
I'M A Quadrillionaire

The Story is about the man name, David Lidell who he was enraged by his rival in love vomit blood and pass out. But He gain a super lavish system which made him rich and it was asking him to spend a all the money in exchange of lavish point. Lavish point can give him superpower and also make his body heatheir & stronger. After that, David started his journey as a billionaire. For more information read the novel. Thank you!

lucifer_nov · Urban
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300 Chs

Mr. Quinn Is Dead!

[Chapter 290]

Howard was on his way to the airport.

He had called chancellor Oliver and told him that he was going to defer his study to go overseas.

of course, Oliver did not agree because Howard was the face of South River University and he was also the president of the student council.

If he left, wouldn't it mean that South River University could not keep its talents?

As a chancellor, Oliver would definitely not agree to something that would ruin South River University's reputation.

However, Howard had made up his mind to leave and it was useless no matter what Oliver said. Oliver even started threatening Howard, but he still could not change Howard's decision to leave.

In the end, he had no choice but to agree. However, he asked Howard to come back soon to finish his studies.

Even though Howard agreed, he still had to wait and see before deciding if he would come back.

If Zachary was able to take down David, he might be able to come back in two days.

If Zachary could not take down David, then he would not know when he would be able to come back.

His life was more important than his studies.

At this moment, he received a call. It was from his childhood friend, and they were both Zachary's lackeys.

"Howie, Mr. Quinn is dead!"

Zachary was dead!

Howard shivered and almost dropped his phone.

"I-I got it. We'll talk next time," Howard said and hung up the phone.

Zachary was dead?

It must be David!

Damn, this was so f*cking scary!

No, he had to leave as soon as possible.

It was possible David was looking for him.

"Mom, c-can you drive faster?" Howard stammered.

"Howie, what's wrong with you? You looked absent-minded since yesterday and you even suddenly said you want to go overseas. Plus, you want to leave so quickly too. What happened? Tell me," Mrs. Jackson asked.

Howard thought about it and decided to tell his mother the truth. If David decided to come after him, they would at least be prepared.

So, he said, "Mom, I just received news that the oldest son of the Quinn family died. Do you know how he died? He was killed. Also, I know the murderer. We have beef because of Mr. Quinn. He came to me yesterday, and today, I got the news that Mr. Quinn is dead. I'm worried that he'll come to cause trouble for me so I can only go overseas to hide from him."

"Zachary, the oldest son from the Quinn family?" Mrs. Jackson asked.


Mrs. Jackson slammed on the brakes and stopped the car on the side of the road. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," Howard answered seriously.

Mrs. Jackson took out her phone to make a call.

"Bruce, did something happen to the Quinns?" Mrs. Jackson asked after the call went through.

Then, she silently listened to what the other person said.

"Alright, I got it. Get back to work, I'm going to send our son to the airport. Yeah, we'll talk after I go back."

Mrs. Jackson hung up the phone and said seriously to Howard. "Tell me everything that happened between you two."


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