
I'm A Traitor Of Humanity

Our MC is vicious and brutal person he wants to make his world end along with humanity to take revenge on every human on planet therefore he became very powerful and rich but his world was already a simulation in another's world this journey of him will be quite enjoyable so stay tuned

gunjan_saksena · Sci-fi
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14 Chs

3.World explorer(2)

"Hey what are you mumbling late at night. And do you remember tomorrow we have exams so please sleep. I request." [ gunjan ]

"..." [ MC ]

"What? you don't wanna answer me now yashu" [ gunjan ]

"that's not it I was just confused so..." [ MC ]

"Ok then be confuse all night and let me sleep" [ gunjan ]

"no I'm sleeping" [ MC covers him and her with blanket ]

"Ok then please sleep quietly" [ gunjan ]

<gunjan comes closer to his chest put her hand around him and sleeps>

{ Hey how can she hear us while we were talking } [ s.gunjan talk with MC through telepathy ]

"huh? gunjan someone just talk to me. Someone just talk to me." [ yeah MC repeated ]

"Yashu I'm going you are being loud..." [ gunjan furiously get off the bed while covering herself with blanket ]

"No,I'm sorry I know you want to sleep with me please forgive me just this once. Come back to me please." [ MC in polite manner like a puppy asking for one more cookie ]

"Ok but just this once " [ gunjan ]

<They again get in the same position>

{ Hey what the hell are you doing wait I will do something because you don't know how to talk through telepathy } [ s.gunjan ]

< MC'S both eyes widen his red eyes get more red he starts to got headache but he resisted >

{ Yeah talk now but just think about me and talk } [ s.gunjna ]

{....} [ MC ]

{ hmm.. can't you imagine. How you think just think about me } [ s. gunjan ]

{ like this I have to talk } [ MC]

{ Yeah now I will give you brief information about this day. Tomorrow there will be your Mathematics exam you are living with your sister means gunjan for 3 month now... } [ s.gunjan ]

{ Yeah I remeber what will happen this days so now tell me how will I give tomorrow's exam because I don't remember nothing about maths paper and how you do this telepathy thing } [ MC ]

"Er.. that.. I allow your brain power to reach 50% as normal human being in this simulation world's brain power were locked at 15% by us. So that's why you will remeber everything from your age of 3 to 23 and also your exams answers and questions } [ s.gunjan ]

{ Ohh...then what was going to happen now...hmm..} [ MC ]

Ohh so today was the day when I proposed to my crush and got rejected I cried a lot while leaning on gunjan what a pathetic person I was in those days. I would like to puke than to remember that my shitty personality back then anyway then me and gunjan make love that night means today and tomorrow after exam she will make a fool out of me infront of everyone by making me do all her work and obviously gunjan will try to defend me but she will also get humiliated. silly gunjan.

"Hahaha...what was that girl thinking messing with me The GREAT DEITY OF ERA - THE YADNYIK" [ MC speaks loudly ]

{ Are you on your high horse again calling yourself God... } [ s.gunjan ]

<gunjan gets up by MC'S voice and rub her eyes>

{ See you wake her up again } [ s.gunjan ]

"Yashu you again..." [ gunjan ]

"Hey we have work to do so don't get mad" [ MC ]

<gunjan switch on light and look at table clock>

"But it's only 4'o clock our school at 8'o clock and we get up at 7'o clock did you forget yashu" [ gunjan ]

"Yeah I know but we have to do training" [ MC ]

"Ok as u wish then lets study" [ gunjan ]

"No not study its physical training" [ MC ]

"What do you want to show hyun-ok your bulging muscles..." [ gunjan ]

<MC hit her, on her head>

"Ouch..." [ gunjan ]

-:- Hyun-ok is MC'S crush she is pretty but not as gunjan because she is our female lead -:-

"Hey its not for me its for you and I will tell you something" [ MC ]

"what you want to tell me?" [ gunjan ]

"Just hurry up" [ gunjan ]

" Yup yashu listen know" [ gunjan ]

" Yes? " [ MC ]

<She wears night outfit and lean slightly her head towards her neck, slightly bend and holding towel at back she ask >

"would you like to take bath first or should we take bath together..." [ gunjan ]

"I'm ready you get ready fast" [ MC sat on couch while turning on television ]

"huh? were you this handsome before. You are much hotter than before. And what's with this muscles are you practicing some black magic" [ gunjan ]

< MC look at him in the mirror in astonishment >

"What my body doesn't age as I regressed " [ MC ]

"What regressed hey dont get confused in real world and novel" [ gunjan ]

"Just a sec" [ MC ]

{ Hey s.gunjan what happening } [ MC in telepathy]

{ listen yashu I just teleported you from year 2030 to 2022 if i had regressed you too with this world then your all memory would have lost now you understand } [ s.gunjan ]

"Yeah...hey gunjan" [ MC ]

"Yes?" [ gunjan ]

"Now I will tell you a story about this world don't act like I'm a mad man ok"[ MC ]

{ Hey will it be ok to tell anyone our story }[ s.gunjan ]

{ Don't talk and ask me anything about what I do just listen } [ MC ]

{ hump.....} [ s.gunjan ]

"ok" [ gunjan ]

<MC tells her whole story of past and future and also about s.gunjan >

"...." [ gunjan ]

"Hey speak something" [ MC ]

"Huh...yeah...what your speaking is true then show me proof" [ gunjan ]

"I thought this girl will not believe your mad story..." [ s.gunjan ]

<As s.gunjan talk she appear infront of gunjan>

"Huh.. who is she? she appear out of thin air?and why she look like me" [ gunjan ]

"what you can see her..." [ MC ]

"Hey you are me and I am you you can see me because your consciousness will play active role in this world and you whole heartedly believe his story" [ s.gunjan ]

"Ohh.. then you are God" [ gunjan ]

"Why everyone call me God anyway yeah I am" [ s.gunjan ]

"Hey bitch if you harm him in any way I will fucking kill you" [ gunjan ]

"what did you call me.." [ s.gunjan ]

"let it be s.gunjan and we have work to do so lets get going. Gunjan you go get fresh up and lets rock our exam" [ MC ]

"Yashu I dont recall a simple thing about tomorrow's exam" [ gunjan ]

"Don't worry I know everything and I will help you telepathically" [ MC ]

"Hey don't cheat" [ s.gunjan ]

" what you know that thing too" [ gunjan ]

"Hey listen to me" [ s.gunjan ]

"yeah wash up and come with me I will tell you more" [ MC ]

"Yeah baby~" [ gunjan ]

"Hey listen to me what I'm saying are you both avoiding me on purpose" [ s.gunjan ]

"Babe come here let me give you a kiss" [ MC ]

"Hey hello" [ s.gunjan ]

