
I'm In Love With A Popstar

Daisy can't stand to hear about the new pop sensation, Skyler Grace. But as soon as her sister Madison becomes a fan of Skyler, the singer appears in her city to do a show. And Daisy has to take Maddie to the show. The girl ends up discovering that Skyler is not as unbearable as she thought when they make a deal.

Maduh_Aguiar · Teen
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4 Chs


-Bye bye Day, please don't forget our homework monday huh, you know, if you forget I will be forced to hit you.-Meghan, my best friend said when we were leaving the school.

-You're so funny, ha ha-I said with irony.

-Lets go Day-Nicholas said and stopped next to me.

-Oh, I'm sorry Nick, I forgot to tell you, I'm not gonna go walking with you today because...huh...a friend of mine, its coming to pick me up.

-A friend? Do I know her?-He asked and behind him a saw this huge black limo stop in front of my school.

Son of a bitch! I can't believe Skyler did that.

I don't like to get attention like that. Now I just hope she doesn't get out of the car.

-No, its a friend of my mom actually, know you two can go.

-Oh my god guys, look at this, who the hell has a limo here?-Meghan said.

-I...I don't know, why don't you two go walking together today? Go, go!

-Are you okay Day? You doesn't seem fine-The blond girl next to me said, finding my attitude kinda strange-After class I work, don't you remember girl?

-True...-I looked for the limo again and then for Nick- You know what? I will go with you Nicholas, c'mon lets go.

-Okay...but what about your mom's friend? She won't matter?

-No, I don't think so, In fact I am pretty sure she doesnt matter about anything.

Meghan said goodbye to us and left. Me and Nick were going to do the same, but I heard my name and turned back.

-Daisy, what are you doing?-It was Skyler, furious.

Everyone who was still at the school door looked at me. 1) Skyler Grace knew me 2) Skyler Grace came to pick me up from school, with a limo.

Nick looked at me with his scared face and the looked a Skyler, like he couldnt belive.


-C'mon, get in the car-"Car"? I thought, really Skyler? A limo its a simple "car"?- I can give a ride to this friend of yours, don't worry-she said, looking at Nick.

Before I could answer anything, Nick pulled me by the wrist and dragged me over to Skyler. Hypnotized.

-We sure will! I wouldnt miss this for nothing-he said, smilling to her.


Skyler as the usual, smillied back.

Soon, several people from my school went to her to take pictures, get autographs and blablabla, while Nick and I waited in her "car", with her driver and two of her security guards, who I confess to have a little fear. But that was their intention. I think so.

After waiting a while, she got back in the car and asked me to give the coordinates to get to my house and Nick's (we are neighbors), which I did without complaint, because I really wanted to get there and spread out on the couch.

Nick and Skyler talked animatedly as if they were best friends until they started to flirt.

How ridiculous, I couldnt believe it.

I gave a fake cough just so they realized I was there, but it didn't make any difference.

-We arrived!-I said happy, finally I was home. I got out of the limo and waited for them.

Nick and Skyler soon got out of the car and said goodbye to each other.


-I liked your friend.

-Do not even think about this Skyler-I opened the door and went inside, giving her space to enter as well, since I knew she wouldn't leave.

Skyler came in and sat on the couch with me as soon as I locked the door and threw my backpack on the floor.


-Because he is my best friend, duh. Isnt enough that my sister is your biggest fan and my mom thought you are "lovely"?

She laughed.

-Well, my first option is you, he's my second!

-You don't waste any time huh.

-That depends on the point of view. Now we could be doing better things than arguing about your best friend, so we are wasting time.

-What kinda of thin...Oh, nevermind. Nasty.

-I didnt said anything, you thought.


-So, are you always alone this time of the day?

-Yes, usually just the two of us stay at home, you know, me and Maddie. And I only pick her up at school like five in the afternoon, but today she went to a friend's house, she doesn't have classes on Saturdays.

-Got it.

-I'm going to do something to eat.

-Do you cook?

-I try a little bit-we went to the kitchen and she sat on the counter while I started preparing the things.

-But do you like?

-Kinda off. Do you?

-I love it, if I wasnt a singer, I would definitely be a chef.

-A girl with many talents, got it.

-I have more than you think.

I rolled my eyes.

-You ruined the conversation Skyler.

She laughed again.

C r a z y

-What are you doing?

-Just putting a lasagna in the oven. I'm not going to cook for Miss Chef.

-Why not?-she said, pouting.

-Because I dont cook so well yet.

-Maybe I'll teach you huh-I stared at her and she laughed again-Okay, I stopped. But I still want to eat something made by you.

-I will do a dessert then.

-But why make a dessert if you're already here?


-I'm sorryy, I'm joking, it was stronger than me!


I put the lasagna in the oven and got the things to make brigadeiro.

-Do you like brigadeiro? Its a dessert from Brasil.

-Yes, I love it!

-Me too.

-Good to know, now I know how to please you.

-Could you please me leaving?

-Thats not going to work.

-It was worth it a shot.

I started making the brigadeiro and Skyler kept looking at me. I got the impression that she was looking at my ass but I let it go. Looking does not take a piece.

-So, do you like being on tour?

-I get very tired but I meet a lot of fans, so its worth it.

-Cool-I said, while stirring the brigadeiro in the pan, which started to tangle-Shit

-What happened?-Sky asked.

-This fucking brigadeiro, its getting all tangled up.

Maybe you are not stirring the brigadeiro in the pan correctly.

-Defines "stirring correctly"-I said, making quotes with my empty hand.

Skyler got up from the counter and walked over to me, leaving her body close to mine. She held me from behind and held my right hand, which was stirring the brigadeiro, making movements lighter than mines used to be.

-Now do you understand what I mean?- She whispered in my ear, very close, making me shiver and move away from her quickly.

-Yes...So, could you finish it? I neet to take a shower.

-Okay-Skyler said and I went to my room.

I took my things and went to the bathroom to take a shower with very cold water. I was thinking about several things, and apparently it took me too long, because when I went back to my room (TOWEL ONLY !!!!) Skyler was sitting on my bed, looking at the pictures that were next to the headboard.

As soon as I entered the room, she looked at me and turned away.

-Sorry, I thought you were going to get out of there dressed. Oh, the lasagna is ready, and I put the brigadeiro in the fridge.


I started to get dressed and Skyler continued to speak, still with her back turned.

-Why do you have class on Saturdays?

-I don't know, but only the last year of high school has it. And it doesn't always have.

-You don't look younger than me, how old are you?

-17, but my birthday is only a few months away.

-When is it?

-August 20th

-Ah, you're a lion then. I like that sign. What is your ascendant?-She said, getting up and seeing more pictures that were on the wall. They were pictures of me with Nick, Meghan, Ryan, Lucas, Layla and Dinah. Part of my "squad".

-I dont know, I dont like this things-I finished putting on my clothes-You can turn around now.

She turned, looked at my exposed thighs for a while and then looked at the photo again.

-Who are?

-They are some of my friends. A lot of people are missing from the photo, but...

-This girl is very pretty-She said, looking at Karla with that face.

-No fun, she dates ok? This one-I pointed to Layla.

-Both have great taste huh.

-Yeah, but now let's eat because I'm starving.

Skyler and I went to the kitchen and served ourselves with the lasagna. We ate and talked some more, then we decided to go to the living room, watch a series she likes, called Friends, while we ate brigadeiro.

She laughed so much while watching, and so did I, the series was really fun, but there was a time when I started looking more at Skyler and thinking about totally random things.

As an example, I haven't even spent the four days with her and my opinion has already changed about her. Not so much, but a little. I'm already able to put up with it.

I also thought that when she "grabbed" me while I was stirring the brigadeiro, maybe I liked it, and maybe I really feel attracted to girls, because it felt so right.

-Hey, Sky.

-Say it honey-she looked at me and her mouth a little dirty from brigadeiro, I laughed.

-First clean the corner of your mouth, its difficult to take you seriously like that.

-Fuck you Daisy-she complained laughing and wiped herself with the napkin- Now talk.

-How old are you?

-Seriously?-She seemed surprise that I was wanting to know something about her.


-I'm 18! Almost 19.

-When is your birthday?

-July 22th

-Oh my God, its so close! So you are...aquarious?-I tried to guess the sign, since I don't understand anything about it.

She laughed out loud, so I guessed I was wrong.

-So far Day. I'm cancer.

-I don't know the difference between this two but okay, got it...Can I ask a more personal question? Its okay if you dont want to.

-Of course you can.

I was a little afraid, but she was the only one who could understand me at the moment.

-When did you find out you liked girls?-She turned to me and looked at me-Nevermind, no need to talk.

-Relax, I have no problem talking about it. And if you're okay with this conversation, so am I, because the times I got into that topic you really got stressed.

-I just have some doubts.

-Well, I was 14, and a new girl came into my class, Ashley, and then...

-Hey-I interrupted-Is her the girl that opens your shows?

-Yes! She is my best friend now.

-I loved her.

Skyler frowned

-Hmm. Nice.

-Keep talking.

-Okay-she laughed weakly and continued-Since I met Ashley, she always knew what she wanted and how to achieve it. It was no different with me. She wanted me, and she got it. She got me sleepless for days, she got me to think I was going crazy, and she also got me to remember that in fact, I always liked girls, I just hid it. But the moment I saw her all confident, being who she was and not caring about people think, it encouraged me to be more like her, and not to be afraid of who I am.

-I want to meet her, she seems to be a nice person. And wait, did you guys really dated?

-I can introduce you to her anytime. And yes, we dated, we were girlfriends for like, a year I think.

-And now you two are best friends, crazy world. I'm gonna tell you something now-Skyler looked at me, paying attencion-Theres a girl in my school, I may like her, or feel attracted, I dont know. What do I do?

-You just flirt with her duh

-Its not that easier Skyler!! I never even kissed a girl.

-You know I'm all yours.

This time a laughed.

-Its a serious issue, please dont joke about it.

-Im not joking. But you already kissed a boy, right?

-Yes. Some.

-And did you liked?

-Not at all.

-Are you not attracted to any boy?

-Nop. Never felt.

-Then why did you hook up with them?

-I dont know, maybe to see if I felt something.

-Got it. Well well well, look who is coming out.

She laughed and I laughed too.

-Stop it. I'm not sure yet. And if anyone suspect that this conversation happened, I would deny it with my life. This is a secret okay? I never told this things to anyone.

-I'm happy that you trusted me with this.

-I dont trust you, but I dont have anybody to talk about this with me so...

-Af you ruined the mood now.

-What mood?

Skyled rolled her eyes.

-So, tell me more about this girl, whats her name?


-Thats an ugly name. I kinda feel bad for her you know, she has an ugly name and she is a bitch.

-You dont even know her-I said laughing

-Exactly, and she already steal you from me! Bitch.

-I know her longer than I know you!

-B i t c h-Skyler spelled out and I laughed.

We talked all afternoon, and I have to admit it was very nice. When night fell, just before dinner, my mother and sisters arrived and Skyler said she had to go.

-Tomorrow I come here after lunch, okay Day?


-Hey, why dont you lunch here with us Skyler?-my mom suggested.

-It would be perfect! Thank you for invete me-She said smilling.

And that's when I remembered that she was Skyler Grace, and she would always annoy me, especially because she was super polite, she always smiles for anyone and she had the most annoying british accent.