
I'm Bound to an Ultra-Wealthy System

"Host, please select your starting reward: A: Receive 1 billion yuan, which will be transferred to the host's account in a reasonable manner. B: Acquire a rare overseas mining site, which will be transferred to the host in a reasonable manner, with 100% ownership. It'll generate a net profit of 50 million dollars per month for the host, which will be transferred to the host's account for a duration of 10 years. C: Attain the intelligence of a top scorer in the college entrance examination, study for one year, and enter the best university as the first in the province. D: Obtain a beautiful and loyal wife." Lin Chen, who accidentally activated the Super-Rich System, obtained a mining site as his starting reward. He sold the mining resources given by the system and made a profit of 8 billion dollars. He had villas, luxury cars, yachts... As the host of the Super-Rich System, all he needed to do now was to enjoy his wealth to the fullest.

Sea Moon O · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 38 New Function After the System Upgrade

Translator: Inschain Editor: Inschain

At noon.

Frank, Antony, and Wendy ate together.

After that, they went into the mountains to play.

"Vivian didn't even want the Bentley and took a taxi?" Antony expressed his doubts. "Could it be that she rented the car?"

Frank nodded.

On this trip to Beverly Hill, Frank had been reminiscing the scene of Vivian drinking milk on the balcony. It was beautiful, cute, gentle, and sexy. She was small and weak in his arms, making him want to protect her.

Frank couldn't wait to see her again when her physiological period ended.

At night, Frank slept in the homestay in the mountains.

The chirping of insects in the wild could be heard clearly, and the stars in the sky were also very bright.

Frank used his phone to look at Subject 1 and prepared to take the driver's license test.

In the next two days,

Frank and the other two were playing in Beverly Hill.

On June 26th, Wendy returned to her hometown. Frank and Antony also left Qicago and returned to their hometown, Seorida.

Before leaving Qicago, Frank asked Vivian.

Her physiological period was not over yet.

Frank told her that he would go back to his hometown first and come back after a while.

"Okay, okay, I'll wait for you to come back," Vivian replied.

Before going home, Frank went to the BMW 4S shop and took the two X6Ms that the system had given him. He asked the salesperson to drive them to the villa garage.

Of course, this operation was carried out without Antony's knowledge.

On the afternoon of the 26th, Frank returned to Seorida.

At this time, the weather in Seorida was cool and not hot.

Frank returned to his home in the suburbs.

He had already found out from WhatsApp that his parents were not at home and had gone abroad.

Because his family owned a lumber mill, his parents often went abroad to the Bear Forest Farm in the north to discuss business. The shortest was a few days, and the longest was half a month.

Frank was used to it.

Frank went to the driving school to register with Antony.

With Antony's help, the two of them went to the Subject 1 examination early and passed it smoothly.

Then, he immediately began to practice his Subject 2.

As Frank had received a driving experience pack before, he had no problem driving. What was rare was that it was a manual transmission driving experience pack. He had no problem with Subject 2's reverse garage, half slope, S curve, and other events.

Originally, Frank could have taken the driving test at Qicago Driving School.

However, when it came to applying for his university, he came back.

He spent the last few days of June learning to drive.

Frank had to go to the driving school to pretend to not surprise Antony.

On the first day of each month, there would be a new transfer of funds.

On the first day of July, Frank woke up early in the morning and received a notification that his account had been transferred.

The 50 million dollars from the system for July was transferred into his account.

After getting the money, Frank looked at the mall first.

Last time, the achievement [A Mere Coincidence] triggered the purchase qualification of the [Mysterious Enhancement Capsule].

In the mall, the capsule lay quietly.

Frank clicked on the purchase button and a notification popped up.

"Mysterious Enhancement Capsule. The purchase discount is related to the target Vivian's favorable impression of the host. The current discount is 40%, and the selling price is 7.1 million dollars. Do you want to buy it?"

40% off?

This discount was beyond Frank's expectations!

It seemed that Vivian had quite a good impression of him.

"Yes, I do," Frank muttered.

"Ding! The host spent 7.1 million dollars to purchase this capsule."

Following the system notification, a small capsule appeared in Frank's hand.

Frank didn't hesitate and directly swallowed it.

"Ding! The host has consumed the capsule. The mysterious part has been strengthened for the first time."

A notification flashed.

Frank felt his entire body warm up, and then the heat gathered at a certain point.

"This is awesome! It can be strengthened!"

He didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but he felt that his body was stronger.

At the same time, his moral standards had also improved to a certain extent.

"Ding! For this purchase, the host has received 4000 points. Accumulated 30100 Points. The system has met the requirements to level up. The system has been upgraded once."


Frank remembered that the system had said that buying items in the mall could earn points. Spending 10,000 in the mall would earn him 1 point.

Now, the system could level up. This meant that the first level-up required 30,000 points.

"Ding! System upgrade complete, current level 2. New function: First, the First Level Wealth Halo. Second, the Beauty Rebate. Third, the Junior Mall is open for a limited time."

"[First Level Wealth Halo]: For every second that the host exists, the host will receive 0.01 dollars."

"[Beauty Rebate]: When the host spends money on a member of the opposite sex with a beauty score of more than 90 points, the host can receive several times the amount. Once a day, the consumption limit is 10000 dollars."

"[Junior Mall]: Selling basic items, excluding strengthening items. If the host buys it here, the host can get points. PS: This item does not participate in the [Beauty Rebate]."

A few system notifications appeared one after another.

Frank pondered one by one.

According to the Wealth Halo, as long as he was alive, he would get money every second. Although it was not much, only 864 dollars per day, it seemed to be able to level up.

As the Beauty Rebate, the beauty's reward was not bad. If he spent money on something for a beautiful girl, he could get a refund, and the main point was that it was several times.

In other words, if he spent 10,000 dollars, he might get 50,000 dollars back. 80,000?

This kind of opportunity to get a refund was given once a day, which was equivalent to earning tens of thousands of dollars every day.

This was indeed not bad!

Frank opened the [Junior Mall] and browsed through it. There was a special item that was already on the shelves:

"[An Investment Forecast Related to You]. Price: 170000 dollars. The host can get 100 points if the host buys it."

Frank immediately bought one.

He opened it and saw that the forecast was concise and comprehensive. There were only three words in it: "Log price increase."