
I'm A Traitor Of Humanity

Our MC is vicious and brutal person he wants to make his world end along with humanity to take revenge on every human on planet therefore he became very powerful and rich but his world was already a simulation in another's world this journey of him will be quite enjoyable so stay tuned

gunjan_saksena · Sci-fi
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14 Chs

1. Sidestory [warning 18+ ]

-:-This is just a sidestory with our fellow novel member small celebration for 10 chapters and yeah it is 18+ so read it on your risk and I made it because novel was getting too much brutal and bloody therefore for only fun part enjoy it if you are 18+ -:-

<MC , gunjan and Hyun-ok were transferred to a new school but looking at their awesome performance they were said to join from new session and they were willing to do that and few months passed>

*29 Oct 2023*

"wake up gunjan todays your birthday happy birthday my love" [ MC barged in his room with a cake at 8AM ]

"Yawn~ whats so special about today you everyday barge in with different cake" [ gunjan ]

"But todays your birthday and every morning is nothing to do so I do that" [ MC ]

"So let me sleep today peacefully and I'm telling you don't turn on that crackle..." [ gunjan ]

<She was about to say forward but crackle burst infront of her like everyday>

"You fucker get out...."

<Lets change date no month> [ MC to author ]

"..." [ author ]

"hey bitch change it you owl like night writer sitting on a shit change it or your egg must be....ohh you dont have one because you are a girl haha are you seeing this....hey gunjan why are you hitting me" [ MC ]

"Hahaha this world works on my fingertips hahaha.." [ author ]

"Mam please change it I beg you" [ MC ]

*12 Feb 2024*

"Gunjan this scene is beautiful. They are literally begging me to taste them." [ MC ]

"Don't just stare at them and how you eat them everyday do it just like that and its my gift for you for your Birthday" [ gunjan ]

"Thanks gunjan come here let me give you a kiss" [ MC ]

"Why the hell was her birthday part funny and your erotic" [ author ]

"No you are getting it all wrong" [ gunjan ]

"Yeah we are talking about vqginq its very delicious" [ MC ]

"Why its name is so weird and spelling too let it be countinue your date I will change month" [ author ]

"Haha... we got her lets countine yeah I knew she was not going to slide curtain" [ gunjan ]

<Author pushes the curtain>

"Gotcha I knew it you were doing this....hehe" [ author ]

"What should we do gunjan" [ MC ]

"There is only one way to keep her quiet lets do that" [ gunjan ]

"Huh? hey why did you pull me on bed with you no my precious virginity" [ author ]

"You deserve punishment for messing with us" [ MC ]

"ahh...no not threesome please" [ author ]

<After that only her sweet moans...Ahem I mean screams where heard anyway jokes aside we should focus on our story >

#Hey change chapter with months...