


I woke up with a smile on my face. I remembered our conversation yesterday.

We agreed in studying together for the Midterm and Final exam and If ever I get included in our school top five then, he'll agreed to be my boyfriend.

Something inside me is telling methat it is impossible.

But I wanted to gamble for it.

I was also hoping that, within a span 2 months we'll be able to learn and figure out whatever this feelings we have for each other.

If that happens, even if I will not be able to be on top 5, he would still agree to be my boyfriend because he already realize his true feelings or whatever that is he has for me.

I hope.

I glee while imagining that he was confessing his feelings to me in a very romantic manner.

"KNOCK! KNOCK!" I heard a knock on the door.

"Yes? You can enter Elsa!" I gave her a permission.

She turned the knob and opened the door.

She looked tense for some reason.


"Your...your father wants to talk to you Rich." She finally said. She's somewhat giving me a sad and panicking expression.

"Really?!!" I got excited but I tried to ignore her aura.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"In..in his office." She answered and I nodded.

I faced the mirror and comb my hair.

It's Saturday so we do not have classes.

I'll use this day to spend time with my Dad before I focus myself into studying.

I smiled sweetly.

I heard Else steps walking on her way out of my room.

I sighed.

I felt nervous all of a sudden. It's been a while since the last time I talked to my own father.

Imagine? To think that we are living under the same roof.

I don't even know how to act in front of him.

Ever since I was a kid, we talked once in a while but it was so casual.

He never address nor acknowledge me as her daughter. She always called me by my first name.

I hope everything will change now.

I will do everything to change it.

I want to spend time with him, take care of him and love him as a normal daughter would do.

I exited out of my room and went straight to my Dad's office.

I stopped in front of the door.

I deeply sighed again. I'm nervous.

I knocked slowly but faintly.

"Get in!" I heard his voice. I don't know if I should be happy or more nervous.

I twisted the knob and open the door.

He was standing.

His back facing me.

As always.

He would never bother to look at me.

"I heard you asked your school Principal a favor." He started the conversation.

I got nervous all of a sudden.

That scambug!

He probably reported everything to my Dad.

"Aren't you ashamed of what have you been doing all this time Rich?!!" His voice raised.

"Why won't you realize that whatever you do reflect on me and our company. You disgrace me! Shame on you!" He shouted while turning his head a little.

I want to cry in disbelief.

This is not how I imagine this moment would be.

I bowned my head.

I don't know what to say.

I want to reproach him.

It's your fault Dad! It's your fault.

Don't you see?

I need your attention.

I need your love as a father.

But for someone who always talkback, I wasn't able to say anything.

"I'm not even confident if can entrust you our company with this kind of attitude of yours." He continued with anger in his voice.

"And because of that, I already made an arrangement for your marriage. As soon as you graduated from College, you'll marry the heirs of Deiwong Group of company, Christopher. The son of our long time family friend in China. They helped me a lot when I was still starting in the banking industry. He's a good man and a good addition to our family. He'll make Hemsfort empire even stronger." He narrated like everything is already been planned with or without my consent and knowledge.

As if my feelings doesn't matter anymore.

"N....nnnnoo." I finally answered faintly.

Tears are starting to fall on my cheeks.

I'm afraid of him.

I'm afraid that he gets mad at me even more.

But this is not fair.

I won't let anyone not even my own father to dictate my future.

No matter what.

"What?" He asked. He turned around this time to face me and confirmed what I just said.

"I said NO." I answered while looking at his eyes intently.

He laughed in disbelief. "Seriously Rich? Are you going against me now? Is that what you learned from school?" He asked. As if his mocking me.

"I will marry someone I love. Not the one you have chosen for me." I said straight and with so much authority in my voice. "Honestly this is not how I imagined this day would be..the day that my own father and I will talk in a less casual manner. But you know what, funny because somehow I feel glad..that finally...after so many years you now found the courage to look at me in the eyes." I continued while crying but looking straight into his eyes.

He looked away.

His face is blank.

"I'll prove to you,! I'll prove to you that I am worthy to be the heiress of Hemsford group. I'll earn your trust but again I will not get married to someone I don't love." I turned my back at him right there and then. I was about to exit the room when I noticed a familiar letter on the floor.

So he haven't seen it yet or he probably did, but chose to ignore it.

I stepped out of the room after the realization and closed the door behind me.

I will surely prove to you Dad.

That I'm worthy of the company...

And I'm worthy of your love....

I smiled bitterly.



For some reason I woke up in a very calm heart.

Rich and I agreed that, she and her friends will finally leave me alone if she will not be a able to get into our school's top 5.

I agreed because it's impossible right?

Don't get me wrong though.

I know for a fact that Rich is a fast learner and all that, but it is impossible to prepare for the exams for only 2 months.

I've been studying days and nights ,and whenever I have free time at work so I can say I am somehow a bit prepared. Additional 2 months is surely a big help in terms of being completely prepared.

But for her, who never tried or used to studying, it would be very difficult and almost impossible.

She needs miracle....

Since we'll be studying together, should I help her?

Do I need to do that?

I guess it's a no.

Because if she succeeded, then I'll be his boyfriend.

My dream of peaceful life in our school will turn into naught. Plus I'll be more bullied by his fans and her not so nice friends.

Because I highly doubt her fans will leave me alone as well.

They will never allow me to have her.

So you do have plans keeping her if not because of her fans?

I shook my head.

I will never be his boyfriend.


Let's stop thinking on that one for now.

I'm now on my way to work.

I will need to render OT as we have a lot of due dates and expenses this month.

I sighed.

I shouldn't be thinking about this things right now.

There are a lot of more important and pressing issues to worry about.

This is the least out of all those things.

So try to concentrate Warren and get back to work.

I arrived at restaurant in no time but I saw a familiar car parked along the parking lot.

What the?! Again???

Why does she have to bother me on a daily basis?!

I felt irritated all of sudden.

When I already conditioned my self not to think about her....

The more she will show up and disturb my mind again.

I parked my bike at the usual place and locked it.

I entered the door and I immediately saw Rich at the table  on the right hand corner of the restaurant pouring wine in her glass.

She's the only customer that we have.

That's unusual.

She was about to swallow another glass of wine but she somehow noticed me and signaled me to come over.

I was about to but I saw the manager came out from the kitchen.

He immediately went to my side and whispered.

"She rented the whole restaurant for 4 hours."

"What??" I asked in disbelief. That's the probably the reason why there's no customer aside from her.

Not even a single one.

"So you allowed it?" I asked in confusion.

"Of course! She's your special friend and it will be easier for us to just serve one customer and yet we are quota for the whole night! How can I refuse?" He gave me puppy look. He knew I'm somehow annoyed.

"Go to our most loyal customer and serve her with all of your heart." He teased with a wink.

I deeply sighed.

What is she doing here anyway?

I followed the manager when she entered the kitchen room again.

I placed my bag in our staff room. Then I went outside right away.

I have to stop whatever nonsense this is.

Can atleast give a day without your presence? You've been in my mind the whole time already.

And it is already turning my world upside-down.

I have no choice but to go to her table.

So I walked and stopped in front of her.

"May I know who do we owe the presence of our Princess?" I teased her but she seemed to be notin the good mood.

"Stop the bullshit Warren. I need to talk to you about something important." She said with a tamed jaw.

She then drank another glass of wine but she's not looking at my direction.

I'm not sure if she is just drunk but she seemed to be very serious at this time.

What is this all about again Rich?

"My father made an arrangement... regarding my fixed marriage. She stuttered. "He wants me to marry his friend's son." She said with teary eyes.

Wait what?

Marry someone?

Fixed marriage? Does it even exist?

Although I felt disturb for some reason but I shrugged it off.

"And... does it have anything to do with me?" I answered in a strong tone. Trying to ignore the disturbance I'm feeling inside.

I'm feeling a bit of mixed emotion..but happiness is not one of them.

She looked at me and I saw sadness in her eyes.

"I need you. I need your help Warren." She answered in a trembling voice.

"I need to prove my worth to my fathee or else he will force me to marry someone who can manage our company instead of me and this is not solely about the company or being the heiress anymore but I want to gain not just his trust and confidence but also his love." She said while sobbing. "I.. I can't live like this anymore..." She said while crying.

I pity her.

She probably have everything except for her father's love.

That's one of our main differences.

I probably didn't have everything but I'm still happy and contented because I have the love of my family and for me that's the most important thing money can't buy.

Love and Care.

I want to embrace her all of a sudden.

I may not know how it feels but one things for sure, I can't live like how she did all this years.

That's probably why she always seeks and run after someone's attention.

because her father never paid attention to her.

I want to wipe her tears and tell her that, I will do everything to help her.

But one thing is confusing about all this...

"I don't understand Rich. What help do you need from me?" I asked in a caring tone.

"I need you to help me study and attain the top 5 spot in our school. I need that to convince my Dad to revoke the marriage arrangement he made. I need to prove to him that I am more than capable to be our company's heiress." She narrated.

"Wa...it. If I help you to study and you ended up reaching your goal..then.. then.." I need to think for a moment.

It seems to be a trap.

Is this one of her plans again?

"We have a bet remember? No way in this world I would agree to be your boyfriend."I said in a harsh tone.

"You're trying to deceive me again, don't you?" I asked trying to gauge the situation.

She deeply sighed.

I furrowed my brows on the other hand.

Try to make me understand Rich.

I want to listen.

But you have to assure me that this is not one of your foolish plan against me.

"I see. Well I guess let's cancel everything. The bet, the agreement. Everything." She stood up and opened her bag. She took some money and placed it on top of the table.

She mad. I can sense it.

"Sorry to bother you. I'll probably have to ask a someone else or I'll have to do it on my own." She said and turned her back at me.

She was about to walk but she stopped.

"I'll clear whatever announcement I made yesterday so don't worry. You're free. I will never bother you again. Sorry but I will still need to be your classmate but I promise, I won't be sitting next to you EVER again Warren. Thanks for everything." She said in a bitter tone. Pain iS obvious in her voice. 

Then she walked to the door's direction and gone outside without saying goodbye like the usual with a stupid grin on her face.

I felt that I somehow miss that smile of hers all of sudden.

I felt the urge to see that stupid smiling face of her whenever she is teasing me.

I was looking at the door for a minute blankly.

Hoping she'll come back and say - I got you there. Just kidding.

But she never returned.

What did just happen?

Is that even real?

Did I really talked to the Rich I know?

She sounded mature. Far from the Rich I've encountered so many times before.

Her eyes, it's full sadness..

For some reason I regret what I said.

I felt a faint pain in my chest.

I saw deep sadness and rejection in her face. After I said that.

Did I made her feel rejected again?

Did I just reminded her the feeling of being rejected all over again?

Another pain stroke my chest...

What have I done?

I need to fix this...
