
Dots (end)

Collision was close by and to turn this move into a reliable reality, the first step had to be put into motion even though the anxiety that was coming with it, spiked up more than usual by a mountain's scale.

The first portion of the entire move was successful once he pushed the tail as forward as he could, and at the same time forming a curl with it that reached towards the stomach.

This managed to make everything by a tad bit more nerve wrecking, be it for Timothy or the enemy on the other side, especially since head-to-head collision was just a single second away!

Second things second, he had to sacrifice the comfort of stability to push the move towards advancement. Meaning, he allowed the tail to push forward even more which in exchange managed to turn half of the body upside down - that and everything was moving towards such direction.

Since the fins can't do much the more he synced to being upside down, stability had to be kissed goodbye.