
I'M A Quadrillionaire

The Story is about the man name, David Lidell who he was enraged by his rival in love vomit blood and pass out. But He gain a super lavish system which made him rich and it was asking him to spend a all the money in exchange of lavish point. Lavish point can give him superpower and also make his body heatheir & stronger. After that, David started his journey as a billionaire. For more information read the novel. Thank you!

lucifer_nov · Urban
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300 Chs

Leeman Scholl

[Chapter 240]

David had no idea that Howard had told Zachary about him promising the chancellor Oliver that he would join the academic exchange at Greenwood University.

Or that Zachary, a Capital City local, was waiting for David to walk right into his trap.

If Stan from T Faction did not prohibit him from seeking revenge against David because he did not want to cause unnecessary trouble when the ten-year appointment came, he would even have taken someone straight to River City to retaliate against David.

Zachary had never suffered from such a loss since he was a child. During this time, he had completely become the laughingstock of the T Faction.

It was one thing for the eight great fighters to laugh at him, but some irrelevant people even dare to talk about him behind his back too. They were really trying to court death.

David's trip to Capital City this time was destined to be chaotic.

of course, even if he knew about it, he would not take it to heart. After joining the National Special Task Force and Falcon, and enjoying a huge improvement in his strength a few days ago, Zachary was no longer worthy to be his opponent.

The next day, David texted Leeman, the leader of Special Task Force Team A, early in the morning, saying that he had arrived in Capital City.

Leeman asked David to tell him where he was and then asked David to wait, saying that someone would come and pick him up.

About an hour later, David received a call stating that the person who was here to pick him up had arrived at the Starry Night Hotel in a pure black off-road vehicle.

When David walked out of the entrance of the Starry Night Hotel, he saw a black off-road vehicle parked at the entrance. Hence, he got straight into the car.

The driver was a middle-aged man. After David got into the car, he did not talk to David, let alone question David before driving away.

Along the way, the other party had no intention of speaking, so David did not ask any questions. They soon drove for about half an hour.

The car turned from the bustling street into a quiet alley where two guards were standing guard. After driving for another five minutes, the car finally stopped.

"Go in, the team leader is waiting for you inside." This was the first time the middle-aged driver spoke.

"Thanks, man," David said, opening the door and getting out of the car.

In front of him was the gate to a courtyard house.

David pushed it gently and the door opened. Then, he walked in.

The courtyard house was huge, and it was surrounded by trees. There was a pond in the middle of the estate, at the center of which stood a huge rock.

After David walked past the pond, he saw an old man in his sixties sitting on a rattan chair under a tree. He was reading a newspaper while a young man in his thirties stood behind him.

The old man put down the newspaper in his hand and looked at David.

In an instant, David felt a huge pressure coming towards him and he instinctively let out his aura to resist it.

'So strong,' David thought to himself.


"What's this?"

Leeman sensed that something was not right, but he did not say anything.

Instead, he said to the person behind him, "Otis, go get David's documents and the other one that needs his signature."

"Yes, sir." Otis left the courtyard house after he said that. When he walked next to David, he glanced at him inexplicably.

"You're David Lidell?" Leeman asked after Otis left.

"Yes, that's me. And you are?" David asked.

Even though he knew this person might be the team leader of Special Task Force Ream A, it would be better to make sure.

"I am Leeman Scholl, and I am your team leader." Indeed, Leeman answered.

"Hello, Team Leader Scholl," David greeted.

"David, we didn't ask you to come here this time for anything major. Mainly, it was to give you the papers representing your identity as a backup member of Special Task Force Team A and for you to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Since you joined Team A, you are now one of the country's employees. However, due to the particularity of our work, we are generally not allowed to reveal our identities."

"Yes, sir," David replied.

"As a backup member of Team A, I believe you've read some of the rules and regulations, and also the authorities and obligations. Hence, I will not go into that. Rather, I have a question to ask you," Leeman looked at David and said.

"Team Leader Scholl, please go ahead."

Leeman stared at David without speaking.


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