
At least it was the best one

The world was silent and dark. People were not out of their homes and most were asleep. Well their real body was sleeping but their brain was in another world. Verous was a game and this second world for the people on earth.

Verous was a world of sowrds and magic. People could do anything they wanted here. Some became murderers and criminals and some became nobles of kingdoms. There were mages, forgers, alchemists, runemasters, warriors, and much more.

At this time a young man was using a gaming pod he made himself to play Verous. He was a genius in the art of creation. Anything that could be made he could make it in Verous. He mastered alchemy, forging, rune writing, architecture, many kinds of magic, and more.

He was famous in Verous because everything he made was the best quality and couldn't be found anywhere else. The items he made he mostly kept in his warehouse at his cabin. The few items that he did sell would be auctioned off at astronomically high prices. However, no one knew who he was or what he looked like only a symbol could identify his items. It was a symbol of two hands shaping a planet.

As of now he was harvesting a heavenly dragon he had just defeated for materials. He had wanted the dragons parts for a creation of an NPC that would help him. If all went well the NPC would be able to become the strongest being in Verous.

He went to his underground city that he built and to the inner most chamber of a small building. After he opened the secret door and went through extremely complicated tunnels he arrived at a room filled with tanks of various sizes. Some tanks had different sized beings in them.

If someone saw this without an explanation they would surely think of it as a mad scientists lab room. This was where the man experimented creating life from parts of dead creatures. He would melt the dead creatures parts and enhance it before putting them into a tank to grow.

After they grew to full size he would then create a soul and program it into what he wanted. Sometimes he would use souls of the dead and remodel them to suit his needs but only very strong souls would be able to endure the process.

This time he spent much more time reshaping and enhancing the parts. The heavenly dragon was the strongest dragon and dragons were the strongest beings and had the most potential thus he wanted to create something that was perfect.

What would normally take only half an hour took 7 hours. The man never once let his focus and concentration slip. Once the NPC body was done and grown he took another look at his work, admiring it. It was a 1.87 meter tall man with hair black like the night sky and golden eyes. The looked as if it were sculpted from stone and gave off a faint pressure just by being near it.

Being made of the heavenly dragons body it was going to be tough and durable not to mention it being enhanced and condensed. The body had the ability to take on the heavenly dragons form or just make scales over his body.

The man took out the body from the tank and placed it onto a table. He then thoroughly inspected the body for anything wrong. After double checking the man started to prepare the heavenly dragons soul for the body. All of a sudden the soul that was rampaging stopped and fell silent and the man blacked out.

The man awoke and found he was laying on the table where the body was. He then discovered that his body was not his own. After pinching himself about 30 times and slapping himself 5 times he realized he was not dreaming and he was now in the body for the NPC.

"Well at least I got to take the best body. If I had a failure body then I might have just crawled into a hole and stayed there for the rest of my life."

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