1 Chapter 1: The Little Miss is Awake

Where am I?

What's happening?


It was a blinding sight. Everything was bright, and the child can't see anything. Her heart feels burning but there was no heat.

She feels like she was floating, dizzy, and alone.

Am I awake? I know I'm asleep, but why am I conscious?

Father, Mother, I'm Scarred.

"Child, don't be scared, open your eyes..." The child heard a voice.

"W-who are you? Please bring me back to my father and mother." scared she asked.

Her heart is still very nervous. But she felt something had embraced her. It doesn't feel like a human but a spirit, but she didn't know since she was unsure if spirits exist. As soon as her burning heart slowly felt at ease, she started to open her eyes slowly.

Where am I?

She hasn't seen this scenery anywhere before. It was so pretty and refreshing. Pink flowers surround her, and She hears the lake and birds chirping. She started to look around to see who was talking before, but there is no one to see.

"Where are you?" The child asked while walking around.

"Look above." The voice said.


She was amazed by what she sees—a shinning little Pheonix.

"You're a cute bird?!" She excitedly said.

The little Pheonix looks pissed. But thankfully, the child's heart started to calm.

"I am Sol, and this is not my real form." The little Pheonix said.

"Uh-- Mr. bird."

"Sol." little Pheonix corrected.

"Mr. Sol, why am I here? Where's my Mother and Father? Am I dead?" She started to get nervous again.

"Don't worry, child, you are safe here. Your physical body is safe too, at your mansion, sleeping." The Pheonix explained.

"Why did you bring me here?" the confused girl asked.

Sol dropped a book."I brought you here to warn you about this."

The child picked up the book. She opened it, but there was no content. So she was confused and looked back at Sol.

"You have to use your mana," Sol said.

"But, I'm weak I'm always sick... that's why Father said that I can't use mana," she explained to Sol.

Sol flew near the child's heart and tapped it with his wings. "You're Father was wrong. Listen, you have a tremendous amount of mana, it's just something is blocking its way and that is because of your heart."

The child glowed and the mana around her started to be visible.

"Did I add too much?" Sol asked himself as he sees the child mana.

"What did you do? Why am I on fire?" The child asked.

"That's your mana, I added a little just to be sure, but now you can read the book I gave you," Sol said.

The child opened the book once again, She was amazed that she can now see the contents clearly.

"Mr. Sol after I read this what should I do?" The child asked but no one answered.

"Mr. Sol?" The child called him again but the Pheonix already disappeared.


The child now came back to reality. She's now inside her room laying on her bed. She opened her eyes and then looks around. She noticed the book on the top of her study table Immediately. It was the book from Sol.

Everything is true!!

It was not just a dream!

She started running towards the book. While the maid outside the door hears her footsteps and immediately entered the room. The maid was shocked.

"The Miss is Awake!!!" the maid shouted.

The servants suddenly started coming to the child's room one by one. The child is confused about what's happening.

"Eve!!" someone worriedly called out the child's name.

"Mother? Why are you crying?" confused Eve asked.

Eve's mother hugged her tightly.

Later, her mother explained that Eve has been on a coma for a week. The doctors they have called have said that didn't know what's the cause of why she is not waking up. Her mother said that she and his father have been sleepless for nights worrying about her. That's why Eve hasn't told anyone yet what really happened to her. She doesn't think they would believe her and didn't want her parents to worry about her more.
