
Zip Zap Zip

I've waited until four am to scout around the duchess's mansion in the fourth ring, which I was able to enter with the Royal knight's medallion, telling the guard at the gate not to let anyone know of my entrances and exits into this sector.

Everything here is absolutely beautiful, teams of armored guards patrol streets quarried from the highest quality stone, and maids and servants succory around in back alleyways, out of the sight of the lords and ladies strolling down the main roads.

I am perched on the highest point on the roof of a tall bell tower, sketching Duchess Amorosas mansion, which is a few blocks away from the tower.

With mana enhanced vision, I scope out my target, and things do no look good. Security is very, very tight, and I doubt I could easily take on even one of her well-equipped guards, much less one of the many groups of soldiers inside the grounds.

A tall wall surrounds her classic European manor, which looks out of place in the gerudo architecture around it.

Bowmen with fire-fruit tipped arrows scan the surroundings from stone watchtowers, and I spot warriors with expensive, monster horn weapons patrolling the blooming gardens around the manor.

Now that I've seen the security in the manor, I run back across the rooftops of Kara Kara City, returning to my Inn in the second ring.

The next morning, Floofy and I make a trip to a blacksmith shop down the road, where an old, Goron smith greets us, "My name is Garak, what can I get for ya, young man, a blade or bow, maybe some nails for ye house?"

Goron are uncommon but not unheard of in Kara Kara city, many own blacksmith shops like this one, or use their massive strength to work construction and mining jobs.

"I'm looking to rent out your shop for the next couple of days, I'm willing to also pay above market price on any materials I use, how much would that cost?" I say to the old Goron.

Garak is surprised, "I've never been asked that before." After some calculations he comes back with the number, "three rupee and a dozen shards?"

This is a large sum in the second ring, but its not much to me, "Here ya go, keep the change," I sliding a blue rupee to Garak on the counter, who is surprised I don't barter at all.

"Alright kid, me shop's all yours," the smith says, gathering his things and flipping the sign on the door to closed.

I immediately get to work, heating a large forge in the center of the room, and I survey the materials in the shop, iron, steel, various types of woods, and a few lower-end monster parts are neatly organized on the shelves.

With the range of materials in this city, the things I can craft are only limited by my imagination, and my bank account.

For now, I will focus on the tools I need for the infiltration, the first being a zipline gun.

A zipline gun shoots a cord between two points, that you can attach a mount to and use to zip along to cord. I plan on using this device from the clocktower to silently zip above the guards heads, into the mansion.

The craft process is accelerated because I have already drawn up the blueprints for the zipline gun, which consists of dozens of metal plates screw together.

The Zipline gun has a large chamber in its bulky muzzle, where I will channel a large explosion of fire mana to use to propel a barbed head attached to a long roll of chord foreword.

My first two attempts at making the gun end in failure, not due to lacking forging skill but lacking design skill and measurements. But, my unique forging method of coating my hands in fire mana and shaping the molten metal makes making new parts fly by.

The chord I use for the Zipline gun is not nearly as durable as that of the Throngler, and it lacks the water mana core, but it is longer, and suits the purposes it was made for.

The mount that I will attack to the zipline is simple, with only a loop of leather for a handhold, some metal, and two wheels, fitted for the cord. For camouflage in the night, I paint the zipline gun and everything in it black, I will also use a bit of water to make it completely silent.

In addition to the newly named Zippy 6000, I make a silencer for my revolver, a few extra smoke bombs, and I dye a set of clothes the darkest black I can.

I'm finally ready for the infiltration. I wait until late at night before exiting my in with my new gear, jumping across the city's rooftops to the fourth ring.




When I reach the clocktower, the city is asleep, even the most caffeinated partiers are passed out in public parks, and street lanterns are flickering on quiet street corners.

I adjust my scope, lining up my shop before gently squeezing the trigger of the Zippy 6000.

The muffled sound of unwinding cord echoes in my gun and stops when the barbed head successfully sinks into a stone gargoyle on the roof of Amorosas mansion.

I secure my side of the line around a sturdy column of the tower, and attach the mount to the taunt zipline, taking a deep breath jumping foreword.

I'm weightless for a second, then the wind whips in my face, and the exquisite buildings and manicured gardens of the fourth ring turn into a blur as I move along.

I reach the mansions, passing silently over the guards in the watchtowers and the patrols in the gardens, who don't tend to look up for possible intruders.

The gargoyle approaches my vision, and I start slowing down the zipline until my feet lightly tap the stone statue.

I spot a few sentries on the roof, and I duck into the shadows looking for a way to get down, after some sneak 100 action, I spot a balcony that looks like my best bet to get inside the mansion.

Embedding the Throngler into a edge of the roof, I rappel down to the balcony, and simply melt the lock on the two glass doors leading inside.

The room is big, with expensive paintings and golden statues decorating the walls there, on a massive bed, is a beautiful woman.

She has the red hair of the gerudo, that is as long as she is tall, and is strewn about in her sleep, but she has hylian skin and ears, showing she's mixed.

The woman is dressed in a plain white nightgown that shows off her long, milky legs, and flat stomach. A sprinkling of freckles dots her sleeping face, and she is tightly cuddling with a sandseal plushie.

Basically, she bad as fuck.

This is no doubt, Duchess Amorosa.

Auto published chapter, by now, I will be two days away from civilization!

Mctoasty_Jrcreators' thoughts
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