
My Debut As An Adventurer [Pt 2]

Asa couldn't believe her eyes.

She had never seen such outstanding swordsmanship… such finesse!

Initially, she had been worried about why Sam—the man she looked up to so much—would use such a powerful move at the start of his match.

Asa considered such actions foolish, since it was common sense to save one's strength for the greater challenge ahead.

However, the moment she considered just how much of a stranger, he was to her, Asa decided that Sam must have had a good reason for that decision.

And, she wasn't wrong!

"Amazing… simply amazing!" Were the only words her lips could utter as she watched in absolute enthrallment.

Sam had taken down the same amount of monsters she defeated, but in even less time. His stunning blade and determined expression made her heart long for more of his elegant display.

And then, just when she was eager for more, the moment of truth arrived.


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