
Pack Dragon


"I hate that alarm so fucking much" I said, as I broke the alarm that has been tormenting me for the past week. Bulma said that I need to wake up early without giving a reason why but I didn't argue.

I floated off of the couch that I have been forced to sleep on, in a mansion that has plenty of guest rooms, how do I know there are guest rooms because all I can do around here is float since I nearly went through a door, how was I supposed to know that you had to push the button next to the door, it makes no sense to me. Why not have them open automatically? Well, I haven't, since the last time I questioned something about the dome that the Briefs call home, Bulma put me on a couch before I even got a room.

As I was stretching I felt the bones in my long back pop and crack back into place, it feels good to have a body that can basically fold onto itself.

I slowly flew over to the door and pushed the button beside it to open it, But after I did that what greeted me was terrifying. Bulma with bed hair. She looked like she just went to hell, to bitch slap the devil and walk back here while slaughtering everything in sight, and now her eyes are set on me.

"What the hell was that noise!" She shouted at me. "It shook the entire house!"

She walked past me only to see the broken alarm clock, she turned around to look at me but I was already speeding down the hallway. I could hear her screaming behind me.

I keep flying around the house until I finally lost her I didn't feel like having another argument with her, then as I was floating down the hallway I smelled them.

If there was one good thing about living in this house, it was Panchy's cooking, she could make the worst food, good and good food amazing.

"Good morning Panchy" I came floating through the open door. It was at this point I felt a human-shaped object tackle me to the ground.

"Uhh... hi Bulma".

"Don't just 'Hi Bulma' me, you broke the alarm I gave you!" She said now sitting on my back as I crawled towards the bench where the heavenly cookies sat on the counter.

"I just hit it a bit too hard, now get off me" I didn't want to fling her off as I knew that she would do something to make my life more miserable if I did and it would be rude since she is letting me sleep in her home.

She put more pressure on my body somehow and my crawl was slowed down, but I won't let something like this stop me.

She sat down even harder on my back while thinking about something.

"How about this, since you broke the alarm I graciously gave you come with me to the mall" She said once she was brought back to reality when I tried to move.

"Gracious my ass it was already there and go to the mall yourself" I really didn't want to go to the mall since Panchy's cookies are right there, just a bit further.

Bulma proceeded to grab my tail and drag me away from the room, no my cookies.

"C'mon I need a packhorse for my bags" She finally let go after we were out of the house,

I hovered beside her as we continued down the sidewalk, passing by a few civilians who looked shocked at me.

"I'm not a pack horse, I'm an Eternal Dragon for god's sake" We usually have at least one argument a day but they are always on different things like one was about why the doors needed to be remade.

"Then your my pack dragon and we're nearly there so stop your yapping"

We found ourselves in front of a massive building with people flowing in and out of it constantly, Bulma walked in like she's done it hundreds of times before while I just followed behind her. People seemed to be shocked at seeing a floating dragon tailing behind Bulma Briefs, who just went into a store.

I heard people murmuring 'is it a dog' 'no it's gotta be a robot or something' 'Nah it's a dragon' '...' after that I stopped listening to them as Bulma came out of the store and throwing three bags at me, which I grabbed with my tail.

"Alright, 5 more to go" She said as she skipped past me.

====2 hours later====

Bulma and I were leaving the mall except I was now turned into a rack for the 16 bags that are hanging off of me.

"Well that was fun" She said as we walked down the path back to her house.

"For you maybe" I mumbled to myself.

"Of course it was for me" She smiled back at me until a flyer landed on her head, she reached up and grabbed it before showing it to me.

"What do you think about going to the World Martial Arts Tournament? it's in 8 months" The poster had several fighters on it doing kicks and punches with an arena in the background.

"Better question, why are they making flyers for something more than half a year away?" She stopped for a second before responding.

"I don't but it does only happen every few years, and maybe Goku will be there? I wonder how much stronger he will be?"

"How about we make our minds up when the tournament isn't so far away, I have some cookies to get back to y'know"

It didn't take long before we got back home and I finally got to eat my cookies. Hopefully, I don't have to be a pack dragon anymore, It's already hard enough to argue with Bulma but adding work in just makes me tired. Speaking of tired I think it's time for bed or couch in my case but this time without that stupid alarm.

I found my way over to the couch that I've been sleeping on for the past week and coiled up like a snake would and pulling a blanket over me with my whisker, I was soon asleep.



"Oh c'mon! How did she get another one in here!"

====8 months later====

Bulma and I are in a taxi on our way to the World Tournament since she found out that Goku was competing she basically forced me to go with her as she said 'I need a bodyguard and what better than a Dragon' I couldn't really say no to that, because as of right now I don't know if there is anyone stronger than me.

Not much happened during the last 8 months except for when I was taken out to be a pack dragon some more. Although, there was this one guy driving a truck, speeding down the road and nearly hit Bulma after we had gone out to get some food to make cookies with, unfortunately as I sent the truck into the ground, all of the food was destroyed. I don't think I have ever been more distraught and sad In my life before.

I felt a hand roll over my scales who I knew to be Bulma's. Did you know that Dragon scales are one of the softest and smoothest things in the world but are hundreds of times stronger than diamonds, so of after Bulma found out she strapped me to a table and tried to get a sample, we went through 9 drills, 2 hammers and a plasma cutter before giving up, now she just pats me every-once-in-a-while which isn't so bad.

"Looks like we're here" She said.

Bulma decided to change into a something bit different for the tournament. She had her hair up in a ponytail with a reddish-pink bow keeping it up, she also wore a white t-shirt with a red top to go over it and an orange skirt along with yellow boots, all I can say is that she has more colours on her than a bag of skittles.

The taxi got us to the place where the tournament is being held and we got out after paying him.

"Hey is that Goku and Yamcha?" I looked over to where she was pointing and saw them, except Goku was in a suit, along with oolong and the cat-thing but this time there were 2 others, a small bald child wearing the same small suit Goku was, and an old man, but I could tell there was something off about him.

We walked over to the group and the first to notice us was Goku.

"Bulma" Then everyone looked at us, they initially only paid attention to Bulma until Oolong saw me floating slightly behind her, I don't know if I should be offended that they finally took notice of the Dragon that can play god if I wished to do so.

"Hi, mister Dragon" Goku said approaching me, holding out a hand. Now that I realise it, I'm barely taller than Goku.

"Call me Shenron" I reached out and grabbed his hand while everyone but Bulma and Roshi flinched slightly as if expecting something to happen but nothing did.

"Then call me Goku" He said smiling at me as the others visibly look relieved.

We went over to the hotel that our group decided to stay at and we separated into smaller groups where the girls, the cat-thing is a girl who woulda thought, but they went into one room while Goku, Krillin and I were in the room opposite the girls with Roshi, Yamcha and Oolong next door.

"So are you really a Dragon" The bald monk asked me from the other side of the room, on his mattress.

"What do I look like" I responded from my side where I was coiled up like I normally am when going to sleep.

"A flying snake" He answered back without a second thought.

"What type of snake floats around and talks" He seemed to stop and think about it for a while but after waiting for a few minutes I realised he had fallen asleep with his eyes open.

I turned over to look at Goku but he was just silently snoring to himself, so I just coiled back up and let sleep take me, I wonder if I could sleep in for once.

====The next day====

"Do you really think that they have any chance?" I asked the old man who only smiled back at me and put two fingers up in a peace sign.

"Of course I do, I trained them personally"

Soon the boys came back over after they talked with the man who signed them up for the tournament.

"Well boys this is as far as I can escort you, so do your best" They both responded with a 'right'.

"Now one more thing" He said as he reached into his briefcase and pulled out two identical orange gi with the turtle kanji on the front and back.

"You obviously can't fight in suits, so here" He said as he tossed the outfits to the boys who raced off to the change rooms to get changed.

It didn't take long before they came back and started stretching and jumping around in them like kids who just got a new toy, which probably isn't too far off the mark with how they're still playing with them.

"It's so bright I hope we don't stand out" The bald monk said while admiring the clothes.

"Your head acts as a lighthouse when light shines off it, the clothes should be the least of your worries" I said which caught everyone off guard because as much as they don't want to admit it, I'm right.

"Hey! You're bald too" He pointed at my head in frustration.

"No, I have hair, see" I turned my head to show my flowing green hair coming from my cheeks.

"That's more li-"

"Attention martial artists please enter the building that is holding the elimination rounds, I repeat please enter the building that is holding the elimination rounds" The man with a heavy accent said while pointing towards a long building which already people moving towards it.

Goku and Krillin had already started walking in after they finished their talk with Roshi.

My attention was broken from the shifting crowd as Bulma pulled me towards the hall which housed the fighters that would be participating in the tournament but the doors shut as the same man from earlier came over to tell everyone that the audience wouldn't be allowed to watch, which is kind of stupid but whatever.

"I am sorry but the audience is not allowed to watch as it is a fire haz-"

"But how are we meant to watch our friend's fight!" Bulma with her voice alone knocked the man over but he got up faster than most of the guys participating in the tournament could.

"Then close your eyes and pretend you are there!" He shouted at Bulma which only left her flustered as she grabbed me and pulled me out of sight.

We found ourselves behind the hall with the only thing separating us from the inside is a window. Bulma looked up, then at me and did this a few more times before she walked over to me and started to, what I could only imagine, seduce me, very badly.

"Hey Shenron, so you know how you can fly, do you think that you could pick me and help me see inside, pretty please" She was now batting her eyes.

"Fine" I reluctantly agreed.

"Thank you my little pack Dragon, carrying my things and me, could I ask for a better friend" She teased, but lets hope she stops soon or I'm leaving her to watch the fights on my own.

I coiled around her waist like a serpent and came up from her back to rest my head on top of hers and as I flew up to the window she grabbed onto whatever she could, which was only me and started to strangle the ever-loving shit out of me, thank god I don't need oxygen or I would be dead.

The inside of the hall had a bracket for the tournament at the end of the hall with 4 large stone squares acting as the area for the coming matches.

We watched as an old man started talking about the rules of the tournament which were the basic no weapons and no killing with a few others I couldn't be bothered to listen to. After he had finished talking the fighters started to do their warm-ups that all varied but to someone like me seemed kind of pointless, like how is lifting hundreds of kilograms before a fight a good thing.

It wasn't long until the first of our group was called up and it was Goku, the older fighters laugh at him but, he clearly took none of it to heart as he just stood smiling, waiting for his opponent.

A large man who towered over Goku came up to the ring but once he did he looked around for a few seconds before asking out loud.

"Where's my fighter"

"Right here" The overgrown man looked down to see a small child in a fighting stance.

"Is this a joke I've fallen on my rump and squashed bugs bigger than you" If he was trying to taunt Goku it wasn't working.

"Is that so?" Goku was looking forward to this fight, it was in his eyes, he wasn't excited to be fighting the opponent, no, he wanted to test his new strength.

"I just need 1 second to squash this bug between my thumb and forefinger" Whatever he was saying was only now starting to get to Goku, guess he doesn't like to be looked down on.

"You will have 1 minute to fight, begin!" The referee said.

Just as the words left his mouth Goku was already on the other end of the ring with the large man's arms held out in front of him like he was trying to grab the air.

"W-what I really did squash him" He looked down to try and find where Goku went.

"No, I'm OK" Goku said while tapping his leg.

He was pushed forward once this happened, it looked like someone shot his leg as he couldn't stand up on it and started to fall forward trying and failing to catch himself.

"Arrrggh" was all that came out of his mouth as he grit his teeth in pain, holding onto his leg as if it was about to fall off.

"What just happened?" I heard Bulma's voice below me, she looked confused.

"He was pushed out by Goku" I simply stated to her.

"With a tap? but he was 5 times his size, that doesn't make sense" She started to think for a moment before stopping and waiting for an answer from me since she doesn't understand yet.

"What the man felt would have been like having a bullet fired point-blank into his leg, and with the force travelling up his body, it knocked him forward and because he couldn't stop himself, he fell off the stage" She seemed to finally catch up and just sat or floated there in thought and wonder.

"So when a child taps a big man out of a ring makes you stop and think, but a Dragon slaps a giant monkey doesn't capture your attention, ouch" My words brought her out of her head and back to reality.

"Yeah, but you came out of 7 magical balls that summons a wish-granting Dragon, and I think it would be kind of sad if an ape only a few story tall could beat a Dragon summoned a storm just by existing" She said in a teasing tone as she just watched the fights happening inside while saying this.

I had nothing else to say after that so I just rested my head on hers and decided to take a quick nap since the fights for Goku and Krillin should be easy enough, and with that last thought, I fell into my nap.