
Clumsy warfare!

As the crazed snake charged forward, William felt quite frozen in his place; this was a situation beyond his expertise.

It wasn't any better on his conscience, once he noticed how a massive sword rapidly swung across the air!

Noticeably, these enemies weren't the best swordsmen, but that perception didn't make the opposition any less lethal!

A few thoughts would help him realize that this situation could help him sign a death certificate, a scholar wouldn't be required to figure that out.

But does William want to greet his demise, absolutely not!

He wasn't even sure how he died and ended up here. But one thing was for sure, this fine man did not want to die again!

Likewise, he used those couple of human legs of his, to leap right out of the other tyrant's path.

Sure William's escape wasn't extravagant, especially since he almost fell to his face; but regardless of how affected his foothold, the boy made a great escape.

The six-foot-tall blue snake continued to charge forward like the crazed lunatic it was, and eventually, it crashed against another civilian!

It was no secret that the mayhem continued for everyone else in this street, so that same civilian got stabbed right across the chest!

The motive of this attack was still a bit of a blur, no one could make sense out of this bizarre violence. Yet the blood across this street acted as a good reminder, it helped everyone present understand that their doom was close!

A few swords were laid across the ground, they were coated with a few thin layers of blood. This detail helped William understand, that through the moment of panic, some of the civilians had actually fought back.

Although their attempts were proven worthless, their death could still be put into use. Or more precisely, their swords could be put into use.

William sprinted towards the couple of swords that were laid a couple of meters nearby and grabbed ahold of them.

Afterwards he mumbled, "These darned things look like toothpicks, but I sure as hell don't want to lose my head..."

He was right in every way, the swords on his hand were each, less than half a meter long. They seemed worthless in comparison to what swords the enemies held, which were either twice or thrice bigger.

But this was not the time to be picky. He faced the same blue-snake who tried to kill him, and put in a half-couraged attempt to sprint into battle!

Yet all of his attempts were quick to prove difficult. As the stone road which he stomped on right now, carried many chips and bruises.

In short words, the architecture here was rugged as much as it was amazing. But in this case, it caused problems for the young man.

For example, apart from the strong ache which he felt on his big toe, William's balance had been far lost.

"Hell no... this was a bad move." He mumbled under his breath.

The good man had tripped on one small chip that stood awkwardly on the street, and this result could only lead to another possible disaster.

Apart from the fact that his big toe was coated with blood, the young man lost one of his weapons as well.

Simply because when he tripped, the imbalance had forced his reflexes to overreact. He had accidentally tossed one of his swords right towards the enemy.

And now this rusty piece of smelted metal made its way towards the enemy at a reckless speed!

Uncoincidentally, that airborne sword crashed right against the enemy's sword, which too swung around in random directions.

But, when two aspects of recklessness meet together, the result is sure to be unexpected. In this case, the result became far more bloody than it was supposed to be.

These blue snakes were crazed and almost behaved like demons too, likewise, they had massive strength to meet such an attitude.

Yet in this case, that same strength had ironically proved useful. Simply because once these two swords clashed, the enemy snake had man-handled William's sword away!

But the strength which was used for this manner was too much! So once these pieces of sharpened iron clashed against one another, the one of which the clumsy young man had tossed, was quick to become a hazard!

It was flung randomly against the air, and the sharp side had somehow touched the same blue enemy's throat!

Thanks to those few quick details, the result was beyond horrid!

Blood puked all across the ground, thankfully this hazardous enemy had been put to rest! What assured this concept, was the same snake's head that rolled across the street.

In all ways possible, this was a lucky shot! Raw strength itself had ended that crazed enemy's life, the idea was a bit difficult to comprehend.

Yet all and all, this massively dangerous situation was not over. Sure one enemy had been sliced dead, but nine of these same bastards ragged across the street!

Worst yet, William had it difficult to stand up. His toe hurt really bad and blood continued to puke out of it.

"Damn it! Never knew that a broken toe hurt this bad!" William lightly shouted.

He could feel a strong sensation of pain on his entire foot, but it especially burned right where the toe was, so it was beyond difficult to handle this pain.

Yet the system found it appropriate to announce something interesting right now, [Congratulations on your first kill, dear servant]

[You killed a blue-spined snakezoid. For that matter, you've received four-hundred system points as a reward]

"This may be a bad time to go shopping," The young man reminded.

In those same seconds, he locked eyes with one of those deranged snakes, and that sharpened gaze helped realize that this minor peace would swiftly reach an end!

[This is the best time to go shopping... uh, buy upgrades. Don't mix the names up, darn it!]

It was funny to hear the system complain in such a manner, but now was not the time to be humorous, and the young man simply couldn't laugh either.

[You can currently purchase two primary upgrades. Note that you need to buy both of them before more open up,]

William wanted to scream just so the system could get to the point of this conversation, this seemed like a really bad time to be expansive with information.

Thankfully the system finally became more cooperative, [Purchase option number-one = Upgrade bodily strength to level two]

[Price = one-hundred and eighty system points]

"Strength ha?" He mumbled.

Afterwards he noticed that the enemy who stalked him for a good half-minute, had finally charged forward.

This situation felt even more uncomfortable, as that deranged snake shouted from the top of its lungs as it charged forward!

"Oh hell nah, I'm not facing this bastard if I don't have enough strength." He muttered, and then leaped away from his former spot.

Sure he had it difficult to walk, but any bit of attempt was better than none, he couldn't just wait for the enemy to massacre him.

After a second he shouted, "Upgrade my strength!"

He couldn't care less about who heard him. These people likely had no clue what a system was, but in this situation, William couldn't care less about that either.

[Purchase confirmed...]

That was when a muscle twitch forced the young man to crash right against the stone path, again. He wasn't badly hurt this time, but this experience wasn't any less horrid.

He felt numb throughout his entire body, yet he was also afflicted by a strong burn all at the same time. The procedure was beyond painful, and it almost felt like the world went dark too!

But after what felt like a few seconds, he could feel his own limbs once more.

[Upgrade complete]

[One-hundred and eighty system points have been consumed,]

[Two-hundred and twenty system points remain.]

After he heard such a notification, he found it appropriate to stand up again. It was evident that his attempts to move now only took half the effort.

He could stand up easier regardless of the hazardous pain that covered his left foot.

And now with all of this situation considered, it only took a short moment until he locked eyes with the same enemy who charged forward!

Well let the action begin! This is a very experimental plot I'm trying to pull off, so I hope you stick with me through the odds and ends!

Thank you for reading,

- Enkamos

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