
Chp. 3 Making a S.P.E.C.I.A.L song plus determination

After I played with Tsu at the park her parents came and told her it was time to go. We said goodbye and I then ran home.

When I got home my mom asked if I made any friends I said of course and told her of Tsu and her cool quirk when I told her I think she was sick because her face was red she made a weird face but said "oh is that so. Ok Izuku, be extra nice to her ok" when I asked her why she said because tsu is my first new friend after kacchan.

Anyways when I got to my room I asked the system to use my rewards which were 5 gacha tickets and then the songs.

[I recommend doing the songs first then the gacha deku]

Deku "oh, ok mr system so uhm how do I use the songs?"

['oh right uhm think of a cool way to use them think ahh I got it' Just say open song raffle then click the 1x three times since you have 3 chances]

Deku "ok thanks again mr system,*clears throat* Open Song Raffle" Then another screen appeared in front me which had a jukebox appeared in front of me with a button in front of me saying draw 1x

So I pressed the button but before I could press it again it went away and the jukebox started moving a bright light came then a text appeared in front of me it said

[New song unlocked

-Way Less Sad 

by: AJR]

Deku "I never heard of this song or people before system how did you get this song"

['uh oh what do I say yep lie maybe yeah i'll just bs my way out of this and with some half truths' This song was made by a group in a different timeline where if quirks never existed don't worry about time travel and stuff you won't be able to do it 'hopefully']

Deku "oh ok system so it never existed before then so that technically make me the "creator" of this song"

[I guess just never say that again 'don't know if copyright can cross dimensions hmm a whatever i'm not making a profit this is just for entertainment anyways']

Deku "oh ok so now what do I do system"

[now first you gotta practice that Instrument player and singer skill so I suggest level them up to uncommon first and then make the song and how you make a song is play the instruments and you'll get information in your head what to do but it's up to skill of how good you do it and to record the sound just say system record and i'll record what you are playing same with singing pretty useful right also use the other song tickets later]

Deku "oh ok i'll start practicing mr system I can use the instruments I got from the gacha roll"

[Yeah also I recommend after this to go and get lessons and maybe got to a music shop from time to time and play there since if you play in front of people it levels up faster that way but for now maybe play in front of your mom or just in the same room that's enough for now also use the gacha rolls]

Deku "ok on it thanks for the advice mr system… open gacha"

---{one minute later}---

[New items acquired

-skill book lying(common)

-skill book special effects(epic)

-cat shaped headphones(handmade)


-S.P.E.C.I.A.L stat viewer upgrade for pip boy (rare)(can only view no adding points to make yourself stronger)]

Deku "system what does special effect and special stat viewer do?"

[Ok so special effects is exactly what it sounds like and might not sound like much but its very powerful like a smoke that's a special effect in movies night vision a special effect for the camera, fire surrounds you like a wall technically a special effect just limited by your imagination. The other one shows your stats like a video game so like S stand for strength I stands for intelligence so on and so forth but you can only view them the only way to increase them is to well train]

Deku "ok thanks system i'm going to check my stats"

[ok bye have to do important system stuff 'I can't wait to wreck more noobs in video games']

Deku 'what so important that the system has to do something about it?' "anyways what's my stats"

[-Strength: 2

-Perception: 4

-Endurance: 2

-Charisma: 6

-Intelligence: 7

-Agility: 4

-Luck: 3]

Deku "wow i'm weak but how can I get stronger? I got it, I'll just ask Mr. System.. System I have a question?"

[uh fine 'game still loading anyways' so what's the problem]

Deku "what's the max stats and how can I train to increase them"

[that's easy for normal people except select few lika all might the max is 10 but you don't have a max ok just for now set your goals to 10 and how to train use keep your gravity band on at all times and slowly increases it also maybe unlock more skills that increase your strength, speed, etc.]

Deku "ok system I will wait even when I shower and sleep"

[Yes host even when you shower and sleep]

Deku "Ok Mr. System"

---{1 1/2 Weeks later}---

Deku "-da-da, da-da-da System Record Stop finally done ok system are you gonna put it together now?"

[yeah but slight problem]

Deku "w-what is it"

[It's going to take time plus before you can get it officially done someone needs to listen to it and say thats its good and if they don't you have to try again oh and can't be your mom for the first time 'complete bs it can be anyone']

Deku "w-what no I can't do that plus I have no one to sing to except mom who else can I sing to not kacchan...mumble...mumble"

[Hey calm down you do have someone remember that new friend you hanged out with this week while you were making this song just run it through her what's the worse thing that can happen 'hehehe perfect I just raised a flag']

Deku "b-but what if she thinks the song is bador hates it or worse if i'm weird for making this song"

[Look here deku I know a lot of stuff 'bs I don't I just use g.oogle' and I know she will not think your weird at most she will just not like that song can be better ok]

Deku "o-oh o-o-ok but how will I show it to her I don't have a phone and the computer is not portable"

[use your pip boy there's a built in speaker system so I can just send the song you play it in front of her and ask what she think about it]

Deku "o-ok I can do this" I then put on my pip boy then went to the park where I she usually is at and saw her sitting on a bench I then walk up to her and say "Hi T-tsu can ask for a favor"

Tsu "Depends on the favor what is it deku-kun"

Deku's face turns red 'Kun, why did she add Kun? Are we really best friends or closer? No we are friends nothing more plus no one will like me' "Tsu why did you say k-kun?"

Tsu slightly blushes "oh sorry deku it slipped but we are close friends right?"

Deku "Yeah I guess we are" I whisper "you're my only friend anyways"

Tsu 'wait, I'm his only friend?' "anyways is it okay if I call you that time form time kero"

Deku "yeah sure thing Tsu anyways about the favor can you listen to a song I made and give me some feedback?"

Tsu 'He made a song that's interesting' "sure Deku-kun but how will you show it to me?"

Deku "with this" I point to my pip boy "I guess you can say I made it myself it's basically a mini computer like a cellphone but more cooler"

Tsu 'he made that' "yeah that's cool Deku so what's the name of the song?"

Deku "oh it's called Way Less Sad"

Tsu "That's a strange name kero"

Deku "yeah Anyways let's listen please give honest feedback"

Tsu "ok kero"

---{3min and 30 sec. later}---

Tsu 'That was a good song but is that how he feels they say people write songs of how they feel I feel bad for deku-kun maybe I can make him feel better' "That was a great song Deku-kun"

Deku "REALLY thanks Tsu You're the best" I then hugged her but I realized 'wait I hugged her now what do I do uhhhhh... '

You then see Deku with blank expression and if you look closet can see his eyes making a loading circle like if just rebooted himself and can see Tsu Red as a tomato

Tsu "uhm deku-kun you okay? Kero" Tsu then looks at Deku and saw his face so did the most logical thing she think she thought was at the time she slapped him with her tongue but lightly not like if she hitted mineta

Deku "huh… sorry sorry i'm sorry tsu I didn't mean to hug you I was just so happy and it just sorta happ... mumble...mumble...mu-"

Tsu then hit him again "Deku stop it it's fine plus were friends so it's ok to give hugs ok"

Deku "o-ok thanks Tsu, well want to play a game while we are here"

Tsu "sure kero"

---{Couple Of Hours Later}---

Deku is now back at his house about to train when all of a sudden

[Hey host don't forget your rewards for completing your mission]

Deku "oh yeah haha thanks for reminding me system"

[No problem]

[Ding Quest Complete

-quest: make a song

-make a song

-optional: sing it to your new friend

You completed the quest and did the optional part as well also you put your heart and soul when you sing and played instruments which makes the final product that much better for that rewards slightly increased]


-confidence boost

-non big headedness(this makes you not cocky like Bakugo)

Optional Rewards:

-pheromone aura(you release certain pheromone that makes the opposite gender slightly attracted to you or makes them like you even more)]

Deku "system why just why"

[why what?]

Deku "the optional rewards why is it like that"

[Hey I don't chose the rewards 'even more bs I just don't get to chose the gacha and other stuff like that' just blame it on your luck]

Deku "ok fine so what now"

[How about you practice your beat saber skills with that song you made maybe go to the mine to get materials you have the portal thingy and then make some stuff oh I got it after your done practicing use that luxury ball you got then press the button but work on your skills first ok]

Deku "Ok system i'll work hard to be like all might and be the greatest hero"

[Just focus on being the best Izuku midoriya no the next all might ok host]

Deku "Ok system"

[Ding Host has completed test to see if host is responsible enough to do daily quests

-New feature unlocked Daily quest]

[Daily quest

Get stronger

-10 Push-ups

-10 Sit-ups

-10 squats

-1 Km Run

Info: Daily Quest will increase once host gets stronger


-Full restore(Gives your energy back and makes you full just like you were before exercising without losing your gains)

-limited edition all might poster]

All of a sudden a fire was lit up he wanted that all might poster no he needed it all of sudden. Every villain got a chill down there spines and so did all might they felt something new and dangerous was just created

['HOLY SH*T if you want Deku to do something bribe him with all might merch and he'll do it until the end of the earth']

A/N: So what do you guys think so far? I will try to post A new chapter every other day if I have time. I'll release one every day. Anyways, have a good day and stones are welcomed. Maybe one day I'll do a double release who knows.

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