

The lady had obviously in all odds expected the worse, but to her surprise, the fish on the other side casually asked. "Do you know any place where I can find uh... western rock lobsters?"

In this case, he nearly didn't have a reason to explain exactly why he was looking for such a species and just expected an answer from the fish he had spared.

The needlefish let out a sigh of relief but then shook her head left to right, trying to recall where she had heard that name. It took a little while before she answered, "They are, well... quite far away from here."

"How far away?" He asked, tad pissed of the fact that this fish wasn't getting directly to the point.

Unwillingly sarcastic, she answered. "To the west, so it's far away."

An irritating glow began itching portions of his skin, and by now he was recounting the reasons why this lady was spared. "Be more specific."