
I'm In Game Of Thrones

I thought it's going to be over after I die, Turns out it's just a new beginning. NOTICE: -I hate being insulted, So if you don't like, Don't read. If you have some constructive criticism, I'm all ears. However don't come later calling me Stupid or my story trash, That is not criticism that is straight-up insulting me. I hate it. -Don't expect the characters to be as smart as they were in the books, The characters can only be as smart as the author, WARNING!! I will add monsters from different universes so be warned.

Makh · TV
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14 Chs


I open my eyes and look around.

I thought I'd feel dizzy or pain as I read in a lot of novels. That is not what I feel. I feel nothing, It's like I just woke up after a good sleep, I naturally remember all that happened in the last 14 years.

as I requested, the previous me loved training swordsmanship, I also had a talent for it, people believed that I'd be the next Barristan Selmy. They have no idea.

He also loved learning languages, And he had a talent for it too, He learned High Valyrian and Low Valyrian, He also learned Dothraki by tutors hired by Jon Arryn.

Jon Arryn was very satisfied with his heir but He still married Lysa to solidify the alliance with the Tullys.

The previous me loved Jon, Wich makes me trust that I did the right decision of waking up after he died. I can't do anything to save him after all.

Lysa hated me to the bones. I can see why, Her son is not going to be the heir. It's good that she was in King's Landing and not in the Eyrie with me, She would've probably done something to the previous me. Or maybe not, she takes orders from Littlefinger after all.

There are multiple logical possibilities why Littlefinger wanted Jon dead.

To make Lysa free for marriage and to gain control over the Vale by marrying her.

To prevent Jon from telling Robert Baratheon the truth about Cersei Lannister's children.

To turn the Starks and Lannisters against each other via the letter that Lysa sent to Catelyn, in which she falsely put the blame on the Lannisters.

But if it's the first, Then I'm going to be his next target which is why I wanted to wake up today and not later.

I need to prepare.

I also need to figure out a way to get rid of the bitch, I have no way to prove that she poisoned him, But I don't even know where to start.

I am now in my Bedchamber. It's a large one measuring around 20 feet by 22 feet. It has a king-sized bed measuring around 76 inches wide by approximately 80 inches long with a red blanket, It also has a brown bedside table. It has a brown bear rug and a Fireplace. And finally, a window opposite to the door and to the left of the bed, although it's not bad, It's not that good.

I get up and notice I'm wearing a brown shapeless pyjama made of linen.

I then notice my clothes are neatly arranged at the end of the bed. A brown T-shirt and brown pants, the latter made of leather.

I wear them and look at the table, There is a normal-looking logsword on it, I pick it up and draw the sword out of the black scabbard, The sword is made of Iron, I put it back in and wear the scabbard on my left hip.

I walk out of the room with my left hand on the hilt of the sword and my thumb finger caressing its tip to find two soldiers guarding the door, They were wearing steel breastplates accompanied by arm and leg protection, a flowing cloak, a helmet, and leather boots. They were also carrying swords made of steel. Not good enough. I will also have to work on this.

They bow when they see me.

I nod and continue on my way to the training grounds

When I enter the training ground I find a soldier training with who I recognize as Harrold Hardyng. He is the grandson of my Aunt Alys Arryn And the ward of Lady Anya Waynwood. He is also My best friend, We do everything together.

He is as old as me. very handsome, Not as handsome as me but handsome still. He has sandy hair, deep blue eyes, and dimples when he smiles. A very cheerful person.

He sees me coming and stops the fight and waves at me with a smile.

I smile and wave back.

"Training are you? " I say as I stand before him.

"Yes." He said.

"Aren't we supposed to be training together? " I asked.

"We are, But it's your fault, I thought you would be here when I came, You always are, When I asked I found out you were still asleep. It's not my fault you became a sleepyhead." He said, Still smiling.

"Are you playing smart on me? Come on, Let's fight it out." I said, Taking my sword out of its scabbard with a step back. My smile growing bigger.

He also takes out his sword with an ever-growing smile.

He attacks me with an overhand cut and I can see his weaknesses. He is too slow, I feel like time is slowing down. I Deflect the attack to the left, Effectively breaking his balance. I then raise my right leg and kick him in the guts, I didn't use much force behind the kick, Just enough to send him a few steps back, He falls but quickly gets back up with a look of surprise.

"You're getting better by the day, I'm not a match for you. But I will not go down without a fight," He said with a smile as he charged again.

"Show me what you got," I say and chargeback.

He attacked me with a slash from my right and I took a step back to dodge, He immediately did an Empty Fade wich surprised me, Taking such risk isn't expected but at least he has the upper hand again, parrying a stab, I attack by catching his hand that holds the sword and dragging him to the ground, I then put my sword to his throat while he is still in a daze.

"You lose. " I said.

I step back and give him my hand.

"You did well, I didn't expect you to take a risk as you did, If I attacked you, you would've died," I said, Helping him up.

"I know, I wouldn't have done it in a real fight, It's too risky. But to parry such a surprise attack with ease, You're really good. " He said with a smile, cleaning the dirt in his clothes.

"Is that so, come on, Let's continue. " I said, taking a stance.

We continued fighting for the next 2 hours, It was very easy for me, I was holding back big time, But no matter how many time I defeat him, He never surrenders and fights with a smile, such a cheerful person.

"See you later, I have some stuff to do. " I said, waving him goodbye while putting my sword in it's scabbard as he is panting on the floor, I don't feel tired at all.

"Yeah, See you later." He answered, Between his heavy breaths still smiling.

I go back to my bedchamber, Take off my scabbard and lay on my bed.

'System' I said.

[HOST...] I hear the answer.

"What can you do? " I ask.

[I am your requested summoning system, I can summon anything, From the shoes of a normal person to a character from any universe, Totally random, I can even summon people's abilities if lucky enough.] Said the system.

"I see. " I said.

[Rob left you a Very low-level summoning ticket as a goodbye.] It said.

"Really? " I said, Opening my eyes wide open.

[Do you want to use it? ] It asked.

"Yes! " I said.
