
I'm Harry? Lets fix this mess

After freeing Dobby, Lucius killed Harry. And: Entry me, falling downstairs right in Harry Potter-verse. Self Insert and fixing it. With Harry's memories of abuse, he goes on a rampage. This is the first part of Let's fix the Multiverse. Some spin-offs can happen. We can and will use clichès. M for later content. Enjoy a trip in Harry's head. It is complicated in there. Harry/multi

Jazper_Hemsath · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

1 Let's fix this mess.

(This is not mine if the original author wants it down I will do it this work belongs to fvdv123 on fanfiction.net)

I opened my eyes looking at the strangest scene I ever imagined: a house-elf yelling at a middle-aged blond man lying on the floor. "You can not hurt Mister Harry Potter! You must leave now!"

The middle-aged blonde looked at me with hateful eyes "You'll pay for this Potter" He got up and left raging mad.

Wtf! I am in sort of cosplay? Hidden camera TV show? The last thing I remember was walking downstairs at home….. Oh crap, do not tell me I fell, and now I'm in a coma, am I dreaming this stuff?

I slapped myself a few times, yep bad idea, it hurts, but it got the attention of the little elf, Dobby is his name I suppose. "Is the great wizard master Harry Potter sir hurt? Sorry, Dobby could not stop the evil old master's spell. Dobby will punish himself now. Dobby is very sorry!"

Bewildered I watched Dobby bang his head to the wall, again WTF? "Stop Dobby, come here for a moment" I beckoned Dobby to me. "Now tell me, what are you sorry for?" I let the little bugger ramble on, so I could get my head straightened out.

"Dobby was too late to stop the bad old masters' spell, so the great wizard Harry Potter sir got hurt. Bad Dobby, Bad Dobby!" Checking myself, I looked like an 11-year old boy, dirty all over, an old book and a dirty sock lies next to me, while a Dobby was still whispering "bad Dobby, bad Dobby"

So let's go with the flow, this is the end of book two of Harry Potter, thank god the snake is dead, I have somehow got myself in the body of the MC. Lucius hit me with a spell instead of Dobby intercepting it. Let's have some fun being Potter until I wake up.

"I am fine now Dobby, tell me what will you do now you're free? Find a job? Or take a holiday?" Dobby stared at me, he was clearly not prepared to be free, I pushed forward and said: "Can I give a job to you Dobby?" The little bugger went in overload, starting to shake. "The great wizard master Harry Potter sir will be wanting Dobby?"

"Yes, you know it Dobby, my relatives are not nice people, so I need someone to bring me food while I'm there, you know where I live. And I'll pay you a galleon a day, once I get in Gringotts that is"

Now the hours of fanfiction are really kicking in. "As a matter of fact, you could be my house elf, if you want a family, I need a friend and a helper, I hope you can be both." Yes! Go for the overkill, no way I go to the Dursleys without food, with Dobby providing Harry the basic necessities, his stay won't be so miserable.

"Yes yes yes yes Dobby wants it, great wizard, master Harry Potter sir!" Dobby stuck like glue to my legs, big eyes up at me full of tears. "How do I do that, I mean getting you in house Potter, is there a spell or special action?"

"Take my hand great wizard master Harry Potter sir, and ask me to be your elf, great wizard master Harry Potter sir." Taking Dobby's hand, I ask: "Dobby, I Harry Potter offer You a place in house Potter, will you accept?" "Yes Dobby will" We had a magic light show from the elf bonding, suddenly Dobby frowns and said:

"master Harry there is magic, forbidding me to be with you."

Quick thinking, I asked: "What if I make you my personal elf, would that help?" "Try it master Harry, fast, the magic is hurting" "Dobby, will you be my personal elf?" "Yes master Harry sir, I will" again the glow of a magic bonding, Dobby relaxes "Thank you great wizard master Harry Potter sir" This is definitely Dumbledore's work. Blocking Potter elves? So I have elves, I wonder is this an AU, or has Harry kept an elf-block until the end, wondering what Dumbledore's motives are, I can't stop thinking this man is supposed to be a light Lord, maybe it's time to dim his light.

Abusing my knowledge of all the fanfiction I read, I said: "Dobby if you leave here, can you come back in?" "yes, great wizard master Harry Potter sir" This was fun a few times, but we have to set some ground rules.

"Here are some ground rules Dobby, first, no more punishing yourself, if it needs to, I will do that. Second, I do not like what you wearing, so find or design a uniform for yourself, I do not care what outfit, just not a pillowcase, the money for it you can take out of my vault. Now that you are my family, I'll give you an allowance, I don't know how much yet, because I don't know how much money I have.

Next, call me Harry when we are alone, sir, or master Harry in public is this ok?"

"Yes, grea.. master Harry" So I build on it "Dobby go to Gringotts, see if you as my personal elf can get in my vault, also check if I have some properties, and with this spell on me, I suppose I have elves too. If I have a house that is habitable, prepare it for this summer. Pop back in if you have questions, if I'm alone that is."

Dobby pops out, it's time for some serious thinking and planning, soaking this in, it's a big old building, walking in the corridors with moving paintings... wait moving painting, who spies for the headmaster, hurrying back to where Dobby and me bonded, I was relieved to find it was in a blind spot.

I picked the diary and the sock up from the floor, and I searched for an empty classroom with no pictures in it.

Entering, I sat down on a table. In Potterverse year 2…. This is going to suck, as a minor, they can toss me around all they want. First, I have to try to unlock some memories of old Harry, I closed my eyes trying to meditate, it seeped in, slow at first then gushing… god what were those doing with this kid? Are those still human? Years of abuse, from the first memory when Harry was about 3 years old, to when Lucius killed me… Wait killed me? I got a bloody Avada kadavra from that asshole!

OK, calm down and process this info, Harry was killed, and I wake up in his body? Me, in a dream or coma, it is still possible, if it is a dream, I guess a few more hours until I wake up, if I'm in a coma.. depends, on when they pull the plug, or I wake up in days, weeks, months, or years.

Going back to my childhood years, Harry's that is, I noticed how it escalated, accidental magic? A beating, and a day in the cupboard. Coming out stressed and hungry, triggers another accidental magic, with a day in the cupboard. Accidentally breaking his arm? The next day it was healed, so what do we do then? Let's break it again!

If this is a dream, I want to wake up, totally not funny anymore. My thoughts go to Dumbledore, he was supposed to monitor Harry's health, there is no way that he missed the abuse. This erased all the fanfictions of a good Dumbledore. For the little or long time I have here, Harry is getting his revenge, it's terminator time, Hulk smash, Rocky time... No not him, he gets his ass kicked all the time.

Now, I have to figure out what to do, fix as much as possible, in the shortest time, and fuck Dumbledore sideways, his 2 monkey's too, Mc Gonagall and Rubeus Hagrid, those naffing idiots, dropping me on the doorstep without even ringing the fucking doorbell.

It is now Saturday 29 may 1993 exams going to be canceled, so I have a week, maybe two to fix it before Durskaban, so loosening Dumbledore's grip is essential.

Sirius Black is an option, I just need to catch the rat.

Miss Skeeter is the second option.

Gringotts is the 3rd.

Emancipation, and the ministry the 4th.

10 more options pop up, I know, I read too many Potter fanfics, it's hard to choose from, so I have to combine, find my own way or do all of them.

I made my way to my dorm, all kinds of thoughts were spinning through my head, I took a shower, and a change of clothes, the Weasleys are in the hospital wing with Ginny and Ron. Hermoine got still a day petrified to go, well, I need some pureblood info about customs and laws, what to do with House Potter…. Man, this is endless.

At dinner time, at the door of the great hall, I spot a free place at the Slytherin table, next to my 2 favorite snakes: Greengrass and Davis. Let us make some waves, rock the boat, tussle some hair or whatever, I approached the girls, clear my throat and try my most polite way of speech: "Miss Greengrass, Miss Davis may I sit here with you, and share dinner and conversation? I have some questions about the magic world, from a pureblood kind of view"

Both looked at each other, there was a whole conversation between their eyes, Greengrass won apparently answering: "Sure mister Potter, you may join us for dinner and conversation. What is on your mind?" The whole table watched me take place next to Greengrass "Thank you ladies" I filled up my plate. "You are making my day."

Malfoy fumed, and could not hold it in any longer. "Potter, what are you doing here, there is no place for a filthy half-blood like you on this table." This was what I was waiting for, realizing I can't just throw accusations around, I had to bait them by action, or the declarations I'm going to throw left and right. Malfoy volunteered to be the first, so I went all out.

"Excuse Me Miss Greengrass, Miss Davis I have to respond to Mr. Malfoy's outburst." I turned to Malfoy responding with a haughty face: "I am trying to have a conversation with 2 beautiful Ladies, Mr. Malfoy, I asked and was granted to sit here, to have a conversation with them, you heard me asking, and them permitting, so in what barn did you learn your manners? I am sure it wasn't from your mother."

Better yet, snape is butting in, so eager to protect the little dragon. "Potter 10 points from Gryffindor, and go back to your own table." I smiled, and said: "I think not sir." "You are Just as arrogant as your father, 10 more points from Gryffindor and a week detention."

This was my cue, it was ranting time, I never liked this creepy stalker.

"First, professor Snape it is not forbidden to sit on another table, in fact, it is encouraged to do so, so give me points, instead of taking it.

Second, what is it with my father and you? From day one you are harassing me for no good reason. Was my father arrogant? I wouldn't even know, he is dead for more than 10 years.

What did he do to you? Was he a bully?

Did he steal your girl? No, that can't be it, she was a mudblood, so a pureblood would spit on her. Or maybe because dad married her, and sullied the pure line by birthing a half-blood like me.

Well, sir how do you name someone who takes revenge on his bully, by bullying the son of his bully after he is dead for more than 10 years? I have some names: coward, creep, pathetic. Those aren't even insulting enough.

I heard our headmaster vouched for you at your trial, he said you spied for him during the war. Why didn't you stop the attack on my parents? Didn't even warned them? Were you happy dad was dead? I know your happy mom got killed *Mr. I spit on everybody not Slytherin*.

And me, arrogant? Pampered? I grew up with my muggle relatives, in a simple home, If you knew my aunt Petunia, you would know I wasn't pampered, far from it.

And here you are pampered, and abusing your authority, under the headmaster's umbrella, maybe you have your death eater friends convinced you still support their cause? Is it why you are favoring their spawn?"

BAMM... I nailed him, with every accusation he got paler and paler, the comments on mum shocked him, the comments on the headmaster and dead eaters shocked everybody, because for effect, during my rant, I stood up talking louder and louder. I was careful not to look into his eyes, I need sunglasses.

Man, I could go on for hours, I really hate snape, Mr. Rickman in the movies? I like him, but not the person he played.

It was Dumbledore who came to the rescue (proving my point). "Quite enough Mr. Potter, Professor snape, young Harry is right about the house tables, it is permitted and encouraged to do so, so Harry my boy, your points and detention are revoked, and 5 points to Griffindor, to promote house unity.

With no comment, a shocked snape turned and got back to his seat.

Did I just scramble up his announcement to cancel exams? Meh maybe he announces it after dinner, we are not done Harry needs his revenge. I took my seat back and turned to a wide-eyed Greengrass and Davis smiled, and said:

"Sorry for the interruption, some flies were bothering me, I am sorry for losing my temper for a moment. Al I wanted to ask, is a pureblood view on some things. Maybe you can help me."

Davis was the first to snap out of it "Potter, this will go down in history, what did you do today to cause this?" "Well, Miss Davis I went down to the Chamber of Secrets, and killed your founder's pet" This woke Greengrass up "You killed his pet?" Smiling I nodded.

"yep, his pet, a 70-foot basilisk, give or take afoot, I didn't have a tape measure at hand"

Davis, not sure I was joking or not asked again: "So, you killed a 70-foot basilisk? You and what army?" I was loving it, the whole table where listening, so I piled on.

"It wasn't a big army, you know, just me, the sorting hat and Fawkes, you know, the headmaster's bird"

Greengrass: "Wait, wait, how did you kill it? Basilisks are resistant to magic, and I doubt a bird or a hat can help much"

It was like talking to the Weasley twins, alternating but with better looks. Nobody dared to interfere with our conversation, afraid of another smackdown.

" I stabbed through his brain with Goddricks sword. Now this here is my question: What are the rules and procedures in killing a 70-foot basilisk?"

Davis flapped out: "I know, I read about it in your book when you killed the angry dragon and saved the village of your girlfriend when you were 9 years." Well, now it was my turn to be speechless. "Come again, Miss Davis? I was 9, had a girlfriend, and killed an angry dragon, to save a village? How come I don't remember it? And girlfriends? You and Miss Greengrass, with Hermione, are the first girls I even had a conversation with. So which one of you three is my girlfriend?"

Blushing, Davis said: "I didn't mean it like that, in the book, Harry Potter and the angry dragon, you... no, he killed a dragon, and saved the village."

"Oook, so what is supposed to happen next, after the kill?" Maybe some good can come from those idiotic books. Another thing to look into.

"First, if you are the lone killer you can claim the body, there is a big market for it, you sell it and marry the girl.. oops not the last bit" Now Greengrass was the blushing one. It seems the ice queen persona in the fanfics develops later.

Davis: "Also he collected a lot of money, cashing in the life debts from the village" Alright we have something to gain here. In the original works, it is barely mentioned with Wormtail and Snape, but there are a lot of fanfics with this theme.

"Life debt?"

Greengrass: "yes, if you rescue a witch or wizard's life, without causing it, or to gain from it, and putting yourself in mortal peril doing it, creates a magical debt, and it stays until payment of some sort is done. The payment cant be forced away or refused, you can even ask for his magic or life, which is a slave for life"

O yeah! I have Hogwarts by the balls. Now is the time to squeeze them. I stand up raise my wand, and with a loud voice proclaim: "I Harry James Potter of House Potter, claim the carcass of the basilisk I single-handed killed, in the Chamber of Secrets. So mote it be."

The magic glow around me confirmed the claim. "Harry my boy, why did you do this? This is not the time to do something like that"

"Well headmaster, it is too late now, I already claimed it, sorry about that." Pretending to be sorry, I lowered my head.

"It is alright my boy, we will talk about this later." Happy I complied with him, he sat back down I bet he wants the basilisk for himself.

Lowering my voice, I turned to the girls: "My question to you Ladies is: Do you know someone to sell a basilisk to? I think they are pretty hard to come by."

Davis: "Our dad's run a business for potion supplies, I think they know someone to render the carcass, and who to sell to. I'm sure they want to buy some of it too. You can also let Gringots mediate, but their ratings are at least 20% of the sales"

Going with a gut feeling I can trust them (in most fanfics here, both are the nicest ones of Slytherin)

"If you Lady's would mediate with your parents, to help me sell it for a good price, I'll give 5% commission" ""15%!"" "5% each, and your word your parents are fair to me, final offer, or it's the goblins."

Again they have a conversation with the eyes … … it must be nice to have someone so close, you know what she was thinking.

Greengrass: "Deal but we make a magic contract, so we are sure we get the money" "I can live with that, who writes it up?"

Davis: "we mail our dads, and their lawyers will write it out."

"Remember Ladies, I like to have it done before the holidays, by the look of snape, he wants a piece of the action, and I hate him with a passion"

Greengrass: "Don't worry Mr. Potter, we kind of got the feeling of you not liking him"

Now with a normal voice "Thank you Ladies for this explanation, now I have to hunt a writer down, who is making money with my fame. Maybe I can kill him, like the dragon, and sell his body"

Davis laughs at this "Don't worry Mr. Potter, I give you the names of some good lawyers, they are better at hunting people, and stripping their cash'

"Well, my Lady you are a lifesaver, now I feel bad not getting in Slytherin, I should have known better" This has some eyebrows raised. And sure enough, Malfoy couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"There is no way you would have got in our house, this is a Noble House and not something a half-blood like you can get into."

"Again Mr. Malfoy, where are your manners, I am speaking with 2 very beautiful Ladies, we didn't ask you, and didn't want to hear your opinion. And for the record, the sorting hat wanted to put me here in the first place" This got tongues rolling, some surprised, some angry.

"And Mr. Malfoy, about being noble or not, my family came to Britain with the Romans, and were Ancient even then, our blood traces down to Greece and Egypt, while your family was running behind some goats in the Alps, and got kicked out of France during their revolution, with a cursed name, Bad faith."

It's a total fabrication I made up, but it made Malfoy, imitate a fish. Now we have to rub a bit more salt in the wounds.

"And what is wrong being a half-blood? Most are more powerful than the pure-bloods anyway."

Pandemonium broke loose, the biggots jumped up "You're lying, where is your proof of that?"

Hook, line, and sinker. I turned to the angry crowd and started.

"I'll begin with our headmaster: muggle-born mother, Grindlewald: the same, muggle-born mother, your dear head of house Snape: muggle father, and last but not least Tom Marvolo Riddle: squib mother and muggle father."

The whole table was mumbling: Snape? And who is Riddle?

"Ah, my dear Slytherins, Tom Marvolo Riddle is your beloved Voldemort, didn't you know he is a very pure HALF-BLOOD!"

I was on a roll, nothing can stop me now. Our beloved headmaster stood up.

"Mr. Potter, you cannot declare something like that."

"Why ever not sir, it is the truth, if people know he is a half-blood, then most wouldn't let them get branded, like slaves or cattle. And yes, they are nothing more than cattle to me. A wizard should bow to no one, work together, accepting leadership, yes, but not kissing his feet or getting branded, so they can murder, rape, and torture everybody, who doesn't agree with that lunatic.

He is even less than a half-blood, a son of a squib and a muggle."

"Nonetheless, those things should be handled delicately, you all are too young for these matters"

"Sir, I do not understand, with hiding his true name, you are helping him gain his reputation, with hiding the crimes those idiots do, you are making yourself an accomplice, causing suffering to the innocent, for what? To redeem a mad man, too far away from humanity, it's even insulting to animals to call him one?

Now tell me, sir, why hiding Voldemort's true name? Why must we keep it a secret?"

"You all are too young, for such a burden, this is for the adults to deal with my boy"

"Then sir, did you tell any adults his true name? It wasn't in the Daily Liar... I mean Prophet. And so you have to know, a lot of students here idolizing him didn't you see the reaction of half this table when I said he is a bastard. He told me himself, in the Secret Chamber. So again sir, are you helping the cause of Voldemort?"

Funny and sad, every time I say his name, everybody acted if they are slapped.

I turned to the girls, and asked "If someone attacks you three times, and you destroy him every time, can you claim his gold or other possessions?

Greengrass responded: "If you are the last of the line, and he is too if it's a family feud, you can claim his land and title if he is the one attacking."

Bingo! Time to cash it in. I stood up, raised my wand, grinning to the girls "I Harry James Potter Heir of House Potter hereby, by right of conquest, claim all lands and titles from Tom Marvolo Riddle, meaning the Houses of Gaunt and Slytherin, So mote it be!"

Cool, 2 flashes of light, I commented "Well, it was true after all, I am the Heir of Slytherin, who would have known?"

Dumbledore was fuming but could do nothing about it, after magic accept it, any action from him would make it worse.

"Mr. Potter sit down, and stop this at once, it has gone far enough"

"Still helping the death eaters sir? Let see how far I can get" Raising my wand "I Harry James Potter of House Potter, claim hereby, by right of magic. Valor and blood, the Lordship of House Gryffindor So mote it be!" The light show was impressive this time, I guess Hogwarts butted in with approval.

Sitting down I smiled at my girls "How many do you think I have now, do you think I can claim some more?" Both exclaimed, "You are crazy."

Whispering "If you know what a pensive is, and you know how to extract a memory, do it right after dinner, and ask your house-elf to deliver it to your parents. Do not use your owls. Our headmaster is too lenient to let this happen. I think he has a way to let us forget this."

Greengrass, who was sitting beside me leaned, in also whispers "We both know how to do this, don't worry we will."

"Can you both do it, and mail the other one to Rita Skeeter, with a message from me?"

Greengrass: "What is the message?"

"I really, really hate water bugs, if I find one snooping around, I crush it. Make Potter look good."

"I also suggest telling some of the housemates you trust, to do the same, not the water bug, that is our secret"

Now to drop the last bomb:

"Mr. Malfoy, be sure to thank your dad for all the life debts due to me, after all, he is responsible for releasing the Basilisk, he smuggled a cursed object into Hogwarts, now almost all students and faculty own me a life debt. Even you, you must be ever so proud of daddy." Malfoy paled whiter like a ghost.

Everybody looked at me like I was a monster, then the yelling began, belief, disbelief anger, and fear it was all there, a seventh year from Slytherin stood up yelling.

"Bullshit, you're lying, it's impossible to have the whole school in debt."

"Well, can you imagine a basilisk strolling in here during dinner, how many would survive? Well, how about cashing in your debt? Let's see if it is true. What option do you choose? Losing your magic, or a life of slavery?"

"Harry my boy, what do you mean, is this a treat?" Dumbledore jumped in, again trying to get me under his thumb. Meh, we smash him, see how far I can take this. Harry's years of abuse demands it.

"What are you insinuating headmaster, I'm just offering a way of proving the debt, if you know a spell for it, go ahead and cast it, it might save someone's magic." "You are turning dark Harry, this is no joking matter. You can not threaten another student." Harry turning dark, dumbels favorite stick, if you don't listen, the stick comes out. It is time to use my stick.

"In a way sir, you are responsible to, the wards of this castle should have warned you about the cursed object, and you chose to neglect it like you neglected all the signs to the Chamber. I have been bullied for the whole year, and you didn't move. When Creevy was brought in the hospital wing I was in there, regrowing the bones in my left arm so you knew I was innocent. You just had to say a few words, and my life would be easier. It's like you wanted me bullied and humiliated. Maybe this is why you keep that bastard snape on the job."

I'm on a roll, his response of him trusting snape in 4-3-2-1

"Professor Snape has my fullest trust my boy, believe me."

"What reason do you have to trust him sir?" evasive action in 4-3-2-1

"I can not reveal those reasons, my boy, the future of wizardkind is at stake here."

After his bashing, snape was remarkably silent. So for a finale, I'll go for the throat, with no mercy.

"Trusting snape makes you untrustworthy. By protecting him you let him abuse his authority and well sir, I don't trust him, he may be a great potion master, but he is one of the worst teachers here, anyone who can copy a recipe from a book on a blackboard is a better teacher than him because they wouldn't insult us all of the time, giving points to Slytherin for combing their hair and deducting points from all other houses for doing the same.

Trust? He could have been the reason my parents are dead, he could even have asked for my mother to play with, after all, she was a muggle-born, they must all die, or be raped and tortured by those death eaters."

Whispering to Greengrass "The memory, do not forget Skeeters too, I think this will fill at least a few editions" Speechless she nodded "Relax, I like you and miss Davis, trust me, we have an agreement, 5% remember?"

This put a smile back on her face, a very pretty face btw, so was Davis, one blond one black, now a red, and a brunette, and it's a set.

Nah, I'm an old fart and not into lollies, let's wait a couple of years, see what happens.

I stood up, stretching myself "This was nice, I'm off to bed, goodnight everybody." And of we go, leaving the great hall, the noise got tenfold, Harry would have loved it. Making my way to the seventh floor, careful not to be followed, I got to a blind spot with no pictures.

"Can I have 2 Hogwarts elves here plz?" 2 elves popped in, looking me up and down smiling.

"what can Dippy and Mipsy do for master Gryffi?" Master he, this simplified things for me, with the elves on my side we can go somewhere.

"I need 1 cage for a rat, with an unbreakable spell on it, then put the rat of Ronald Weasly in it, stun it first, so it stays still, the other one brings me parchment and a quill, so I can write a letter. No word of this to the headmaster. Understand? Go"

Popping away, in less than a minute both returned. "Parchment and quill master Gryffie. This is no rat master Gryffie" holding up the cage with a stunned Pettigrew.

"I know my friend, this is why I needed an unbreakable cage. Now, who knows where Amelia Bones lives, she is the head of the DMLE. This rat needs to be delivered to her home, not the office.

Writing my letter to miss Bones, the elves kept on popping in and out.

To Madam Bones Regent of House Bones

The rat in the cage is an animagus called Peter Pettigrew, yes the one everybody thinks is killed by my Godfather Sirius Black. I did some research and my Godfather didn't have a trial, Why not? He was Heir of House Black, now he is Lord Black. This is a conspiracy on the top level. Be sure to search Pettigrew thoroughly I suspect he has Voldemort's wand in a secret pocket.

Next, I want to press charges against the people who put me at my relatives.

First, they dropped me off on the doorstep at night in November, I know because that was what my uncle yelled at me during the belting, (memory included). I am supposed to have a magical guardian, well, I have never seen one. They starved me, beat me, and let me work worse than a house-elf. Imagine when I arrive in the magic community I'm a hero?

Well, this hero has enough. In another memory, you can see I claimed 3 Lordships and I am going to use them to get my justice

I press charges at the ministry for abducting my Godfather BY RITUAL and holding him hostage for 12 years without a trial or conviction.

I press charges against the people who dropped me of at my relative's door and abandoned me

I press charges at my relatives for starving me, torturing and use me as a slave.

I am Heir Harry James Potter

Lord Gryffindor

Lord Slytherin

Lord Gaunt

You will see the memory of me claiming the titles in the vial I include with this letter.

PS: Keep Malfoy and his supporters away from Lord Black because a dead Sirius makes his son the next one. This includes the prime minister.

"Can one of you get me some vials, I'm going to try to extract memories." A snap and 5 vials appear.

With the right question and motivation, you get everything done from these little buggers.

Concentrating on the memory of everything happening at dinner, I put my wand at my temple, slowly silver mist appears when I pulled it out and stored it in the vial.

I just looove the Dursleys, 3 of the worst memories from Harry should do the trick, a few more additions to the letter, and let's see if dumbels can save them or himself.

"Master Gryffie, we can not deliver the letter, but we can call a Bones family elf to come here."

"Great thinking, you guys are the best, quick you can call him here." All it needs is a snap of the fingers, an aged elf appears.

"You asked for Addy Lord Gryffin?" An elf with manners? This needs a gentle approach.

"Master Addy, can you please deliver these vials, this letter, and rat cage to Madam Bones at her manor, not the ministry, this rat animagus has too many friends and is a criminal. I mean Madam Bones no harm I so swear."

After the glow subsided, Addy observed me for 15 seconds, nodded, and left. Another item crossed from the list.

Now my parents will … no Harry's parents will.

Dumbledore out of his jobs.

And we go for Horcruxes, with my show today in the great hall, should throw a stick in the henhouse.

I just don't know what to do with the werewolf, my feeling says he is a dumbledore slave, I'm on the fence with him. The 10 years of Dursley are too fresh in my mind to forgive and forget.

The ministry, especially Fudge and the toad, needs some handling. Nah with 4 lordships and Heir of Black I can't turn my back to them, or their noses are up to my ass, we can't have that, can we?

Going up to our dorm, it started to sink in, I am Harry bloody Potter, and I am going to survive this snake pit.