

In front of us stood 2000 strong blood-hungry men, Leading them is a woman that I recognize as Chella, She wore a necklace of ears, There are around 40 on it, They have a custom of taking the ears of men they defeat in battle as trophies, That is where the clan got their names, The Black Ears. Behind Chella stood two men that I assume are her sons wearing 25 ears each.

I started with this clan because they will help the Lannisters in the war of the 5 kings, I can't allow that, I will take out my enemies one by one.

We are now in a clearing in the mountains, surrounded by trees.

Behind me stood the 2000 Infantrymen, They are not looking tense because they trust our numbers will give us an advantage, They couldn't be more wrong, our enemies are monsters, Barbarians, They fight brutally, Just their fighting style will scare the shit out of these newbies. If it was that easy to defeat them, Why are they still terrorizing Th Vale until now? On the right and left flank stood 125 Knights, And behind the Infantrymen stood another 250 Knights led by Harrold on his Brown horse with white spots on it, These guys on the other hand are not underestimating our enemies, They know how these guys fight, And they are prepared for it.

I am on my black horse with my sword on my left hip, I also have a bow accompanied by a quiver filled with arrows. I am standing in front of the whole army. I'm going to lead them into battle thus raising the morale of my men, As this is our first battle I need to show my men that they can depend on me so they can trust me with their lives later.

On the other side of the battlefield, The barbarians are standing in one unit which will make my plan easier.

The sun is about to set and each side awaits the other to attack, our enemies are all on foot so we have the advantage of Knights but these are mountain men, They are used to fighting in the mountains, They can't be underestimated.

I take out my sword and point it at the enemies, "ATTACK!!" I yelled as I galloped to the enemies on my horse followed by my men except for the 250 knights in the back.

As our armies clashed, my horse got an arrow to the head, I see what they are planning, My existence will raise the morale of my men, If they kill me, And with their gory fighting style, The army will be destroyed.

As my horse was about to fall, I immediately jump down and attack the coming enemies.

Three of them surrounded me. One attacked me from behind, I just stepped to the left and stabbed behind me, Killing the first attacker. I immediately took back my sword and sprinted to the one standing in front of me, before he readied his weapon I jump and stab him in the throat, The third one to my left saw this as a chance and attacked me before we hit the ground, I can take the sword out and cut him but he will get too close to use the sword, I took one of the arrows from my quiver and jumped at him, I tackled him to the ground and thrust my arrow in his forehead, Killing the last one. As I said, Fierce men indeed, Used to battle.

I stand up and look around me, Although we outnumber them, We still don't have an advantage against them, Our men need two to kill one of them, The knights are the ones that are keeping our lines.

I look back and Harrold looks at me.

We nod at each other and I take my sword back from the dead guy and Harrold makes his move.

While our armies are fighting Harrold and the 250 knights with him gallop around the battlefield and attack the enemies from the back, The enemies turned tense and my men's attacks became fiercer, with our enemies surrounded, it's just a matter of time.

I charge into battle too.

A huge enemy charged at me with his big Axe With an overhand cut, I dodged to the right and stabbed him in the chest, The guy is a little shorter than the mountain.


Just as he falls, I hear a miserable cry that stands out from the others, I turn around to see one of the sons of Chella with his Axe halfway through one of my soldiers' head. He kicked the soldier separating him from the Axe before spitting on him.

This little shit is going to pay for killing him in such a way.

As I saw him heading to another soldier, I immediately put my sword back in its scabbard and take my bow and quickly load an arrow into it before shooting him in the leg, He's not going to die that easily. He falls to the ground on his knees and I walk to him, He is not that tall, Average, with Long brown messy hair with dirt all over his face, I stand before him, I put the bow back and take an arrow, I hold him from his hair and push it back a little so he would be looking up to me Before putting the arrow near his eye and slowly pushing it in all the way to the brain.


He yelled Before he died, I took my arrow back and pushed him to the ground before spitting on him.

I took out my sword after dropping the arrow and look around for the second brother.


I hear the sound of falling around me, I turn to my right to see Harrold taking his sword back from the second brother's chest, We nod at each other before looking around me, The battle is over and men are gathering their loot from the enemies although there is not much to take.

After everything is done we return to camp.

(In the main tent: )

Sitting in front of me is Harrold, He looks very energetic.

"Tell me everything. " I said.

"We have 107 deaths and 43 injuries from the infantrymen, And 3 deaths from the Knights, We have 430 prisoners, Because of our plan, none of them could escape." He said.

"What happened to their leader?" I asked.

"She died, Her sons too. We can attack their camp tomorrow after our men rest, We should probably attack early so we don't let them prepare and lose even more men." He said.

"Are the others still hiding?" I said.

"Yes, They are hiding behind the mountain." He said with a smile "When did you become so good at planning battles? It's not like you fought in wars before."

"Tell the men not to talk about it near the prisoners, They shouldn't know. And You're the one who was lazy when we were taught by the maester " I replied smiling.

"HAhaHA, True, I was never a studying kind of guy. I will see to it that it's done. " He said, Laughing.

"Seriously, Do you think the prisoners will fight for us?" I asked, turning serious.

"We will have to see, We can't trust them, especially against their own clan, We will have to fight without them tomorrow, When we defeat the camp, They might kneel to you, They are not exactly friendly with each other. " He said.

"True, True, We will talk about this tomorrow, Tell the men to prepare for it, We should attack as our men still have high morale after winning. " I said.

He nodded and left.

I get up and go to my own Tent, It's bigger than my men's.

I take off my sword, Change my clothes, and lay on my bed.

"System!" I called.

[Yes? ] It answered.

"How many points do I have? " I asked.

[Host has 785] It answered.

"Tell me the prices of tickets. " I said.

[ Super Low-Level Ticket- 1000

Very Low-Level Ticket- 5000

Low-Level Ticket- 10000

Low-Medium-Level Ticket- 50000

Medium-Level Ticket- 100000

High-Medium-Level Ticket- 500000

Low-High-Level Ticket- 1000000

Medium-High-Level Ticket- 5000000

High-Level-Ticket 10000000]

[There are other, Higher tickets, However, You have to buy at least a High-Medium-Level Ticket before you are qualified to see them.]


FUCK, are you kidding me?

What does my 785 compare to these shitty numbers, And there are even higher tickets? What can these summon? God?.


Okay, Okay, Calm down, I will think about this when I have enough points.

I told myself as I tried to sleep.


I woke and wore my clothes and sword and went out.

I can see my men assembling and preparing to march, I have about 1800 Infantryme ready to march, The injured ones are still under medical care.

I went to the main tent to find Harrold already sitting there, waiting for me.

"Is everything ready?" I asked.

"Yes the men are preparing, They will be ready in a few minutes. " He said.

"Good, Let's go prepare too. " I said and we went out.

After everything is ready, We march to the camp of the Black Ears mountain clan.


In front of us stood the men Chella left behind to protect their clan, 1000 men in total, Behind them by about 1 kilometer is their Village, It looks just like the villages from the Vikings Series, Except bigger. We face each other in the clearing in front of the village. This army is mostly composed of women, They are just as intimidating as men.

1800 Infantrymen are the center of my army following me and there are 250 knights each as the flanks, Harrold is riding beside me.


"FUCK YOU!!!" Their leader yelled back.

"ATTACK!!" I yelled as I galloped my horse towards my enemies and my men followed, I took out my bow and quickly loaded an arrow into it and shot the man who yelled earlier in the eye, piercing his head and through his brain. I quickly loaded again and shot another barbarian in the Throat, As I did, I saw an enemy loading his arrow into his bow and aiming at me, No your not, I quickly loaded another arrow and shot him in the heart, I loaded again and shot a man in the forehead, This time is pierced through him to the man behind him, I loaded again and shot another soldier in the heart, I put my bow back and took out my sword while still galloping towards them, The armies will soon clash and I will not be able to use the bow effectively on my horse.


The enemies were utterly destroyed.

We barely had any losses.

We just overpowered them with our numbers and forced them to surrender, Most of them are caught prisoners.

I and Harrold And a mountain man are in the main building of the Village, the clan chief's.

"Let's discuss the terms of your surrender. " I said.

this is the one the clansmen chose to represent them. He is the strongest of them all, I was the one who forced him to surrender, The other leader was chosen because he was Chella's brother.

He is tall, Looks like Jarl Borg from the Vikings, Except he has Brown hair and eyes.

His name is Horik.

He just nodded.

"You will bend the knee to me, And you will not be considered outlaws any more, You can even build your own settlements, Deal?" I said, finishing the negotiations.

"I accept. " he said before getting up, Kneeling on one knee and swearing fealty to me.

He knows he doesn't have a choice, Good for him.





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