
CHAPTER 1 : The Richest Rich


The Richest Rich


It's Monday morning and I'm on my way to school.

Of course not to study but to meet my friends as usual.

I am Rich Hemsford and I have everything in life has to offer. From bags, shoes, cars and houses.

Everything and anything that you can think of but not studying.

I guess I was already born smart, intelligent and naturally talented.

And studying is something that I think unnecessary with the type of lifestyle that I have.

Why would I need it??

I'm beautiful, sexy and the richest student in school. Studying or working hard is for POOR people only. Poor people need that to have a better future.

My future??

Yours truly is the one and only heiress of Corporation's International Bank (CIB), the number one and most established banking company here in the country. We've been the country's number one bank for 35 years now. We haven't experience any defeat yet nor compared to any other banks yet because we never had any single close competitors. My father made sure that we always be on the number one spot and the heiress will soon run the same company.

So in my case, having a good future is something that's been destined to me ever since I was born and I don't really need to work hard for it or study to get it.

So with that school is considered my personal playground. A place where I can have fun and make friends.

I'm the Queen of the University. Never been replaced and can't be replaced because I have an incomparable beauty and perfection.

That's why students love and always adore me all through out my reign. They always shower me with love, admiration and compliment which of course... can't be avoided.

Almost all of them wants to be my friend but of course, considering a friend is something that needs to be carefully selected. I have my own requirements and only 3 of them succeeded.

They were so lucky to have me.

We became the girl's center of jealousy. Wishing themselves to be in our place is something I wouldn't be surprised of.

Seriously?who wouldn't?

No one! As in no one!

Anyway, I can't stand a day without hearing their compliments, admiration and adoration. It always makes my day brighter and complete.

So I always makes sure that I always look fantastic, glamorous and the best. Although I don't have to do that much effort.

Its in me ever since I was born.

Being the most popular and admired person is the only thing that matters to me. Nothing else.

When I arrived in school, my friends Donna, Aubrey and Althea are waiting for me at the entrance.

"Hi Rich, we're waiting for you for ages. What took you so long? But wait, OMG as in OMG! You look so damn awesome!" Donna said enviously.

Donna Ford is a brown haired girl with a very fair skin. She's wearing a red sexy dress and black heels that looks good on her. Her family owns the biggest and prestigious shoe company in the country.

"What do you expect? This is made by our very own famous designer." I proudly answered.

"You represent Hemsford family so well. I'm speechless! Black sexy cut tubeless dress with yellow wedge suits your elegance." Aubrey complimented.

Aubrey Walters, loves to wear floral dresses. She's wearing green floral dress this time with a pair of white heels. She's has a big soft wavy black hair. She's the heiress of the most popular and luxurious Walter's hotel in the country.

"Nah, don't praise me too much. You three look fab in your own way." I countered praise.

"But of course! We wouldn't want to look less beautiful whenever we walk or we're beside you." Althea in her not so nice comment everyday with a smirk on her foolish face.

I honestly don't like her.

They said she's the reigning Queen before I arrived. I defeated her and she couldn't accept it.

Rumor says, she doesn't really want to be friends with me. She's just waiting for the right chance to snatch the crown and the title away from me.

She wish! As if I'm going to allow that to happen. She'll be waiting forever and I feel sorry for her instead. She'll be wasting her time waiting for something that's so damn impossible.

but why I still considered her as one of my friends?

Just like the saying goes, keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

Also I don't care and I'm not threatened by her. She were able to passed the requirements as well so I have to considered her as my friend.

Althea Anderson is a blond korean looking beautiful girl who is wearing green hanging shirt and a mini denim skirt. Her family dominates the industry of beaches, vacation villas and houses.

My friends are not just anybody, if you haven't notice.

My only requirement is they have to be a member of a richest family like me.

And their background was carefully checked and selected by our very own family investigators.

The Queen's chosen ones. That's what they call the three of them.

"Oh really? That's great! It would be ashamed if the reigning QUEEN will be associated and be friends with old fashioned ladies right?" I intentionally emphasized the word queen to annoy her.

She gritted her teeth.

"The 3 of you represents me as well. So you have to be at your best 24 hours a day, 7 days a week." I reminded them.

They nodded with smiling faces.

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's get going and make all the guys scream and girls envy." I said with a wink.

"Oh yeah!!" They screamed in unison. Answering me back.

My friends' compliments are almost enough to make my day.


But we're not done yet.

Preparing myself now. Waiting to hear my fans applause and admiration while walking on our school catwalk.

In ....




"Here they are! The most popular and beautiful girls in school!" A guy shouted informing all the people.

All of them gathered in the entrance pushing each other.

"They are so gorgeous." Praised by another guy.

"Look at Rich she looks like an angel from heaven."He said while on a praying position. "No, she's not an angel but a goddess." All of the guys nodded. Agreeing on the same idea.

"She's really the most beautiful girl here in this school. I'm glad I could get to see her every single day." They all agreed with a nod again.

"I can't imagine this school without them. They're our inspiration." One of them said.

Their praises are music to my beautiful ears.

Oh my gosh! They said I'm an angel.

Oh....No... No.. A goddess!

Much better!

I gave them flying kiss and they were so happy.

They're like my blood that kept me alive everyday.

I will never ever get tired of going to school with all of this.

As expected they really adores me. I smiled sweetly. Waving my hands to each one of them.

But of course day won't passed without my haters whispering their jealousy.

Its another ingredients that would make my day even more complete.

"Hmp, I'm pretty sure they won't be receiving this kind of attention if they are not the richest family in school." One of the girls murmured.

"They are so annoying!" A girl says while rolling her eyes.

"They are so fool of themselves." All of them are gritting their teeth in annoyance.

Sorry ladies please think an insult that is better than that.

"But hey! Check that out girls!" She's looking at something and I was trying to listen to their conversation a little bit more.

They have to focus on me only. What would get their attention away from me?

Seriously? I'm so pissed.

"He's so hot and handsome but it's walking towards Rich's location". One of the girls noticed. It made the whole group of girls glance to that direction too.

"Oh, I know him, he's Warren Wilson, a new student here. He's a scholar here in our school. According to the rumors he is the smartest guy here in the country but he was neither from a very popular nor to a rich family." A girl narrated.

"What a waste, he's very good looking and smart. He even looks more like a celebrity than the other rich and popular guys here in school." One of the girls added.

And the group of girls decided to keep an eye, staring on him. "He might be a good catch." All the girls agreed with thumbs up and a nod.

They were gleeing in so much happiness.

I closed my eyes. I have to calm myself. My nerves.

I'm so pissed. I might yell at them if I will not calm myself.

"Oh hi guys!" greeted by Althea.

I tried to divert my attention back to the people who loves ONLY ME. Some of them are still yelling my name begging for my attention.

I waved at them but my mind was still on the girls conversation.

I glanced at them one more time.

They are looking at something, somewhere in front of me.

I was about to turn my head on the same direction but I suddenly bumped into something hard in front of me.

"What the hell!" I said in surprise.

I separated my face and body away from whatever this thing is and looked at it.

So, its a man.

Well.. well..well...

A handsome man.

I was terrified at first because he's so tall.

I bumped into this hotty guy's chest.

I started examining him.

From top to bottom:

He had a messy hair.

A light brown expressive eyes.

A pointed nose.

A slender and sexy lips.

A tawny complexion.

A broad shoulder

A well toned chest and body.

It would be nice if I'll be wrapped around that arms and my head resting on that hard chest.

I gulped unconsciously. This is the first time my body reacted like this.

He's smell is lingering in my nose.

Oh my! He's damn hot.

I looked at him again.

I was surprised because he was looking back at me without any emotion.

I looked at his eyes more closely.

Where's the admiration in his eyes?

Is he not enjoying what's in front of him?

"Do you enjoy what you seeing?" I heard him say.

Instead of gladness that he bumped into me, I saw irritation in his eyes.

He looked away without saying any compliment. Not even an apology. As if he's searching for something and I'm getting in his way to find it.

I wanted to scream in humiliation.

Who is this guy?

What is his problem? Did he just ignore me? Didn't he see that he bumped into the most beautiful and richest girl in school?

OMG! I'm going to faint in so much anger.

I'm starting to panic. All of them are in silence and were looking at me.

The students in the entrance whispered into each other ears.

I can't make a single move. I can't breathe.

This is the first time I was ignored in my whole life.

I'm so shocked.

He just walked right through me without saying anything.

Whispers get louder because of what he did.

My heart is pounding and its about to explode.

I'm gonna be a laughing stock if I will not be able to fix this.

But one of my fans saved me from this humiliation and yelled at him. "Who do you think you are? Didn't you just bumped into a beautiful lady and hurt her. You'll just walk away as if nothing happened. You owe her an apology, you know!"

You got yourself into a big trouble stupid ass!

But being a QUEEN hold a lot of responsibility aside from maintaining her beauty, you have to promote peace and love.

So even though I want to smash this insect.

I can't, infront of this crowd.

But I'll make sure he'll pay for this.

For now, I have to look kind and the victim in my schoolmate's eyes.

I have to pretend that everything is okey and this is something that wouldn't affect me.

"Do you know who are you messing with?" yelled by Donna with anger. She might have noticed that I was startled. They know that I was shocked.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine and I.. I'm not hurt. So you could spare him. Ok?" I said hiding the anger inside me. My voice was shaking. "Let's forget about this. He didn't do it on purpose. In fact, I heard him whispered sorry. You just didn't hear it." I lied to save my ass from this whole crap.

On the other hand, that guy didn't seemed to be moved by the threatening stare on him by my fans.

Thank God he didn't deny what I said.

Its like he didn't care whatever we say.

He's so focus looking at whatever he was searching.

Just wait and see my revenge asshole.

I beamed at Donna, Aubrey and Althea, signaling I can handle the situation.

"You are really an angel Rich. Good thing you stopped me. I almost beat the crap out of him. Just to teach this guy a lesson. He should be thankful to you." He said in a sweet and heroic tone.

He still didn't react. All the guys around us was holding their anger and trying to be patient because of me.

They were just waiting one signal from me.

And he's dead, but..

I want him to suffer, little by little.

"You asshole, don't you dare..." He wasn't able to finish his sentence since that jerk just walked away as if nothing happened.

"You son of..." My fan was about to cursed him.

I hold onto his arms when he was about to follow him.

"Stop! Just.. don't mind him, ok? And thank you for defending me." I said with a sweet tone. Making him feel more like a hero.

He blushed. The bell rang signaling the start of the class.

Students are now in a hurry to go inside their respective classrooms.

I released his arms and say goodbye.

"Go ahead. You shouldn't be late." He nodded with a wide smile.

We started walking again. Heading to our very own hideout with a private bar. I'm trying to keep myself composed as much as I can.

Thinking about that guy, boils my blood.

I want to kill him.

Who's that guy?!

Where did he came from?


Please comment..I want some feedback from you. I'll use that as my inspiration.


angeldarrocacreators' thoughts