
Lovey-Dovey and Personal Attacks

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


The back hall of the Azure Ville Sect was burning in golden flames. It was flying in the sky like a small sun—incredibly powerful.

It was as if the disciples of the Heavenly Water Sect saw their biggest enemies when they saw the incoming back hall. They backed off frantically while holding on to their clothes.

A lot of disciples were covering their naked bodies with cloud spells. They were dazed and ashamed.

"Payne, stop it right now!" the beautiful woman yelled as she led the elders of the Heavenly Water Sect. They looked at the burning back hall feeling alarmed.

"Bamboo, don't come near it!" Payne warned frantically. "The flames will burn your clothes off! Be careful! Save yourself!"

"Shut up!" The beautiful woman looked angry. "Speak, why are you manipulating the flames to attack my Heavenly Water Sect?"

"Misunderstanding! It's a misunderstanding!"