
Start of the new Eternal Dragon

"No, I'm not going to give you more wishes" A voice of boundless power said to a man in the infinite void.

Now you might be wondering who the voice and man were, well the voice was GOD as in the real GOD, GOD didn't have a body instead just pure white light while the man was just some guy who fell over and died there was not much else to him, he was a guy who worked at a game store and that was about it for him.

"Ok, but why" He said back to the voice of God.

"Because I said so" The voice responded.

"Fine, then I want to be able to grant wishes to myself then" The man responded.

The voice if it had a body would have facepalmed.

"You know what fine, just go, I thought that humans would have been smarter by now, guess it's time for another flood" The voice said as the light slowly faded from the man's sight as his conscious also left the void.

What happened next was as if a light show was happening directly in front of him as he was sent through a kaleidoscope of light which would have blinded him if he still had his eyes.

Man POV:

'Where the hell am I now, and what was that about a flood?' I thought to myself as I finally came out of that nauseating tunnel of light.

What I was now met with was a dark sky with lightning striking the ground every few seconds and while I would normally be scared of the amount of lightning, I'm more scared of the fact that I'm hundreds of metres in the air.

"I want to have the worlds most con-" Whatever was talking just a second ago was immediately cut off as I slammed my body into the ground, if you haven't caught on yet I don't like heights, wait who am I talking to.

Even when I'm laying down flat I'm still several stories off the ground. My eyes drift to the people who I think were standing before I slammed straight into the ground.

"Ahem sorry about that, not a fan of heights" They all looked at me like I was joking, but they just stared in silence once they realised I wasn't.

"You're a dragon... and you are scared of heights?" A small humanoid pig said to me.

What the hell, why is there a talking pig? And a small blue man and a dog man, OK where am I.

"Eternal Dragon make me the supreme ruler of the world" After the little blue man, child? I don't know, said those words to me most of the other people there looked at him like it was the end of the world, which I don't understand, why is asking me something bad.

"Umm... no and what do you mean by dragon"

"You're a giant lizard, that came out of magical balls called Dragon Balls what else could you be?" This time a young girl with blue hair came over to me. She had her hair tied up in a ponytail, and she wears gipsy styled clothing with a red piece of cloth tied around her waist, with a small blue jacket over the top, she also had golden armlets with a gold collar on her neck.

I lift my head of the ground slightly, but it would have been dozens of metres to anyone else and turned to look at myself and saw my outrageously long green body which leads back into 7 shining balls.

'What the hell is wrong with me' I thought to myself as I saw my small arms with four clawed fingers. I tried to flex them, to which they did, but before I could do anything else the blue-haired girl broke me out of my thoughts.

"Ahem excuse me but we need a wish" She said as she looked up at my gigantic head.

"What makes you think I can grant wishes" I said to her, I don't even really know what I am right now but I think I was a human before this, maybe, it's a bit hazy.

"Well, you did come out of 7 magic balls after a chant which had the words 'Eternal Dragon' in it and the fact that a legend from centuries ago said that you made someone king of the world" The girl pointed out. I tried to think out the chant that she was talking about and I nearly stopped until it just popped into my head like it was all ways there, I even remembered the guy who wished to be king, I just don't know how I granted that wish.

"Ok, but how do I grant a wish" I questioned her as she did seem to know more about this whole wish-granting thing than me.

"I don't know! you're the 'Eternal Dragon' here you should already know how to do this!" Now the girl was berating me

"I don't even know why I'm here, I was talking with someone before this...I think" Seriously what does she expect from me, that I will just do what she says, I don't even know her.

"Well you are here because I summoned you to grant my wish of becoming the ruler of the world, so grant my wish already!" The small blue man from earlier came running over next to the girl, who looked like she was going to punch him but stopped once the blue things friends came over, and he demanded me to grant his wish.

Once I looked down at him, he immediately stared at the ground, more than likely scared from the Eternal Dragon glaring down at his small and frail body. Wait, when did I start considering myself an Eternal Dragon, I thought I was... wait what was I before, am I losing memories and gaining new ones at the same, who am I even thinking this to?

"Why should I grant your wish, I don't even know who you are and I don't owe you anything" And I still don't know if I can even grant wishes yet.

"W-well I summoned you from the Dragon Balls and-and umm" It was clear to everyone here that the blue man-child was having a bad day.

"So what if you summoned me that doesn't mean anything except that I am outside of those Balls and can do whatever I want since you let me out" After what I just said, everyone just stared at me as if they are just realising they are talking to a being that can wipe them out fairly easily.

Lightning strikes the ground next to me nearly grazing me, so I just make the storm go away by willing it to, the sky clears up and the stary night sky with the full moon on display, shining down.

I started to think about how I was able to just will a storm away, I knew that someone created me but something far beyond my creator's power cut that connection and now I'm completely separate from whoever made me, so that might have done something to me.

Before anyone could make a move, a boy that wore a purple gi with a red stick on his back started to grunt like he pain in pain, his small body grew bigger with his once small muscles turning into something that only a gorilla would have, his face also underwent a change, which turned it from a calm, docile face a mother would pinch to the love child of an ape and crocodile. Fur sprouted from all over his increasingly growing body which thankfully covered up bits that no one needs to see.

The now giant ape turned his head towards me which compared to mine was tiny but he tried to attack me anyway.

The boys' friends are either horrified, scared shitless or in the pigs' case actually shiting himself. My attention was quickly brought back to the ape as I saw him running towards me and once he was close enough he lept from the ground raising his two fists above his head and when he was only ten metres away he swung them down intending on spiking me into the ground.

But before he could, I smacked him into the ground with one of my long whiskers, knocking him out even before he could hit the ground and once he did it left a crater that shook the ground knocking a few people off of their feet.

"So that just happened" I said, gaining everyone's attention who all had their jaws touching the ground.

It was silent for a few minutes as no one had anything to say, but the girl from earlier came up to me while the bandit went to grab the unconscious boy, laying in the crater I made for him who transformed back after a few minutes after I knocked him out.

"S-so i-is there any way that we can get a wish without you nearly killing us?" She asked hopefully, but her voice betrayed her as it stuttered while she talked.

"Y'know what, fine, but only if you tell me what you were going to wish for" After I said this she visibly flinched which let me know it probably wasn't going to be anything good.

"W-well I was going to w-wish for the p-p-perfect boyfriend" She said while covering her face with her hands to hide the blush that formed.

Now everyone was looking at her, some with contempt forever thinking of wasting a wish on such a stupid thing while others look almost offended.

"That... has to be... the dumbest wish I have ever heard" I said but my words seem to have lit something within her.

"'Dumbest wish', what's wrong with wanting a boyfriend that will treat me right! And not want me just for my money!" Her tone got loader and shaper as she talked.

"Nothing is wrong with that, but wasting a wish on trying to get a boyfriend, something that you could easily do with your looks alone is just plain dumb!" But just like her, my tone did the same.

"Well, I doubt a Dragon who spends most of the time sleeping in little magic balls would understand what human desires are!" By this point, we were just shouting at each other.

"First off leave my balls out of this and don't say I don't understand human desire, because I have been around far longer than you have, you entitled princess!" She was taken aback by what I said but didn't stop with her assault with words either.

"You might have been around longer than me, but I know this world better than you because I actually explored it with semi-normal friends and didn't hide under a literal rock from the world, and if you don't shut up soon and grant my damn wish you're going to be my new dragon skin boots!" I think we are now just trying to insult each other now.

"Y'know what, this is just going to be us yelling at each other for the rest of the night, so what about this, in one year I'll grant your wish if you show me this world and why I should waste a perfectly good wish on something so dumb" I reached down with my whisker acting as my hand for the handshake that seals this deal.

She looked at my face then the whisker a few times over before she grabbed it as hard as she could, which did nothing to me but she tried to be threatening.

"Good then once I show you why I'll finally have my boyfriend" She said before she quickly realised something, I was way too big.

But before she could say something I shrank myself down to what could be considered a snake with legs and wish-granting powers, and I flew over to her but staying out of arms reach.

"I feel that it would be a good idea for me to introduce myself, I am Shenron the Eternal Dragon" I said to her.

"I'm Bulma and you better behave yourself for the year or I'm turning you into my new bag" I thought I was going to be shoes, well whatever.

====Small Timeskip====

"I guess this is goodbye Bulma, and Goku, I want you to become just as strong as master Roshi Ok" The bandit, whose name I learnt is Yamcha, but he doesn't seem like he's going to be very important for long, was leaving so that he could become stronger than before but I don't have any hope of that.

"Ok" The small monkey boy said in confirmation to the bandit, he was wearing the pigs' overalls which I hope have been washed.

"You know I'll never forget you Goku" Bulma said to the boy who just aww'ed at her as he called a flying yellow cloud from the sky next to the plane, where Bulma was using me as a pullup bar to get in. The pig said something but I couldn't be bothered with listening to what he was saying to the kid.

Once we were all in the plane, except for Yamcha who had a motorbike from a capsule that he had on hand, we took off with the bandit ride below where he belongs and the boy on his cloud flying beside the plane which had Bulma, a perverted pig and myself the annoying cat-thing went with the bandit.

When everyone was done waving at each other I finally asked where we were going.

"We are going straight to West City" She answered quickly clearly not wanting to talk much as she is the one flying this thing.

It wasn't until a few minutes into this flight were the first problem arose the plane is so old that it can barely fly without the engine turning off which nearly caused us to crash, but I just hit it and it started working again, seems like hitting everything in this world fixes it, from giant apes to shitty planes.

====Another Small Timeskip====

We finally arrived at West City in the backyard of a dome-shaped house and once we landed a woman with a blue dress with blonde hair came out to greet us.

"Oh Bulma your back, come here and give your mother a hug" I can say it was certainly fun watching a girl who back talked to a dragon being smothered by her mother.

"And it looks like you made some friends too, come on in, I just finished baking some cookies"

'Well I'm not one to say no to cookies' I thought to myself as I followed Bulma into the house.