
The Class

Well it was the first day of class. The sun shone brightly through the open windows giving the class an ethereal feel. I walked in through the doors not paying attention to the noisy chatter of girls trying to get noticed. I just wanted today to be over already. Not that I didn't want to study or learn but today just didn't feel right!

I'd rushed out from home some few minutes ago dressed in the black hoodie and matching black sneakers. I didn't really care about how I looked. Not that anyone noticed anyway.

I sat on my desk looking round the class. The guys around hardly spared me a glance. I turned sideways and caught a small group of girls laughing lowly at what a guy had said. It didn't bother me anyway, I'm in my fifth grade and I've been doing okay without the guys hovering over me like sugar ants.

The indistinctive chatter stopped abruptly the moment the Physics teacher stepped into the class. He looked funny in his large round glasses and his bogus trouser dragged up to his large tummy and secured firmly with a little brown belt. "Good morning class"he greeted, watching each person with a seemingly peering gaze.

"Good morning Sir"we all responded. Well apart from a little fashionista girl at the back who Mr. Freddy wasted no time in pointing out. "You, stand up"He said pointing a fat finger at the culprit. I watched as she feigned ignorance, turning her head this way and that. "I have warned you all severally" Mr. Freddy began, making his way to the back "if my mode of dressing is not appreciated the least you can do is to keep shut! He stopped right at the girls table staring daggers at her. Low sounds of laughter rang through the entire class. "And keep quite you all"he bellowed at the class. He turned back to the culprit "And what do you have to say you little cunt!". Mr. Freddy had been known for using foul words in class, so it wasn't an entirely new thing for us. "I-m so-r-ry Sir" Claire stuttered, almost at the verge of crying. Her face had turned bright red in embarrassment. Everyone knew that being Mr. Freddy's scape goat on the first day of the week wasn't an entirely good option.

"We're gonna be looking at matter today"he said as he scribbled "Matter"on the huge board. All eyes bored into Mr. Freddy's, a silent prayer in every heart that he should get the hell out. "Alright, the term matter can be defined as... ". A sudden shuffle of feet, turned all heads in the direction of the door. That was when I saw him or better still we saw him, walking majestically past Mr. Freddy. That caught my attention too. It was like we were all in a trance. I was so entranced staring at him that I didn't hear when the teacher halted him in his tracks "Hey, stop there! What are you thinking walking into my class without permission, huh? ". He swirled round like he was walking down a red carpet, a malicious smile playing at the corner of his very red lips. "I'm sorry sir"he apologized running a hand through his black locks. "But I'm a new student here". That provoked a whole lot of Awwws and eye blinkings. I could hear Claire whisper to the girl seated next to her "Man! He's so hot. And he's mine!". I smiled to myself turned my attention back to the front and that was when he caught my eye, I had never seen an iris so blue and a face so pale. My heart stopped for a moment! What! It stopped. This had never happened before..

You wanna know who that very hot guy was? Just stay tuned for the next suspense filled chapter ?

Chiblissycreators' thoughts