
I'm dreaming of a red ruby

I'm currently right this it'll be up as soon as possible... hopefully

BadKarma45 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

chapter 4

"OMG is she awake", a funny looking red head came bouncing through the door. She had a white puffy knee- length dress that seemed to have a mind of its own and bright pink band aids all over her legs. She ran up to the wooden table I was now sitting on and started to examine my face.

"Your eyes are so pretty" she said a little bit too loud.

"Okay stop touching my face" I said while swatting her hands away from my face. About a second of silence went by before a boy that look very similar to the red-head that was now touching my hair, walked in.

"Sorry for my incompetent twin sister, my name is reed" he said bluntly.

"OH, how rude of my I forgot to introduce myself" AHH, she screamed in my ear again.

The girl stepped back so she was standing next to her brother and said "my name is zyla Tycho and this is my brother reed, but you already knew that of course, What's your name" what the hell she was so cute when she said that I could've almost forgot how annoying she was.

"KT" I said far too unenthusiastically.

"Okay, it was nice meeting you all, but I think I'll be taking my leave", I say as I make my way to the door. But Otis stops me at the door.

"What do u want, pointy-ears" at this point I just wanted out.

"It's Otis, but that's besides the points, don't you want this" he said as he showed me the bracelet I stole.

"Princess", I would've corrected him but I really couldn't care less. I grabbed the bracelet, but he wouldn't move. He leaned over to my ear and whispered.

"I'll keep your secret" he stepped aside I walked out the door just to realise I don't know which ones the front door.

"It the third one to the right" turner yelled from behind me.

"Thanks" I yelled back as I started to leave.

sorry for any mistakes

BadKarma45creators' thoughts