
I'M A Quadrillionaire

The Story is about the man name, David Lidell who he was enraged by his rival in love vomit blood and pass out. But He gain a super lavish system which made him rich and it was asking him to spend a all the money in exchange of lavish point. Lavish point can give him superpower and also make his body heatheir & stronger. After that, David started his journey as a billionaire. For more information read the novel. Thank you!

lucifer_nov · Urban
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300 Chs

Playboy...... Playgirl

[Chapter 214]

After she was brought home, Sarah did as she was told but she never spoke, as if she had gone mute. She did not say a single word even after returning home for a couple of days.

Her parents were frantic.

They were about to go to the school and demand an explanation.

Sarah was fine before, so they wanted to know what caused the sudden change.

The classmate who lived close to Sarah had heard of what happened from her family.

So now she was asking the class group chat if anyone knew the full story.

Naturally, the group chat ended up discussing this matter with fervor.

In the end, they found out that David and Sarah used to study in the same school and were a couple during high school.

This resulted in many people tagging David and asking him if he knew what was going on with Sarah.

Many classmates even joked that David had dumped Sarah because he found someone else in university and this was why Sarah was depressed.

Then a few classmates who were rather close with Sarah directly called David a playboy.

Of course, there were also a few classmates who defended David and said that there was no way David would dump Sarah considering how much he liked her then. They were sure there was more than met the eye in this matter.

David's lack of a response meant that the conversation then diverged from the issue of Sarah's depression to meeting during the summer holiday.

The class had not arranged for a reunion ever since they graduated, and everyone was already about to graduate from university now.

This suggestion naturally received the majority's support, so everyone started discussing when to meet.

David gave it some thought and decided that he should indeed explain himself before everyone thought of him as a playboy.

While this issue did not affect him too much, he did not like being blamed for something he did not do.

"Sarah and I actually broke up a long time ago. She was the one who dumped me, not the other way around because she fell for a guy from a rich family. But I heard that the guy's family went bankrupt recently, so that's basically what happened. You can ask around SRU if you don't believe me. The news should have spread quite widely by now."

People immediately started discussing the matter after David sent the message.

"So, in other words, Sarah had this coming? She dumped Dave for a rich boyfriend, and then couldn't take the shock when this rich boyfriend's family went bankrupt?"

"I think so. I trust Dave's word. I knew it, there's no way Dave would dump Sarah! He liked her so much in high school!"

"I thought Dave was the playboy, but it's actually Sarah that's the playgirl? Sigh, her situation's so pitiful, though."

"So what if she's pitiful? She has no one to blame but herself! Dave was so good to her back in high school, so many of us girls were envious of her for having such a nice boyfriend. I can't believe she dumped Dave for a rich guy! She had this coming!"

Then David texted again, "Alright, guys! Let's not talk about this anymore, everyone has the right to choose whatever benefits them the most. I don't regret anything, that's enough for me."

Since David had spoken, everyone stopped talking about the matter as well.

As David said, everyone had the right to choose whatever benefited them most. However, once you had made your choice, then you should also have to bear all the consequences of it.

Everyone started discussing the reunion again and soon asked David whether he was going to attend.

David agreed and told them to just text him the address once it was decided.

This shocked everyone because from what they remembered about David, the man would always spend his free time during part-time work.

The class had gone out for many gatherings before and he did not attend any of them, not even for the graduation. Therefore, they had only asked him out of curtesy and were shocked when he agreed this time.