
The World Tournament Part 2

It took a while before the two fighters left the arena and left for the closest restaurant to grab some food.

I followed after them since I lost the others in our group during the stampede of people.

I was now floating just outside of a large, open building where I could hear a piano being played from inside it had small restaurants at the back serving food to customers, I saw our group who was waiting for me because as soon as Bulma saw me she waved me over.

I flew over to the group was and moved a chair over from another table with telekinesis and put it in the open spot between Bulma and Yamcha. I curled up on the chair and rose like a snake would so that I could see over the table.

A waiter came around and got our orders, the boys had some meat, Bulma ordered juice and I just told them to get me the strongest stuff they had.

It wasn't long before we started to talk I didn't need to talk much so I didn't until they brought up Giran.

"Goku when you fight that dollar store dragon make sure to hit him under the tail as hard as you can" I said as I drank the last of my drink.

"huh, why?" He, along with the others looked at me expecting an answer.

"He, like most tailed creatures, use their tails as a way of keeping themselves balanced, Giran is very clearly top-heavy so once you take out the one thing keeping him up he's going to fall over or you can just hit him really hard that normally works"

"You think so? I mean he's got to be strong if he made it this far" Yamcha pointed out.

"True, but he looks and acts like a beast, so I'm guessing he just brute-forced his way to the finals with no proper technique"

"Hey Shenron, why didn't you enter the tournament, you sound like you know a lot about this kinda stuff" Krillin said drawing eyes back onto me.

"Because it would be a bloody slaughter if I did and if I twitched too hard some of the weaker fighters might have just been turned into a bloody mist, and I think most of you saw what happened when I was first summoned no?" My straightforward answer caught them slightly off-guard but then they remembered what happened with the Great Ape and realised why I didn't enter.

"Umm, what happened when you were summoned? I can't remember much" Goku asked curiously as to what we were talking about.

"When your older, then I might tell you" A thought ran through Goku's head as he thought back.

"When are you going to teach me how to fly?" His question came out of nowhere which caught the others off-guard.

"Is flying even possible?" This time it was Bulma who asked me.

"Yes, nearly everything is possible with the right amount of Ki and yes, I can teach you now if you want to Goku" He started jumping up and down in excitement with Yamcha having a confused look on his face.

"Yes please, teach me now" He was pretty adorable when he got happy and excited like this.

When I was about to get up and help Goku learn how to fly, there were loud and heavy footsteps moving towards us. I saw lightning strike outside giving form to a silhouette of a large tailed beast wearing a coat and hat which covered his head from the rain.

Everyone was quiet only whispering until the beast came showing off the obvious wings hidden by the coat. The beast went up to a bar that stood at the end of the room.

"Hey, ya got milk?" the bartender didn't understand why someone would want milk at a bar but was reminded what the monster wanted. "Milk fool!". The bartender was startled and quickly went off to find a big enough mug for him, and just as he did so the music from the piano started up again with people talking freely as well.

I decided to listen in on the beast as I knew something bad is about to happen.

"Big monster want milk hehe" Some monks teased the beast. "What a wimp" He was given his milk and only ignored the two idiots mocking him as a third laughs. Then a third monk came in pulling down his umbrella.

He ran over to his friends calling out to them but in his rush, he tripped over the tail of Giran scraping his face along the ground.

"Hey, you stupid rhinoceros or whatever you are mind that stupid tail of your's" Giran only ignored him.

"Don't act like you didn't hear me, you creep" The monks' voice was getting annoying very fast.

His friend came over to mock him even more, I'm surprised by the patience or Giran part, I would have thought he'd have taken one of their head off by now.

"Bartender I want a refill now!"

Giran swept their legs out from underneath them with his tail, knocking them to the floor and only one landed on his feet. They got up and surrounded him but Giran spun around obscuring their vision with his coat, he pushed two of them away and kicked the last two through a wall and table.

When Giran turned back the bartender was just finished filling up his glass, so he continued drinking as if nothing ever happened, but once he was done drinking he went over to one of the downed monks and lifted a leg.

But before he could stomp down on the monk Yamcha jumped out of his seat screaming "that's enough".

"They got the message so back off, enough is enough" Yamcha stood still trying to negotiate with the beast.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Oh, it's happening, the rash, oh man that itches, this darn rash never fails, these fake heroes and pretenders they make me freak out" Giran scratched his shoulder like there was a rash there.

"Very funny" Yamcha turned around and walked a few steps before Giran called out to him.

"Wait don't go" Yamcha turned back and dodged the punch aimed at his head by hopping to the right.

"What was that for!"

"My rash is very rare the only cure is to stomp out the pretender causing it" He still kept going on about the rash.

People started to leave as they saw the fighters get into their stances although only Yamcha had one.

Goku tried intervening saying that it was his fight with Giran but he was tossed away when Giran threw his coat at the monkey boy.

Giran charged at Yamcha and punched the ground as Yamcha dodged and went for a kick to the head only for it to be blocked.

Yamcha backed away limping slightly on the leg he kicked with. Goku got up and tried to fight him but I say fit to stop this before it got out of hand.

"Oi, Bargain bin dragon" He looked over to me only to receive a tail whip to the head so hard that he was sent instantly into the ground, he hopefully won't be out for long as his match is up next.

The onlooking crowd was stunned into silence after watching what happened, a monster was taken down in one hit while before it seem like he couldn't be hurt that badly from a head-on assault.

"Hey, he was mine!" I heard Goku yelling at me for taking over his fight.

"How about we move onto that flying lesson shall we" I changed topics to get away from the annoyed boy, which worked as his face turned into a smile just as I finished my sentence.

We moved over to a table that wasn't broken and sat down so that I could first teach him the basics of Ki control.

"Alright, first off, do you have any idea what Ki control is?" He shook his head.

"Ok then, ahem, Ki control is to manipulation your life energy into something tangible in the real world, and not every being can control it as they simply don't have enough of it. To be able to control your own Ki you have to know how to bring it out, and to do that you have to feel where it is in your body, so what I need you to do is to look into yourself and try to find it" I explained as simply as I could, it still slightly confused him but he seemed to have understood what I was trying to get across.

He proceeded to go cross-eyed and tilted his head forward trying to actually look into himself.

"Goku you don't look into yourself physically, do it spiritually" I corrected his mistake.

He looked up and sheepishly grinned while scratching the back of his head. He chuckled but quickly closed his eyes focusing on trying to find his Ki.

"Once you find it, bring it out slowly"

The others had come over at this point and sat quietly beside us watching Goku.

"I can feel something" Goku said gaining everyone's attention.

"Good, now pull it out through your hands"

Goku opened his palms towards the ceiling as the visible Ki started to form spheres over each palm, wonder spread across the group's faces, watching the flickering balls of light. Goku opened his eyes to see the light that was peeking through his eyelids, but once he saw it his concentration broke and the balls of Ki dissipated.

"Huh, where'd it go?" He reached out to where the orbs were but didn't touch anything.

"You lost control over it, don't worry in time you will learn how to properly control it"

"So, how do I fly?" He looked at me.

"You have to pull your Ki out and push it underneath yourself to give you something to stand on and to fly around you need to encase your body in Ki and push it away from where you want to go" I said.

The rain started to clear up and it and the match between Goku and Giran was ready to restart.

Giran came out first with his head held high, he looked around for Goku but couldn't find him anywhere. The announcer called out for him but he still didn't show up, this caused the other fighters to start a search for him.

There were only a few minutes left before Goku would be disqualified, so I flew over to the building to try and find him and it didn't take long.

"Goku wake up you dumbass!" Shouting at him, I was about ready to throw him over the wall into the arena.

"Huh, oh, Hi Shenron" He woke up peacefully like he wasn't about to enter a fight.

"Get your ass to the arena before they disqualify you" Just hearing the word disqualify had him running to the arena leaving me behind I just flew back to where I was in the crowd gaining some attention but most of the people had their eyes set on Goku.

"Alright time for the last match of the quarter-finals to begin!"

"Hey come here I have something to show you" Giran held out his hand which obviously had nothing in it.

I swear Goku if you fall for this I am going to make your life a living hell.

Goku walks forward trying to look at what Giran doesn't have.

I'm going to make your life hell now Goku, just you wait.

Giran pulled his hand back when Goku got close enough and whipped out his tail striking Goku into the arena's wall, cracking it as Goku falls headfirst to the ground.

The people around me are worried about him, with the announcer saying that medics are on the way. I knew better, he would not be put down by something as weak as that.

He hopped back to his feet with no visible injuries on his body. Giran was shocked along with the crowd and other fighters, how could a child survive a blow like that without any damage taken either, simple, he's built different, literally.

Goku charged at Giran, who retaliated by punching at him but it was blocked by Goku who quickly got into Giran defence overwhelming him with a small flurry of punches, and once he got close he jabbed at the beast's stomach stunning him. Goku bounced over Giran and once he landed he grabbed his tail.

Goku dashed ahead, gaining momentum to throw the larger being over his head. As Goku got enough speed he lobbed the beast through the air, it seemed to be an easy victory for Goku, but the small wings on Girans back snapped out and started to flap with enough strength to keep him in the air.

Everyone below him watched in amazement as the fat dinosaur flapped his wings for dear life. Giran landed back in the arena and immediately shot out a purple substance out of his mouth which wrapped itself around Goku.

"Hey what is this?!" Goku was confused at what this strange hard but flexible substance is.

"It's Girans merry-go-round gum, the more you try to break out of it the harder it gets" Giran boasted about his creation.

He raised his hand and struck down the defenceless Goku, he then lifted him over his head intent on doing the same thing that Goku did to him.

"Say, good-bye kid" Goku was sent flying out of the arena at speeds which he shouldn't be going.

I wonder if he will remember the short flying lesson I gave him.

It wasn't long before Goku came flying back on his own, landing back in the arena, it seems like he did remember.

"Hey that's not fair he had to be using something to get back so fast, he should still be in the air!" It would look like Giran doesn't like it when he's not the only one who can fly.

"Ladies and Gentlemen the match has come under protest, Giran has accused Goku of cheating and without proper evidence, the judge has ruled in Gir-"

"OBJECTION!" I flew over to Goku's side, stopping the announcer from disc, I had a feeling that something like this might happen, barely anyone knew about Ki, so it was understandable.

"Umm who are you?" The announcer jumped up to the stage and put his microphone near my face.

"I am Shenron, the Eternal Dragon, pack dragon and many other titles but right now I'm a self-proclaimed teacher as I was the one to teach Goku how to fly" My answer shocked everyone even our group.

"Hey, why are you interrupting our fi-"

"If you don't shut up right now, I'm going to be using your corpse as a chew toy until I find something better to do with my time" Only silence filled the arena, except for Giran who looked as if he shit himself.

The announcer tried his best to get the fight back on track.

"W-well if you are his teacher then can you tell us how he can fly?" Once he said that the crowd started to mumble if it was actually a technique or just a trick.

"He uses his Ki, which is his life energy that comes from within his soul, to push away from the ground to keep him in the air and if you haven't noticed I've been doing it constantly" The announcer along with the crowd collectively look below me and all blush in embarrassment, seeing me floating there, the announcer even waved a hand under me, catching nothing.

The announcer jogged over to the judge to discuss the new information.

"Now, after talking with the judges, they have decided in light of the information gathered that Goku will stay in the tournament with no repercussions of the flying technique shown as it is a technique which utilizes his own energy" The crowd was split, about a third believed that it was a trick while the rest went with the flow enjoying the fight to come.

Goku bounced over to me, still stuck in the purple gum.

"Thanks, Shen" It was short and simple but sweet.

"No problem kid, just don't lose" I flew over to my spot on the railing separating the arena and crowd.

"I don't plan on it"

The match started again, and then Goku realised that he was still stuck.

"Heh, it doesn't matter if you can't be knocked out, I'll just beat you to a pulp" Giran ran at Goku, pulling back a fist and swinging it down at him.

Only Goku wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Huh, where'd he go?" The crowd in front of him pointed behind him.

Giran looked back but only to be met with a slap across the face from his broken merry-go-round gum.

"Hehehe, that feels much better" Goku did a few punches in the air practising them.

"But-but that's not possible" Stunned Giran looked down at the purple thing and as he heard wiz moving at him, he looked up just to be sucker-punched out of the ring unconscious by a happy Goku.

"And that ladies and gentlemen mark the end of the quarter-finals with Goku as the winner who will move onto the semi-finals" He kept on talking but I was pulled out of it by Bulma, who I lost on the way here somehow.

"Hey" I greeted.

"Hey, yourself" She grinned back at me.

"That was nice of you, to help Goku stay in the tournament like that" She brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"If I didn't then he would have been disqualified for doing something that I taught him, it would've left a bad taste in my mouth" I turned to look at her.

"Maybe, but I think you did it because you like him and us more than your willing to admit" I am not going to say if she was right or not, might feed her ego too much.

"Just get over here I need my nap post" I really needed a nap after saving Gokus position in the tournament.

"Fine, fine you pack dragon" I hopped up to her shoulders, curling around her neck and resting on the top of her head.

"I'll wake you up when the boys have their fights" She politely stated not moving too much to disturb my rest.

"Not with anything to do with Yamcha, he's going to be beaten halfway to West city, if he does wake me up" She just giggled to herself.