
I'M A Quadrillionaire

The Story is about the man name, David Lidell who he was enraged by his rival in love vomit blood and pass out. But He gain a super lavish system which made him rich and it was asking him to spend a all the money in exchange of lavish point. Lavish point can give him superpower and also make his body heatheir & stronger. After that, David started his journey as a billionaire. For more information read the novel. Thank you!

lucifer_nov · Urban
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300 Chs

More Or Less

[Chapter 203]

He would do something big.

Lavish points were the guarantee for him to continue to improve his strength.

After this incident, he wanted his company to be unimpeded in Springfield such that even if he spent more money, no one would dare to spy on him. Yes, he would do just that. After thinking about it, David turned to look at Bill and asked, "Bill, how are the Daniels brothers in Springfield?"

Bill was stunned for a moment, wondering why David would suddenly ask such a question. Then, he hesitantly replied, "They're… alright."

"Bill, I hope you can answer truthfully. I'm going to do something big today," David stared at Bill and said word by word.

Bill was a little uncomfortable while he was being stared at by David. He did not know what David meant by doing something big and what it had to do with the character of the Daniels brothers.

However, since David asked him to tell the truth, he decided to do just that after thinking about it.

David was very strong and his potential was even greater. Therefore, he would almost certainly have his own plans.

Bill had not thought about it that way before, but he had always been with Clinton. Until now, he wanted to use Clinton's power to compete for that position in the Fishers.

If he could form a connection with David now, it might turn out useful in the future. With Clinton and David supporting him, his chances of success would be greatly increased.

Morris was originally at odds with him anyway, and the people behind him did not like Clinton very much. So, since he had to choose, he would choose the option that was most beneficial to him.

With that, he said, "Gunther often uses some disgraceful means to coerce his opponents in business. There are a lot of companies that he has brought down through improper means some competitors even brought their entire families to jump from the roof of his company.

"Besides, he is also extremely lecherous. He will first check the background of any woman he likes. From here, it doesn't matter if she's a young woman or someone's wife. As long as she has no background, or if her background is not as good as his, he will use all kinds of methods t o get her into bed. Some of them committed suicide after being insulted by him, and he once said that he would never have sex with the same woman more than three times.

"But these things have been suppressed by his family's power and this person will never offend anyone who would cause him trouble, so that's why he has been living at ease all this while.

"As for Morris, it can be said that he is even worse than Gunther. What he loves most is money. Most of the money that Morris earned through improper means went into his pocket.

"He also opened an underground boxing ring and several casinos in Springfield. At the same time, he also gives out private loans in the underground boxing ring and casinos. The number of families who were ruined by him are countless."

As soon as Morris heard Bill listing out the bad things he had done, he immediately became furious. He pointed at Bill and cursed, "Bill, keep on bullsh*tting, believe me that I'll kill you! Don't think of disrespecting me just because you're following Clinton!"

Bill ignored Morris' curses.

"So these two are considered dregs of society in Springfield and it's not an exaggeration to say that they are heinous," David nodded and said after listening.

"More or less," Bill said.

"Is Morris a martial artist?" David asked.

"He should be at second-class peak level," Bill replied.

David stopped talking.

The plan in his mind was almost perfect.

As a backup member of Team A in the National Special Task Force, he had run into the Daniels brothers who greatly affected social stability and were even so disgusting.

In addition, the other party was also a martial artist, so he naturally had the right to abolish the Daniels brothers for the sake of the country's stability.

This was the 'act first, report later' right that the state entrusted to the Special Task Force.

Of course, the situation must be real because the organization would definitely investigate it thoroughly after it happened.

However, David was in the right no matter how he looked at it.

As long as what Bill said was true, the Daniels would be doomed if he intervened on behalf of the task force.