


"WARREN!!" I heard her called my name. But I did not look back.

I'm pissed!

"WARREN WAIT!!"She yelled again. But I acted again as if I didn't hear her.

She suddenly grabbed my left arm, "h..h..wa...it!" She said catching her breathe.

"What do you want?" I asked her without looking and snatched my arms away from her.

"I... I... wanted to say..." She's trying to explain but still catching her breathe.

"No need to explain Rich. I knew everything now."

"So just enjoy yourself with Adam." I exclaimed without even noticing I sounded jealous.

"What are you talking about? Who's enjoying Adam? Are you...perhaps jealous of him?" She asked slowly with wiggling brows.

She's trying to gauge if I were really jealous.

I faced her this time but I tried to hide the annoyance I'm feeling inside.

"Why would I? Who are you anyway? We're not in a relationship so don't be so full of yourself." I said but I sounded defensive.

"I'm just disgusted! That's all!" Then I turned my back.

I cannot hide it anymore.

I'm pissed because of what I just saw...

I'm pissed because Rich defended him..

I'm pissed that she's paying attention to someone else...


There, I said it!!

I want to say it out loud but I don't have the courage to do so.

Specially not in front of her.

I will never admit it. NEVER!

This is the first time.

I never been insecure nor jealous to anyone. I never cared for those kinds of things.

So this is the first and I'm not handling it very well.

It's like I wanted to beat that Adam guy as well with all my might.

Now I understand how her fans feel whenever she got closed to someone. Damn it!

How did I end up in this helpless situation.


How did this annoying girl changed me? Of all people why her? Why does it have to be her?

Why..Warren? Why?

I don't understand anything at all!

For the first time, I felt like I'm the dumbest person in the whole world.

"Oh come on Warren! I know you are!" She run in front of me with that stupid ear to ear smile of hers.

"You're just fulling yourself. Don't joke around it's not funny. Go to your Adam now!" I wanted to take it back because I sounded jealous again.

Oh shit. Not again.

It's like my mouth has its own life and it doesn't want to shut up.

She gave me a devilish grin.

"What the hell are you grinning about? Funny!"

"Anyway, I'm going home!" I suddenly said trying to avoid this confrontation. I know I look stupid in front of her.

And I hate it. I can't find anyway to force this feelings away. Damn!

Why did I allow myself to be like this?

I'm so weak!

"Not so fast handsome!" She rans after me again while smiling. I on the other hand is trying to ignore her.

I will never look at her anymore.

She was walking backwards this time and wearing her stupid smile.


She got tripped and fell.

My reflexes automatically reach her. I held her hand and pulled her close in a hugging position.

We are in that kind of position when all of a sudden we got surrounded by student who are whispering to each other ears.

Where did these people came from?

Some of them are even taking a picture of us!!

"Your chest is cozy you know!" She said while hugging me back.

"Let go!!" I hold onto her two shoulders and pushed her away slowly.

She pulled me closer by hugging me tighter.

She's really hopeless!

How can you stay away with this kind of girl? She's so pushy!

"Rich? Why are you hugging this guys? Are you in a relationship with him?" One guy shouted. Other boys growled in unison.

This is BAD!!

I got shocked with the question though.

Rich on the other hand released my left arms and faced the crowd while still holding the other one..

"Not yet. But he will be.. very very soon, right?" He glanced at me with a wink and smile.

There a was a huge chaos and uproar again!

It's like one wrong move and I'll be dead soon.

"Wait, what??" I asked her in frustration. "Do you want my life in this school to be harder that it already was?" I whispered.

"Relax I got you." She winked at me again. Excitement is obvious on her tone.

I'm not liking the situation.

"I would also like to take this opportunity to tell you guys that... HE'S MINE!!" She emphasized the last part with tamed jaw.

"Whoever messed with him, messed with me! You got it!" She said with so much authority in her voice.

The crowd suddenly silenced...

I'm now seeing dark faces. I felt a chill going up my spine. It's like people are gazing at me with so much anger.

It's like they're contemplating now how to kill me brutally.

I can sense it! This woman is really making my life miserable.

She held my hand. "Let's go." She smiled. Then we walked out of the crowd.

I want to smile back at her honestly as she was really happy but I know this won't be simple.

They won't go easy on me.

When we got far from the crowd, I stopped her from walking.

"Hold it Rich!" She glanced at me with the stupidest smile I ever seen.

"Yes, future boyfriend?"I blushed. This girl is really aggressive.

"What? I..I.. will never be your boyfriend." I stuttered.

What the hell is wrong with me?!

"What are you saying Warren, it is not clear?" She walked. "I can't hear you!!" She answered back and act as if she's covering her ears and don't want to listen. She's playing dumb again.

You're a hopeless brat you know!..

"RRIICCH!!" I heard someone called her name from behind.

I don't have to be a genius to find out who's calling her.

It's that DAMN Adam!!



I just made a huge announcement about Warren.

Of course it was an uproar. Students and other people who were present in that area were really shocked about it.

I know this would make things difficult for Warren. Knowing the my fans and all.

But I wanted to assure him.

That..That he's the only person I like and Adam is just a group activity partner.

HE'S MINE and it felt so DAMN good by just saying it!

And for me, who used to be an attention seeker before, this is the only way I know to make someone feel secure.

Specially since based on how he reacted, I'm positive that he's jealous with Adam.

I don't want anything to ruin whatever unidentified feelings we have for each other.

I want to treasure it...

I want to protect it....

I can't help but smile.

No matter how many times he says that he will never be my boyfriend, I know he doesn't mean it.

Excitement! That's how I really feel right now.

"RRIICCHH!!"I heard someone called my name all a sudden. Warren and I turned our heads to the direction of the voice.

It was Adam...

In his helpless state.

I totally forgot about him.

I was about to assist him again but I felt a hand holding mine.

"We still need to talk." He ordered.

I can't help but stare at our hands holding each other.

I don't want to end this moment..

But I'm torn. I can't leave Adam in his situation but I can't refuse Warren too.

Everything I did earlier will be pointless if I go to Adam.

I bit my lips in frustration.

Warren pulled me away instead. As if he wouldn't wait for my answer because he doesn't want me to be with Adam.


I want to jump in so much happiness but I have stop myself. I just can't help but smile while walking away.

Not sure what Adam did after he saw us walking away but I don't care anymore.

We reached the part of the school garden where it is covered by so many trees and bushes.

"Sit!" He pointed at the bench. I followed him and he seated next to me as well.

"Why are you smiling that way?!" She suddenly said. "I'm freaking out already. Are you now crazy or something?" I rolled my eyes.

I moved closer to him. "So what do you want to talk about?" I faced him while smiling.

He cleared his throat.

"It was about earlier.." He stopped.

He was hesitating.

"What about it?" I smiled in a 'there's nothing wrong with that' tone.

He sighed. "I can't be your boyfriend Rich." He suddenly said with tamed jaw.

"Being close to you, makes things difficult for me in this school." He explained in a very calm tone.

"You're the richest student in this school and I, I..I think I was the poorest one. If not because of my scholarship I wouldn't be here." He sighed again.

"I'm not here to play. I'm here for my family. I need to graduate from this school so I will have a better chance in surviving in the corporate world." He continuously explained.

"Well, you don't need any of that Warren. If I will be your girlfriend, I can help you with whatever company you want to go to. I can introduce you to our friends who actually owners of their own company." I enumerated the benefits of being my boyfriend in a matter of fact tone.

He signed deeper this time. "Let me ask you this, do you think I'm the type of person who will use you or your family to be successful?"He asked in tamed jaw.

Knowing him, an ALIEN would likely decline it.

He always strive for what he wants. He never asked for help.

I learned all that because of his dad and when I asked our own investigators to investigate on him.

Lastly, I've been following him since the first time I saw him. So I know and I would know, if he's that type of guy.


I've been surrounded with those type of people ever since I was a kid. So trust me when I say I know the likes of them.

And he's not...

"Well, I know you're not, but I just want to let you know that I CAN help you with that."I explained my point.

"I want to succeed on my own. Without anyone's help."

"So thanks but no thanks."

"I don't want to be indebted to anyone. You should know that by now." He answered back in a serious tone but calm.

Very far from what he used to. He probably realized that yelling at me, won't force me to give up on him.

"Again, I can't be your boyfriend. I can be your friend though..Oh no..wait not even a friend either..ahmmm.." He said while thinking deeply.

I got annoyed all of a sudden.

I stood up.

"Well, I want you to be my boyfriend Warren and If I want something, I will surely get it." I said while giving him a warning look.

"Let's settle try to settle this once in for all, if I will be included in top 5 this semester then, you'll agree to be my boyfriend. How's that?" I suggested.

I'm not sure myself why I said that but that's the only thing that came up to my mind.

I'm already desperate. I need to convince him. One way or another.

One of the most important thing for Warren is his STUDIES.

So I'll try to win him over through this.

He burst out laughing.

"What? If you make it to the top 5?"


"You're the stupidest girl I ever known." He said while still laughing. As if he ca't control it.

This guys is really annoying sometimes you know!

"Are you making fun of me?"

"I'm smart asshole!"

"Didn't I just defeated you in our group activity. We got the highest score and I did all of that." I sneered at him.

"That's because I'm too distracted with you smarty pants...." He suddenly stopped when he realized what he just said.

"Now we're talking." I said with so much excitement in my voice.

"So why are you distracted back then? Is it because I'm with Adam.?" I asked in a very entertained tone.

"No!" He denied timidly.

"Tssskkk..Not fair...amft.. So why don't you just agree with my proposal."

"If you're too confident that I'm that stupid, then it will be a sure win for you." I said in a matter of fact tone.

He was thinking about it..

"If..If I won, are you going to take back what you said in front of everyone awhile ago? You guys will leave me alone?"I hesitated to answer yes.

Now that I think a about...

If that happens, I will lose both the crown and Warren.

Geez! What a stupid idea Rich..

But I will never give you up without putting up a goddamn fight.

"Fine. I will leave you alone. Forever! Happy?" I finally said it.

"But..but we have to study together." I gave another condition.

"What? Why would we?" He asked in confusion.

"Well...ahm..well, I have to make sure you're not cheating and since you have too much advantage in this bet I have to give another condition." Shoot! I can't think of any reason.

I desperately just want to spend time with him.

Even just for a little.

"Cheating? Me? Hilarious Rich, very hilarious!" He said as if he was teasing me.

"The stake is too big Warren,so.. so I have to make sure."

"You'll get all the peace you want in this school if you won. Without me or bullies bothering you." I looked down. I felt sadness by just saying that.

"Hhhmmmm..Well, that's..a deal then." He said but hesitance is obvious in his tone.

"Really? Yes!!!" I glee in so much happiness.

Even if I lose in the process, I still have 2 months to spend time with him.

I'll make sure to make the most out of it.


Sorry for updating so so so so late..

I hope you still like it.

Thank you for reading.