
I'm dreaming of a red ruby

I'm currently right this it'll be up as soon as possible... hopefully

BadKarma45 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

Chapter 5

I hate meeting new people, mostly because there either using me or I'm using them. Once I reached the door I turned around now looking Otis dead in the eyes, I held up the earring he was supposedly wearing. The shock in his eyes amused me, he started running towards me at full speed, he seemed so scared, and that's when I realized I had something important, something with value. I slammed the door in his face and ran the opposite way. Bumping into so many people until I ran straight into a dead end, hearing his footsteps get louder and louder, I stuffed the earring in my mouth begging that I would accidently swallow it

He caught up to me.

"WHERE IS IT" he yelled at me in a very hostile manner. I glanced down at the sewer, and looked back at Otis with a smile from ear to ear.

"You didn't" he said furiously as he walked slowly towards me step by step as if I was some wild animal that would attack at any minute. I nodded my head trying to not make it obvious that I had something in my mouth. He was coming closer to me staring me dead in the eye, until he was so close I could stab him.

I could hear the rest of his little "team" run up behind him. Otis whispered something into my ear as I was starting to feel drowsy, Then everything went black.

Whoa, it has been a while, i dont know how i went a month without posting.

but here's is a new chapter YAY!

Thank u for reading it means alot

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