
I'm at Level 30, But I Can Slay Level-9999 Beasts in One Hit!

While watching an action movie, Ye Xuan suddenly died and came to the mutated Blue Star. However, he became a person with the lowest awakened attribute, a total loser in the eyes of others... "Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully binding the invincible beast control system. The novice gift package has been automatically delivered!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the SSS-level spiritual attribute, with an affinity for all beasts!" Ye Xuan's body trembled suddenly. Did he just receive some powerful cheats? It was awesome! The genius campus belle said, "Is this the loser you guys were talking about? His beast is so big!" The mature mentor said, "Ye Xuan, controlling beasts starts with controlling people. Come to my room tonight and I'll teach you hands-on!" The ice-cold empress said, "God, he's too strong. He's the man I've been looking for!" A beautiful witch brought chaos to the Blue Star with evil magical creatures. Ye Xuan said, "Don't worry. I'll take care of it!"

Red Wine Falls In Love With Flowers · Urban
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40 Chs

God of War

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The sudden transformation of Ye Xuan scared the Tiger Brothers to the core.

But even so, it wasn't over yet.

His arm also underwent a rapid change.

The originally slender arm suddenly bulged with muscles.

Cracking sounds could be heard…

The aura of flames crawled up his arm, and then his entire arm was covered in dragon scales.

Even his fingers transformed into the shape of dragon claws.

Just like the legendary Five-Clawed Divine Dragon.

Soon, a blazing fire erupted from his arm!

The terrifying dragon might swept out.

In that instant, everyone was stunned.

"What is this…"

The Tiger Brothers momentarily forgot about the fight.

Even Zhang Qing, who was preparing to capture Tang Rou, stood frozen in place, too afraid to move.

As for Tang Rou…

Her gaze towards Ye Xuan turned blank.

The current Ye Xuan, engulfed in flames, was like a war god wielding fire!

Too powerful.

Too cool.

This was the result of Ye Xuan combining the power of Tongtong and his own.

Then, the next second…

His dragon claw clenched into a fist and directly struck a shield.

A cracking sound resounded…

With a single punch.

Tiger One felt an irresistible force coming at him, and his shield instantly shattered into pieces.

But it wasn't over yet…

Ye Xuan's fist faced no obstruction and continued forward. Tiger One felt a burning sensation in his chest.

Before he lost consciousness, he didn't even realize that he had been dead for several seconds.


How could Tiger Two and Tiger Three dare to continue to fight Ye Xuan at this moment?

Their big brother was dead!

They couldn't afford to be scared at this moment.

Their only thought!

was to run as fast as they could.

The person in front of them was not human!

He was a monster.

Ye Xuan was simply a fellow more monstrous than a monster.

Zhang Qing finally realized.

How could he have the time to catch hostages now?

The most important thing now was to escape for his life!


They had only taken a few steps

when a little head poked out from Ye Xuan's embrace, appearing cute and adorable like a little kitten.

Naturally, that little one was Tongtong.

After leveling up, Tongtong had gained new abilities, one of which was a very interesting skill called Dragon Form Transformation.

This skill had many uses, and one of them was the ability to freely change her own body size.

Without any hesitation, Tongtong immediately transformed back into her cute form because only in this way could she snuggle into Ye Xuan's embrace.

But even so, she had become stronger now.

She was ready to rush out and help her master kill enemies.

This was because the Dragon Form Transformation had an even stronger function, which was to truly transform her form.

One state was to transform her into the Fire God Sky Soaring state, converting all its attacks into magic attacks and increasing its attack power by 500%.

Another state called Strength God Sky Soaring state. It transformed all her attacks into physical attacks, similarly increasing her attack power by 500%.

This little dragon crawled out of Ye Xuan's embrace, wanting to test her new ability.

But Ye Xuan immediately pressed her back.

"You little cutie, how can these scum deserve your labor?"

After saying that…

He stomped on the ground.

With a swish.

His figure had disappeared from the spot.

In the blink of an eye, he caught up to someone.

Tang Rou was shocked beyond words!

She could only cover her mouth.

Ye Xuan was truly a monster!

Not to mention that his strength was even more formidable than a warrior, what was with this speed…

Even the students whose profession was assassins in her class couldn't catch up to his trail.

What else could he be if not a monster?


Ye Xuan had already caught up to Tiger Two and Tiger Three.

Without giving these two guys a chance to speak, he crushed their heads in the blink of an eye.

The Tiger Brothers were all dead.

Of course, he didn't stop there!

In the blink of an eye, he appeared before Zhang Qing.

Zhang Qing, without any hesitation, immediately knelt down again.

"Ye Xuan! I'm sorry! I was wrong! Please spare my life! I'm willing to be your slave!"


"Do you even deserve it?"

Ye Xuan looked at the guy kneeling in front of him without any trace of mercy in his eyes.

This guy must die!

Ye Xuan always considered himself a relatively kind person, but kindness didn't make him a saint.

On the contrary…

He despised saints.

Zhang Qing not only betrayed his classmate, Tang Rou, but also conspired with the Tiger Brothers to kill him.

How could he forgive such a person?


He showed no mercy.

The dragon claw in his hand slapped down again.

Zhang Qing's body fell limply, his bones shattered, and he turned into a pile of mud.

Ye Xuan turned around.

He didn't care about this guy!

At this point…

The Tiger Brothers, as well as the scums Wang Feng and Zhang Qing, were all dead.

None of the five survived.

The killer was Ye Xuan!


[Host successfully rescued the damsel in distress!]

[Rewards distributed!]

[Obtained Diamond Treasure Chest*2!]

[Obtained Legendary Treasure Chest*1!]

This time, the rewards from the system were distributed at the speed of light!

The rewards arrived the moment all the five people died!

Could it be that even the system couldn't stand what these five guys had done?

Ye Xuan opened the warehouse happily.

He wanted to see what treasures were inside these chests.

At this moment…

Tang Rou approached Ye Xuan. "Ye Xuan…"

Her clear and pleasant voice brought Ye Xuan back to his senses.

Wait, wasn't there a beautiful girl beside me? How did I forget about her?

Ye Xuan awkwardly said, "Huh? No need to thank me! We're classmates. We should help each other."

His words were perfunctory.

That was because…

He was here for the system's reward.

As for the relationship between him and Tang Rou?

To be honest, they weren't close!

Tang Rou was a wealthy and beautiful girl, high above others.

From childhood, she was the center of attention, always getting what she wanted.

Not only did she have countless flatterers around her, but most importantly, she had a smooth cultivation path since childhood.

Various treasures and resources for cultivation were nothing more than pocket money for her!

She reached the Awakened level in her freshman year in high school.

Now, he had already reached level 15!

As for Ye Xuan himself…

He was a poor kid from an orphanage. Where would he have the opportunity to have any connection with a wealthy and beautiful young lady?

If it weren't for the system, he and Tang Rou would never have crossed paths.

"Now that you're fine, call your dad to come pick you up. I have something to tend to, so I'll leave first."

Ye Xuan bid farewell directly.

He had little interaction with this rich and beautiful girl in the past, and naturally, he didn't want any association with her now.

"Ye Xuan… Wait…"

When Ye Xuan was about to leave, Tang Rou couldn't help but call out to him.