
I'm in love with my driver

Denise is a 33 year old woman who has it all. Beauty, money and brains. She is looking for love, real love. But all the men she ever dated all wanted to have a share in her wealth. She almost gets disappointed when real love finally comes to her from a place she least expected. Will she accept this love, or will she let him go? Harold works for Denise. As her driver, he has seen how much Denise suffers in the hands of love. It worries him a lot and always does his best to make her happy. But as time went on, he begins to fall for her. He knows faking for your boss is wrong but he can't help what he feels. He tries his best to hide his feelings so that he does not ruin the friendship he has with her. Old lovers come between them and try to tear the two apart. Will he be able to tell her how he feels about her? Or, will he remain silent, and watch her fall for another man?

Maame_Efua_Quainua · Urban
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


Harold called his mother three days later after Denise made them meet to talk at the same place they had met earlier. He got to the place first and was so nervous as he waited for his mother to arrive. He tapped his foot nervously and kept staring at his watch. He had already been there for thirty minutes and there was still no sign of his mother. The waiter had come over to him already to find out if he wanted anything, but he had respectfully declined, saying he will call him if he wanted anything.

He got up from his seat and faced the beach, where the sea kept roaring on and on like it was speaking to him. He heard someone walking behind him, but he did not turn, thinking it was the waiter again.

"Aren't you going to sit down or should I join you watch the beautiful sea?"

Harold turned sharply when he heard the voice and saw his mother standing before him looking as beautiful as ever.

"Sorry I am late. The traffic was terrible and I was caught up in a business meeting with a client. I hope I am forgiven?" she said, as she raised her eyebrows, and watched her son.

"Don't worry about it. You are not that late. Please, let's sit down."

They moved towards a chair and sat down. Harold sat with his back facing the beach and his mother sat in front of him.

"Did you order anything?" she asked, her voice soft and soothing.

Harold just shook his head. He saw the waiter approaching them and gestured his hand towards him. The waiter stood beside them and greeted them. he took their order nicely and left to go get what they ordered for.

"I must say, I was very nervous and happy when you asked me to come to meet you here. I am even shaking right now," she said as the waiter was away from them.

Harold smiled at her. This was his mother. The smile on her face somehow made him feel loved and comforted. He always wanted her to smile like this for him all the time.

"I actually called you here because of what we talked about three days ago. I wanted you to know that I have decided."

"A-And what have you decided?" she asked slowly.

Harold cleared his throat and continued. "I have decided not to continue hating you. I understand that you had no option than to leave me behind because you wanted to protect me. And I am happy I met you again. I want you to know that I have forgiven you and do not have any sort of hate towards you. You are my mother and will always be. And, I really want you in my life."

Mrs. Sandy felt so happy to hear those words from her son's lips. "You mean that? You really do forgive me?" she asked him, just to make sure she heard him right.

"Yes, mother. I do forgive you. I really do from the bottom of my heart," Harold repeated.

"Oh son. Thank you so much," she quickly got up and hugged Harold who was also on his feet.

There were people there, drinking and chatting with their partners. Harold knew they would be staring at them but he did not care. Hugging his mother was the best feeling for him right now and he did not care what others thought about it. They broke the hug and sat back down. The waiter came in with their drunks and apologized for the delay. Both mother and son were so happy to even pay any mind to the waiter. He immediately left after he finished serving them their drinks.

"So, mother. Tell me what you have been up to all these years."

"Well, a few years after I left, I met a man who was willing to help me get back on my feet again. He helped me learn how to sew then, opened a store for me where I sewed and designed. Little by little my business grew and now I have about five fashion houses all over the country."

"Wow, mother. That is great news."

"Yes. It is. God being so good, I have my own money now. That is why I came back. Because I knew that once I was powerful enough I will be able to fight your father and get you back. I just wish it did not have to take me thirty years to do that." she was sad again.

"Come on, mother. It does not matter. You are here with me now, and that is all that matters to me. So, let's forget about everything and enjoy each other's company for a while."

Mrs. Sandy smiled again. She was so happy to be reunited with her son and she was so grateful to Denise for setting up that surprise for her to meet Harold, her son.

"So did you remarry?" Harold asked her.

Mrs. Sandy nodded. "Yes, I married the man who helped me. He was so nice to me and was willing to share everything he had with me. I fell deeply in love with him and got married to him. He was not a very rich man but he was comfortable. All he ever wanted was to see me happy. He tried helping me to get you back, but your father decided to move away just to punish me. I thought I had lost you for good. But then, I never gave up searching for you."

Harold felt happy that his mother never forgot him. He was happy he finally got to meet her even though initially, he was angry with her. He had one person to thank for helping him get his mother back. And that person is Denise. He smiled when he thought of her. Denise had pushed for this moment to happen between mother and son. Harold could not wait to tell her that he had forgiven his mother. He knows Denise would be so happy.

"So, about Denise. Are you in love with her?" Mrs. Sandy asked making Harold almost choke on his drink.