

Throw a stone into a river and it causes ripples....A cold, calculating killer gets thrown into the world of One Piece and he starts to cause ripples...some he might not be even aware of...Self-insert. Have you ever wished you knew exactly how to accomplish your dreams? Have you ever wished that you didn't doubt your dream? Have you ever wished that you knew exactly what would happen if you did this or that in the future? Well... That what happened to Jack. *Beng**Beng**Beng* He senses something tear through his suitcase and he succumbs to the fate of mortals...When he opened his eyes the first thing that he saw was a......MONSTER...

bootycall · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1- The end and begining

[What would you do, if you could go to another world, a completely different dimension, where your dreams are a possibility!]

I just look at this with amusement. [Sam, You'll never reincarnate into another world. When you die. You just die... That's the end of you..] I reply with no compassion.

[But that's not what I mean! I'll ask a few questions about this topic and I want you to answer it! like you mean it!] A sigh escaped my lips. [Sure] I clicked send and waited.

[What world?] He inquired. [Well, that would depend, but yeah, I'd choose the one-piece world.] I responded.

[A decent choice, I guess. Moving on, What timeline?] He interrogated. [Not sure, but I'd like to be at the same time as shanks]


I felt something rip through my chest. I glanced towards the sound and see a couple of black-haired men shoot me with a shotgun.

My vision went black...




What's happening? I…oh.

Why am I a baby!

Was I just born? Huh!


I was handed to a bed-ridden woman who was presumably my new mother.

Since I was very attached to my old mother, this thought was concerning and made me scream even more


A year passed and as my senses started to develop, I became aware of a concerning discovery. I'm in the world of one-piece and to make it worst I am one of big mom's children.

I quickly learned that In Big Mom's eyes, her children are tools. All of the Charlotte siblings are fully aware of this. The useful ones are kept by Mama's side as her favourites.

While the useless ones are generally used as marriage pieces to bring new alliances into the fold of the Big Mom Pirates. A Win-win

From day one, I have had a vested disinterest in following Big Mom, which is precisely the reason why I do anything to please this monstrous mother.

To Big Mom mediocrity is meaningless, the only path forwards is in being valuable enough to be a piece that she wants to keep on the playing board, rather than offhandedly discard one day with nary a thought.

Being born under Big Mom's protection in the New World is priceless, but her protection comes with a price. Even as her child by blood, it comes with a price.

I don't want to die.

Which implies that I can't be weak. I will obtain power no matter how long the road ahead is.

So I began training.

I spend most of my day's meditation. Emptying my mind, breathing in and out. It's quite relaxing and pretty much the only thing I could do to satisfy the adult mind of mine.

my time was also spent flailing around, trying to build muscle faster than normal babies did without also causing irreparable damage and stunting my growth.

Eventually, I was able to sit up on my own and more impressively I could walk and run on my own.

Even though I'm just a one-year-old kid, my body is more solid than most teenagers. Must be Big Moms genes or the husband that she fucked, but that's unlikely.


I am a quiet child, cold and unapproachable. It comes as no surprise that I am not well-liked by the siblings my age, who can't fathom why I am always so grim and solemn all the time.

A few of them are persistent in their efforts to befriend me because 'we are family, but I couldn't care less about forming any sort of meaningful bonds with them.

Mama just finds it amusing. I'm three-year-old now and I nearly never talked to her. Every free time that I have, after training, Is spent on relaxing my body.

I look at Moma. the woman likes to joke from time to time, which terrifies me and makes me wonder how long it will take before she snaps.

Big Mom is a monster. This is fact. Her children all respect her to varying degrees, but they are the same in their shared fear of their monstrous mother, I fear her the most.

Anyways, another year passed and I recently began learning Haki from one of the teachers here. It's only Observation haki, he informed me, that my body isn't strong enough yet.

All of Big Mom's children are put through basic training, to evaluate their potential and discover any unique talents. I far outstrips my siblings and outspeed their learning speed like the flash.

This is one of the many reasons, why the sibling

of mine are not encouraged enough to try and learn more, but I don't care.

The children approach their lessons with playfulness and curiosity. I approaches it with determination, knowing that every extra little bit might be what I need to survive in this world.


Time continued to pass by and both my mind and body were gradually growing stronger. I'm now five-years-old. I had finally awakened my Haki, Observation haki.

I didn't allow anyone to know of this, even my teacher doesn't know. Also, righ now I started learning swordman. "You there." I shout loud enough for the fishmen to hear me.

The fishmen turns around and fixes his gaze on me "Yes." I just couldn't help, but wonder how arrogant this fishmen is. "I want you to teach me fishmen karate from today onwards"

He bowed down. I informed him as to when and where we should meet up and I only choose places where no one visits. After all, I do not want Mom to know what I'm up to.