
I'M A Quadrillionaire

The Story is about the man name, David Lidell who he was enraged by his rival in love vomit blood and pass out. But He gain a super lavish system which made him rich and it was asking him to spend a all the money in exchange of lavish point. Lavish point can give him superpower and also make his body heatheir & stronger. After that, David started his journey as a billionaire. For more information read the novel. Thank you!

lucifer_nov · Urban
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300 Chs

One Billion Dollars Investment

[Chapter 269]

"Marie, who's this?" Asked Hannah.

How could she not know that Marie had such a friend?

After all, she and Marie were inseparable. To put it crudely, she even knew how many moles Marie had.

Besides, she knew almost all of Marie's friends but had never heard of David!

If he could get David to join their studio, he would become their cash cow after some packaging!

It was the era of clout.

The way David looked now was attractive to girls.

Let her package him, and she could guarantee that David would become the most popular idol around.

He would be getting so many commercial deals and endorsements that they would make enough money to feed themselves for the rest of their lives even if it was only for a few years.

"Hannah, this is Mr. David Lidell, the man who saved my life in Lake City," replied Marie.

"So you're Mr. Lidell. Hello! I'm Marie's manager. My name is Hannah Clement!" Hannah said as she held out her right hand to David.

She had heard Marie mention the incident in Lake City but had not bothered with it. As a budding starlet, it was perfectly normal to be taken advantage of. Everything was fine as long a s she did not lose her chastity.

"Hello, Hannah!" David also extended his right hand and shook Hannah's.

Then he said, "It's great that you haven't forgotten me, Ms. Kent! What savior? I didn't do anything! I just heard you're looking for investors for the movie you're planning to film?"

"Yeah! Yes! Our old investor pulled out suddenly, so we're still looking for new investors. But w e haven't found one yet because of the large amount of investment," Marie said, somewhat forlorn.

"I can invest in it!"

Marie froze before asking happily, "Do you invest in movies too, Mr. Lidell?"

"I've never invested in one! But I want to try!"

Marie thought for a moment before saying, "Mr. Lidell, I suggest you find a movie with a lower budget if you're investing for the first time. I can introduce you to some."

"Can't I just invest in the one you're filming?" David asked, puzzled.

"Our investment budget is quite big. I can promise that I will do my best, but it's still up to the market after all. There are many risks. It's your first time investing in movies, and losing money will hurt your confidence," explained Marie.

"How big is the investment budget?"

"About three to five hundred million dollars!"

David found it expensive when they first discussed it and became a little excited. However, it was only three to five hundred million dollars.

"I'll invest in your movie, but three to five hundred million dollars won't do!" David said.

Marie was about to talk David out of it again, but Hannah beat her to it before she could speak. "How much are you going to invest, Mr. Lidell? Perhaps we could find a few more investors and share the budget! A lot of big productions do that nowadays."

"What good movie can be made with three or five hundred million dollars? I'm a perfectionist that will do my best in everything I do. Since I've decided to invest in the movie, you have to film the best shots with the best equipment there is. I'll invest one billion dollars first. If that's not enough, I'll increase it!" David said sternly.

"Mr. Lidell, how… how… how is that appropriate?" Marie stammered.

Hannah did not respond.

It was because she had decided that David was fooling them.

He must have taken a fancy to Marie and wanted to impress her. Then he would coax her into sleeping with him to swindle money and sex.

She did not expect David to be someone like that when he looked so decent.

You could not judge a book by its cover.

Besides, Marie looked convinced.

Fortunately, she was here today. Otherwise, Marie would have been tricked.