if my eyes are blinded? Sorry, but no, I am not going to allow you to use it on me," Harold said. 

"And who said you are going to be the one to drive?" Denise asked. 

"Wait? I am not driving? I don't get it," Harold said, looking confused. 

"No, I will be driving tonight. Come on, don't be shy. I just want to surprise you." she held the blindfold up towards Harold who had doubts written on his face. 

He sighed and felt defeated. "Okay, you can do what you want. I won't complain anymore." he turned and Denise covered his eyes with the blindfold. She led him towards the passenger side of the car, and helped him get in. Then, she ran to the other side and sat in. She drove off to where she wanted to take Harold. 

"We are here," Denise announced when they got to their destination. 

"I hear music. Where are we?" Harold asked. 

"Let me take off the blindfold so that you can see for yourself," Denise said and removed the blindfold off Harold's face. 

Harold looked around and saw that they were at a nightclub. There were people already tromping to the place. A man stood by the entrance, searching those who wanted to go in before allowing them in. Harold was surprised Denise brought him to a place like this. 

"What are we doing here?" he asked. 

"To dance, of course."

"I know. But, I never thought you liked places like this. I mean, I am quite surprised," Harold said. 

"I know. I guess there is always something new to learn about me. Come on, let's go in. We are not going to spend the night in this car now, are we?"

Harold smiled. He was very surprised indeed. He and Denise got out of the car and walked towards the entrance. After they had shown their id cards to the bouncer at the door, they were let inside. There were a lot of people inside and loud music was being played. They asked where the VIP section was and went there to sit. 

"How do you like the place?" Denise asked him. 

"It is really cool. How did you know about this place?"

"I used to come here with Elena some time ago. But, because of work and time, I haven't come here in awhile. This is one of the best nightclubs in town. I am sure you will love it."

"I know. I believe you. But you do know we have work tomorrow right?"

"Oh come on, harry. Don't spoil the fun now. Let's just have fun tonight, alright. Tomorrow will come whether we are here or not."

Harold smiled and shook his head. "Alright, let's have fun."

That night, they enjoyed each other's company. They danced and drank the night away. Harold did not want to drink much because he knew he would be the one to drive when they are to return home. Denise was already drunk after taking her third shot of whiskey. Harold wondered when she even started drinking. She had always hated alcohol, but recently she had been drinking. Harold allowed her to drink tonight, since they were there to have fun. 

It was a bit late when they both got home. Denise was dead drunk and was rambling on their way home. Harold had to drive them back home, since Denise was already wasted. He laughed when Denise kept rambling about how much she loved him. When she finally went quiet, she fell into a deep sleep. So, Harold had to carry her to her room and put her in her bed. 

He kissed her forehead and covered her with her blanket, then left her room. 

Denise woke up late with a bad headache. She frowned her face when she felt her head banging. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. Her windows had been closed, but the sun rays were still penetrating through. She slowly got out of her bed, and walked out into the living room. Her mother was in the living room reading something on her tablet when she walked in. 

"Good morning, mother."

"Good morning, baby girl. I can see you had a wonderful night?"

"Yeah, I did. But, my head hurts so much. Do you have any painkillers?"

"Yeah. They are in my bedroom. Don't you think you have to take something first before you take in any medication?"

"Mom, my head feels like I am carrying the whole world on my head. Please, let me get the painkiller first, before this headache kills me." she said and walked back upstairs. 

Mrs. Wilson smiled and shook her head.