
I'm Finally a Tree, But Why am I a Demon Lord

Botanist Satoshi Ki suddenly dies, meets a God, and got reincarnated as a tree. Or so he thought (on hiatus) Disclaimer: This novel follows a (kinda) omniscient pattern or when the author scrutinizes the characters to get a deeper knowledge of them and the world so if you are the type of reader that only wants to see the mc, you've been warned ;)

Harzche · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Popping Flowers

Waking up, I gently opened my eyes. I shook my hands a little, took a long good stretch, then I slowly stood... up?!– WAIT WHAT'S THIS, I can stand?!

' Oh God, Oh my, Oh my Lord, Oh what is happening?!' I thought to myself while standing awkwardly and stared at the random fireflies hovering in front of me, I stayed like this probably for 30 minutes before II found my self back on the ground with a sit-up pose.

In that pose, I can see my whole body which is not even a body, it's more like smoke, a disgustingly green smoke… of all colors possible. I mean, I could have been blue or something.

I looked back, and I saw a small blue tree that is so bright. And there is a big green ball behind it that seemed brighter the more I look at it.

Ignoring those two pretty cool things, I looked around me, adoring the ample beauty that surrounds me; the long and short fallen leaves on the ground or on the walls, together the soft and hard roots that crawl the soil, the fragrant scent of flowers and the gentle breeze that surrounds everything, it's as if… they are alive and breathing.

"Everything's even more beautiful now" I whispered to myself.

Unable to contain my palpitating heart, I rolled the ground, feeling the soft leaves and grass, feeling the thick roots while I indulge myself as the scent of flowers wafted through my nose. Lying down, I looked back at the huge green ball and judging from the view, my pretty basic brain could say that, that is probably where I was.

'But where did this green see-through body come from?' I continued to ask myself.

I tried to think, but I also remembered that my logic barely applies to this world. I mean this world is MAGIC, and I am a man of science It's probably just another magic magical thing that happens and plus, all this Demon Lord crap has got me on edge I need a break… Were you expecting at least a theory? Nah, not from me at least… all I care about are plants.

Yes...Plants! Ever since coming to this world, I've lost touch with them but now… I can literally touch them and feel them– And these specimens are MAGNIFICENT.

The ones on the ground are all leaves and different kinds of grass but WOW, there are different shape, textures and even TRANSPARENCY!!

Near me, I can see fat star shaped leaves, I can see some leaves that look like those from Earth, there's even small flowers that spun gently and release small bits of pollen as it did and by God it's so beautiful.

As I adored the wonderful flora that lives around me, Maxim suddenly appeared out of thin air. Scaring the crap out of me. "The undead army have been repelled, My lord" He bowed.

Oh right, I'm this Demon Lord guy

In an attempt to at least seem decent, I sat cross-legged, "W-Well done, Maxim" I remarked.

"I do not deserve such a compliment, My Lord. Ren did all the work and Glut– Glut died in the process"

"I see"

Wide eyed, Maxim suddenly stood up straight, his hand in his chest then exclaimed, "But My Lord! Glut died! Shouldn't you at least… give him your regards…"

"We-well I will give him my regards then" I replied, not knowing what I am supposed to say.

"But Glut he.." Maxim whispered under his breath.


Lowering his head, Maxim started to speak with a low tone, "Nothing, My Lord. I shall go to the hills now, there appears to be humans approaching the forest."

Humans are coming?! Humans?!

"Humans?" I asked just about Maxim is about to leave.

"Yes, My Lord, do you want to slay them yourself?"

"Wait why would you slay them? Don't slay them."

After giving my answer, Maxim looked at me with wide-eyes, his heart raised and sunk rapidly and his face giving a very wary expression. "Do you not want to slay them, My Lord?" He asked.

Oh, right… I'm supposed to hate humans. But come to think of it, they are the closest thing to me in this world– why would I slay them?

Straightening my back, I continued in a high tone, "You heard me, do not slay them."

"A-as you wish, My Lord"

Oh, I really want to get out of here. If not for these plants, I would have left as soon as I realized I could stand!

"How far are the humans?" I asked again just before Maxim is about to disappear.

He then looked back at, bowed at me then replied, "At their current pace, they should arrive within 5 days. My Lord."

"I see, go do your duties now."

"As you wish, My Lord." He answered, as a sharp gleam shone from his eyes as he slowly stood straight and disappeared.

"Well that was freaking tense".I mumbled to myself while I held a flower from the ceiling that looked like a lotus but with really sharp petals.

Hmmm, weird… Is it moving? I closed my eyes then held the flower, feeling its every soft but sharp petal.

Then, I realized. the longer I touch it, the more and stronger I could feel this flow of water from the body of the plants– No, it feels like the plants ARE made of water, like they're body is flowing like water. What is this?

I picked a beautiful lime green leaf from the ground and tried to do the same thing… But there's none. I couldn't feel nothing. This really twisted my mind. I walked across the beautiful circular room and did it to every single plant that is here. But it can only be felt on rooted ones.

Is this because of mana?

Well that could be an explanation, this is a magical world after all…

Afterwards, I tried to do something. What if I can touch the water? Or mana, in this case?

To test it, I grabbed the same lotus that I grabbed earlier then closed my eyes, trying to feel that flow. Then, like dipping my hand into water, I dipped my hand into that flow and tried to disrupt it. I only felt like what you would feel when you disrupt a water flow.

It was only after I opened my eyes that I noticed a change.

As I opened my eyes, I could see the lotus I was holding turn quite literally into a 19 petaled light bulb. It is so bright. That I let it go because of the reflex of not wanting to look at it. Then, as I let the flower go, it exploded with a pink smoke, filling the air with the scent of… berries? Well all I can say that it smelled so damn good, so I decided to do this to every other flower I see.

I did it on an unexceptionally violet flower that looked kinda like a blue mist shrub but wAY pointier. After I did, the smell of roasted beef came to my nose. Beef? From a flower? What? Oh right, a magic world.

Eventually, I named what I've been doing as 'popping' flowers… Because they pop and it smells good.

After a few moments, I've popped so much flowers that the entire room smells like what would happen if you sprayed a dozen different perfumes and oh my is it not good.

Then, I started coughing a lot,'I need to get out' was my immediate thought.

"Where's the exit!" I shouted while coughing.

Standing, I walked to the brightest source of light which is also the only hallway outside the room. And as I continued, the very strong smell of flowers slowly faded away. I now find myself walking a beautiful green arc probably made of roots, wood, leaves and flowers. Just like the room from before.

At the end of this long hallway-tunnel thing I saw the twins, standing as if guarding something. Well its most likely that they are guarding me… or protecting?

Then, as soon as they noticed my staring, they suddenly ran towards me "My Lord!" They exclaimed

Not knowing their name and not knowing what to say, I simply asked "Y-yes?"

"Nothing, My Lord. We just sensed very strong amounts of mana inside your room" The one with a huge bow behind her smiled at me. Oh, wow they're cute. It's my first time seeing someone look so perfect while wearing skin tight suits.

"Very strong mana?"

"Yes, My Lord, even until now, a considerably huge amount of mana is seeping from you."

Considerable amount of mana?

Once again not knowing what is going on, I asked "I-I see—What's this, considerable amount of mana?"

Then they looked at me with tilted heads as if I'm some respectable idiot.

"Well you are made of mana, My Lord."

"Oh, you mean this body?"

"Yes, My Lord"

"W-well, can you tell me more?"

"About what, My Lord?"

"This body?"

"Well this form of yours, My Lord, is what one would call a spirit, or those that are connected and is woven together with mana."

Oh, spirits. Spirits? Like ghosts? Well I really look like a ghost now.

"What are spirits?"

"Spirits are the manifestation of mana, and since they are connected to the world; they don't have to use spells," She beamed, then looked at me with wide eyes, "And you are now one of them now, My Lord." Followed with a bright smile

Oh! Wow, that's–She's cute. That is adorable. And I'm a spirit now? Wasn't I a tree? I should really start asking about magic now

Rubbing my chin, "How about magic?" I inquired, "Can you tell me about it?"

Then, the one without the bow on her back lent her hand to me, "Would you like to walk while talking, My Lord?"

"S-sure" I answered, and I did not blush.

Going forward and exiting the long hallway, I could finally see what it looked like. It's a long tunnel that protruded from the base of a GIGANTIC tree… This is probably bigger than a Redwood tree, and Redwood trees are huuge.

Don't worry will still be a tree

Try Evergreen’s Beyond the Mystery its nice~

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