
I'm Engaged to a Billionaire

What makes a perfect spouse? Is it Looks? Is it kindness? Is it status? or is it wealth? Pero is a broke college student but his life changes when he encounters a peculiar situation.

Kevin_Roy_Maglaqui · Urban
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1 Chs

White Silk

A blaring sound that makes you grind you teeth blares as the sun emerges from the horizon, he shuffles around in his bed as he tries to locate the source of this annoying sound. Finally he grasps the phone emitting the ear splitting sounds, he removes the blanket covering his body revealing himself, his hair's a mess with dried saliva on his cheeks and his eyes half open, he looks around his room , a pile of unwashed laundry catches his eyes and he grumbles about doing it later after he gets the detergent it would take to wash it. Again his gaze darts around the room, until it reaches his computer. He walks over and the dark monitor reflects his morning face along with his enormous body, he looks at himself with disgust, he loathes himself, ever he was young he has been ridiculed and bullied by others, due to this he has developed insecurities, body dysmorphia and struggles to find it in himself to love himself again, however as a man he is not allowed to express the pain he feels inside as it would be seen as him being weak, and for men being weak means they are worthless, after thoroughly cursing at himself while looking at his reflection at the dark monitor screen he grabs a black cable and ever so carefully plugs it into the outlet. He reaches over to the computer and presses the power button, and with a satisfying click it sparks to life.

He logs into his class with his camera turned off, He listens attentively to his teacher's rants about how important history is to his study, however he knows full well that as an IT student, learning about history is almost pointless, still he listens, he cannot possibly afford his tuition so as a scholarship student he must always keep his grades afloat or he might lose his scholarship. The hour passes as the teacher agonizingly continues to rant about history . It seems like eternity had passed, but finally it was over, he reclines in his chair and breathes a sigh of relief as the class finishes. After wallowing in self hate he gets up an gathers his pile of laundry and starts separating them by color. He catches another glimpse of himself in the dark monitor and he realizes that he has yet to wash his face. He grumbles as he walks in front of the bathroom sink, the half rotten floor boards creak as his weight shifts in the floor as he walks. The discolored sink is teeming with mold, strands of hair and other debris. He twists the faucet and after a short delay, water emerges. He splashes a handful of water onto his face and he grabs a bar of soap then begins to lather his face. After carefully massaging his face he splashes his face with more water to rinse away the lather. He dries his face with a towel that he probably hasn't washed in a few weeks. Finally, he exclaims as he opens the old door leading outside, it releases an ear piercing creak as it cracks open, Pero himself winces from cringing at the sound. As he sets out the sun stings his skin, it was absurdly warm but still he had to get detergent otherwise he'd have nothing to wear tomorrow.

The crickets chirp and the hum of a motorcycle's engine as it coasts by him, the sound of children playing, fills his ears. These sounds are not unpleasant, to him these sounds were comforting it reminded him of the summers he used to have when he was a kid, although these memories were pleasant to him they were bittersweet, they are now just memories to look back on, he wasn't a kid anymore. He's an adult, and adults lives through reality, whilst children play and dream. The sun's intense heat causes him to profusely sweat, so he decide to takes a short breather under the shade and it was still pretty far away from the grocery store so it was for the best that he would cool himself under the shade. Upon walking into the shade he stumbles upon a girl also hiding from the painful rays of the sun, she had very long bangs that almost reach her eyes, she wore a pure white silk camisole with a blue belted crinkled woven shorts and a pair of Cecilia T-strap sandals, everything she wore looked expensive, she also had shades and a bag that had a designer brand logo on it. The woman was a bit short but she had clear and flawless skin, her hair was long and shiny, she also had beautiful almond shaped eyes, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. The woman had noticed him looking at her so she looked him straight at his eyes, flustered he averts his gaze downward as to not make eye contact.

"What's the matter? Do I have anything in my face?" The woman asks him confused as to why he was staring at her.

"..." Pero stays silent, he already had difficulties speaking to girls, but speaking to girls as pretty as her is overwhelming, to him it was like climbing up a mountain without gear and by himself. The woman looks at Pero who is completely flustered with his gaze completely fixed downward.

"Are you okay? you're beet red." She asks him concerned that he might get a heat stroke. At this point he gets even flustered, she hands him a water bottle that was already halved.

"Here have this, I've already drunk half of it, but please at least have a sip It's too hot today you might collapse from a heatstroke. " She says as she smiles at him gently

"Thank you" her smile was so beautiful that even he could'nt help but reply to her, he responds in a small voice that was quite contrary to his huge manly frame. She burst out laughing as the tiny voice escapes this huge man.

"Hahahaha! why is your voice so tiny." She says as she tries to stop herself from laughing any further.

Pero's face changed to that of being flustered to being completely dejected, he thought that after so long he had finally had a normal interaction with someone but it turns out that she was gonna make fun of him for being huge. She notices that her laughter had changed his mood, and she feels guilty for making him feel that way.

"Hey... Did I do anything to offend you? I didn't mean to offend you in anyway, I just thought that you had a cute voice... I'm very sorry!" She says with complete remorse and regret.

"I... Sorry... I'm too... I just... I get emotional too easily... And I can't... I..." He mumbles as he looks at the ground trying to avoid eye contact.

"I'm sorry too, I was too insensitive and rude even though we just met." She replies.

"Hey how about I treat you to lunch?" She says to him gleefully.

"Why? I'm sorry but that'd be too much..." He replies still looking at the ground.

She furrows her brows and says in a stern voice. "Hey! Look at me in the eyes when I talk to you!" She says as she lifts his chin a little so that they reach eye contact. She recoils back in shock to what she had done, she touched his chin without asking, and raised her voice on him a complete stranger.

"Sorry It was by impulse, it's just that you reminded me of my little brother, he wouldn't make eye contact when he talked with others and I would often scold him to at least make eye contact for a few seconds.

"No it's fine, you're right I should maintain eye contact with others when I talk, that was very rude of me I'm sorry." He says as he desperately tries to maintain eye contact, but still his eyes subconsciously try to evade the gaze of her beautiful black eyes.

"So... How about my offer earlier?" She asks him anticipating a favorable response.

"I'm not rea..."

"Please! Just come with me! Think of it as my way of apologizing!" She cuts him off as he hesitates.

"I... Fine." He says as he finally gives up trying to deny her offer.

"So where do you wanna eat?" She asks as she looks him in the eye like a curious dog.

"I don't really know... some chicken I guess..." he responds feeling embarrassed from all the eye contact.

"I mean I could treat you to some steaks if you'd want that?" She asks enthusiastically.

"No that would be too expensive, and we barely know each other I don't think you should spend that much on random people."

"Nah it's fine..." She assures him. " I know a place, "let me call for my chauffeur."

"chauffeur? what do you mean?" He asks as she gazes off into the distance.

"Ooh! There he is!" She exclaims as a long black limousine pulls over into the curb.

"What took you so long? I've been waiting for so long!" She exclaims with a loud and playful angry voice to the man inside the car, he had pure white hair and he wore silver rimmed glasses with semi formal clothes.

"I'm sorry madam, It currently lunch rush hour so I had a bit of trouble getting past traffic. Anyway who is this man?" The old driver says.

"This is a friend of mine... I'll be treating him to lunch. Can you drive us to...

This is like my first time writing, I've only read two full books before but I decided to write, I like creating more than consuming. Also writing this made me exhausted lmao

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