
I'm Bound to an Ultra-Wealthy System

"Host, please select your starting reward: A: Receive 1 billion yuan, which will be transferred to the host's account in a reasonable manner. B: Acquire a rare overseas mining site, which will be transferred to the host in a reasonable manner, with 100% ownership. It'll generate a net profit of 50 million dollars per month for the host, which will be transferred to the host's account for a duration of 10 years. C: Attain the intelligence of a top scorer in the college entrance examination, study for one year, and enter the best university as the first in the province. D: Obtain a beautiful and loyal wife." Lin Chen, who accidentally activated the Super-Rich System, obtained a mining site as his starting reward. He sold the mining resources given by the system and made a profit of 8 billion dollars. He had villas, luxury cars, yachts... As the host of the Super-Rich System, all he needed to do now was to enjoy his wealth to the fullest.

Sea Moon O · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 40 Three Ways to Drink Cross-cupped Wine

Translator: Inschain Editor: Inschain

Frank asked Luna a few questions about futures.

Luna answered one by one.

Her explanation was clear and organized, so Frank could basically understand it.

Frank wanted to know more, so he agreed to sing with her tonight. He could ask further when the time came.

However, it was only dinner time now. After the two of them made an appointment, they returned to their private rooms to continue the party.

"I just saw you chatting and laughing with a beauty in the corridor." Antony went to Frank's side and asked, "You've been so lucky recently. You've met all the pretty girls."

Frank smiled. That was true. The girls he knew were all quite good-looking.

With the increase in the level of consumption, the people he knew would definitely not be bad.

But he couldn't get to know the people he knew while consuming.

Frank noticed this from the way they addressed him. Whether it was Vivian, who sold the house, or Luna, who sold the car, they all addressed him as Mr. Levin.

If they called him that way, it would give him a sense of distance and alienation, making it difficult for him to get to know them.

But Frank didn't care. He didn't want to be close to them.

Anyway, it was life. If they met, they would chat, eat together, and make friends if they could.

"Frank, go and toast Ben Brown. Everyone has already toasted him. What if he is helpful in the future?" Antony said.

Frank looked at Ben, who was enjoying himself at the table.

Ben was the most popular person in the class. He had a strong physique and well-developed muscles. His studies were above average, and his parents were at the municipal bureau level.

In the college entrance examination, Ben performed exceptionally and was the focus of this gathering.

However, Frank's relationship with Ben was average.

Because Frank had been deskmate with Lucy for two years, in more than seven hundred days and nights, through their daily life and studies, the two of them had forged a deep friendship.

Everyone knew that Ben liked Lucy a lot.

"Ben, I heard that you did well this time. Your family rewarded you with a Geberit."

"Ben, when you get your license, take us for a ride."

"Will he bring you along? Of course, he will bring Lucy."

"Come here, Ben, let's toast you again. Everyone, let's go together!"

A few boys in the class chatted loudly in a slightly tipsy manner and then raised their glasses together.

Ben's lips curled into a smile as he held his wine glass, clearly looking like a winner in life.

But then, Ben's face suddenly turned pale.

Because he noticed that his dream girl Lucy, was taking photos with Frank.

Ben's underling, Kevin Davy, observed his expression and immediately jumped out, shouting at Frank, "Frank, you didn't even drink. You just pulled Lucy to take photos!"

Lucy laughed. "Kevin, drink your wine. Stop yelling. I was the one who pulled Frank to take photos."

"You've already graduated. You are no longer deskmates, yet you still call him Frank so intimately." Kevin said.

"Frank is my buddy, that's what I like to call him." Lucy snorted.

Ben took out his phone and said, "I'm in a good mood today. Everyone in the chat group, get ready to snatch red envelopes."

"Ben is generous."

"Ben is generous!"

Amidst the cheers of his classmates, Ben sent four 100 dollars in red envelopes to the chat group.

Online and offline, it instantly became lively.

Frank was in a good mood today. He had stockpiled a batch of logs two days ago. Now that the price had increased, he was full of anticipation of making money with his own hands.

Frank also took out his phone and sent a 200-dollar red envelope to the chat group.

"OMG! Frank is awesome!" Antony exclaimed when he saw it.

The red envelopes were immediately snatched away, and there was a wave of compliments for Frank online.

Frank usually kept a low profile in class. Now that he appeared and gave out red envelopes, it attracted more attention.

Yu Lucy laughed. "Miser, you are willing to give away so much money in red envelopes."

Frank smiled. He was used to Lucy giving him random nicknames. However, in the principle of not losing out, he retorted, "You're not a miser, you're a fool."

"Fuck you." Lucy laughed.

"Fuck you." Frank scolded back.

"Alright, Frank! You still dare to scold me, right?" Lucy glared at him. "After graduation, there's no more deskmate friendship. In the past, you wouldn't fight back when you were hit or scolded. Now, you've learned how to fight back!"

Frank shrugged.

"You have to punish yourself with a cup." Lucy brought over a glass of wine.

"Drink up, Frank. You used to listen to Lucy. Don't tell me that you've changed now." Antony said.

Frank shrugged, not planning to drink it.

"Do you want to drink?" Lucy looked up.

"Unless we drink cross-cupped wine." Frank smiled.

"What tricks do you want to play?" Lucy laughed and said, "Do you think I don't dare? Come, I'll drink with you. I'm not me if I admit defeat!"

She brought her wine glass closer to him.

"Ding! A hidden mission has been triggered - [Three Postures]. This mission requires the host to drink cross-cupped wine with the target in three different ways in this scenario. Task reward: One graduation gift package."

A notification flashed in his mind.

Heh, he had actually triggered a hidden mission!

It didn't sound difficult, but in fact, there were no three ways to drink cross-cupped wine. Wasn't it just holding hands?

Looking at Lucy who was raising her glass, Frank was thinking about the other two postures.