
I'm A Traitor Of Humanity

Our MC is vicious and brutal person he wants to make his world end along with humanity to take revenge on every human on planet therefore he became very powerful and rich but his world was already a simulation in another's world this journey of him will be quite enjoyable so stay tuned

gunjan_saksena · Sci-fi
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14 Chs

13.New work(2)

<MC marcus and joker are going to america through helicopter and now they are going to america>

"Sir where are we going now" [ marcus ]

"We are going to america we have to become biggest all over the world and therefore we have to rule over america too as are gang is rulling over 10 countries in which big countries are china, southkorea and japan which are very small infront of america's biggest gang" [ MC ]

"Yes sir " [ marcus and joker ]

"Yeah and also when i will talk with them you two will as always stand behind me and stare straight into the leader eyes. ok" [ MC ]

"Yes sir but why?" [ marcus and joker ]

"That person is biggest psychopath in america so we didn't have to show him our weak side. Is that clear or any question do you have now" [ MC ]

"Sir I have" [ marcus ]

"Sigh...what now marcus?" [ MC ]

"Sir is he bigger psychopath than you too" [ marcus ]

"Pfft...sorry sir" [ joker ]

"Yes he is bigger than me satisfied or anything else" [ MC ]

"Sir one more are you not unhappy by the missing of gunjan" [ marcus ]

"Yeah I'm feeling emptiness but I'm not the person to whine for ages for someone who is not present and I have never feeling of Love for me its just a medium to take use of innocent people. Do you understand?" [ MC ]

"Yes sir " [ marcus ]

<In their journey they were mostly silent and after that they arrived at america>

*Las Vegas, America*

<They landed on the tallest building it was located in las vegas it has a casino at the top most floor and under that floor there was all room which were owned by BEXERMAN gang leader RAFELLO. Two guards come to show them the way.>

"Rafello sir your guest are here so should I let them in or tell them to wait" [ gang member ]

"Wait I will come with you and greet them." [ Rafello ]

<Rafello come with him and greeted MC by bowing. MC make him stand and sit on the couch>

"So its our first meeting yadnyik. How are you? " [ Rafello ]

"I'm fine but I can't see your father" [ MC ]

"He is not in this world. When some unknown gang attack my father and he died." [ Rafello ]

"What? ...umm..sorry to ask that" [ MC ]

"Sir don't feel pressured just relax anyway trees getting old or giving that place to new sprout is same know" [ Rafello ]

"Yeah its fine but killing old tree its new sprouts with ant colonies and taking its place for just making better houses is not my thing Ra.fe.llo. know" [ MC speak in terrifying way ]

"gulp...haha..yeah you are true lets countine our meeting tomorrow you take rest know as it is getting late and you also travel from far" [ Rafello ]

Did he know what I had done no practically not. [ Rafello thinking ]

"Ok as u wish" [ MC ]

<Then everyone went to their designated room>

Hump...what do you thought rafello I wouldn't notice changes of this place and now you were technically advertising that you killed him. I know from the start you killed your own father and you yourself became their leader. But it is better than dealing with that lunatic who drinks blood while making a deal. I think it will go pretty quickly. [ MC thinking ]

<Next day At Rafello's office MC enter along with joker and marcus. Mc sat in front of rafello in stylish manner>

"So lets discuss our contract first sir because it was made when my father was alive..." [ Rafello ]

"Ok I will tell you " [ MC ]

"Yeah please" [ Rafello ]

"So listen you and me will spread your gang influence over whole of this continent. by uniting all gangs in this continent and in return you will give me rights of your gold mine" [ MC ]

"Ah ok then when we will have to depart" [ Rafello ]

"No rafello you are not coming with us only marcus joker and me" [ MC ]

"But why I also want to come with you" [ Rafello ]

"Think carefully Rafello if something unexpected happen or someone attack you thinking that he can control the main gang if you are killed. But if you want you can come" [ MC ]

"Ah no I understand your concern. But sir how will you unite them." [ Rafello ]

"Its a secret rafello" [ MC ]

<MC uselessly talk with him making him feel like MC is the only one who can understand rafello and then he bid farewell and went to the country which was second most strongest gang after the Rafello's gang. That gang name was MECHATEX>

"You are pretty late my boss I thought you would come early for seeing me your soulmate yadnyik" [ unknown female ]

<MC sat on the gang leader's chair and was playing with paperweight on the desk while she was sitting on table>

"Yeah I'm late anyway do you done what I told you to do" [ MC ]

"As cold as ever you know were this cold to me from that time too yadnyik" [ unknown female ]

"Yeah yeah ok then I'm going I will wait at your bungalow so you can come and talk to me" [ MC ]

"Hey where do you think you are going." [ unknown female ]

"What?" [ MC ]

"Hey you all get out of here and remeber to close the door." [ unknown female ]

"Hey we will talk later know I'm sleepy" [ MC ]

<She put one of her foot on MC'S chest when he was going to stand up from that chair and pointed a gun>

"Yeah as you say we will not talk just play with" [ unknown female ]

<After 1 hour he went to the bungalow where he was going to stay. He straight went to his room to discuss this matter with marcus and joker>

"Sir who was that girl we can't see her because of shadow falling upon her" [ marcus ]

"Hey do you know that when we were arrested there was me gunjan and another girl was there" [ MC ]

"Yeah sir I was just started to work with you at that time" [ marcus ]

"Yeah that girl was she hyun-ok she was daughter of MECHATEX gang leader daughter. Only 5 month ago she inherited that position she was acting all along of getting scared by the blood and everything I had my suspicion of how she survived now its getting clear" [ MC ]

"Sir of which age is she is sir" [ marcus ]

"She is 20 and I'm 21 so now she is clinging onto me. its been 3 year for that incident thats why she forgot what my anger is let it be. coming to the main topic" [ MC ]

"Yes sir we are asking what you two had done and how we will take full control of BEXERMAN gang." [ joker ]

"Yeah so the plan is...." [ MC ]

May I release new chapter? tell me if you want uptill then I'm waiting.

gunjan_saksenacreators' thoughts