
I'M A Quadrillionaire

The Story is about the man name, David Lidell who he was enraged by his rival in love vomit blood and pass out. But He gain a super lavish system which made him rich and it was asking him to spend a all the money in exchange of lavish point. Lavish point can give him superpower and also make his body heatheir & stronger. After that, David started his journey as a billionaire. For more information read the novel. Thank you!

lucifer_nov · Urban
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300 Chs

In-Law's Hospitality

[Chapter 300]

Alright, he would be the bad guy then.

However, what about Celia going to school alone in Shu City in her final year of high school? Did she also not leave with her father when he was transferred away?

Did she do that for him?

He had no idea about this!

One had to know that after starting dating Sarah during the last year of high school, he slowly distanced himself from Celia.

It was because Sarah was very jealous and did not allow him to get too close to Celia. That was why he did not know much about Celia.

Sigh, it seemed that he was blind back then. How could he fall for Sarah and neglect Celia?

He was not completely blind.

He could only blame himself for having very low self-esteem back then.

"Uh… Actually… Actually, we've considered it, but we haven't graduated from university yet, so I feel like it's a little early to talk about this," David replied.

"Early? You're in your third year and you will graduate in a year. After graduation, you can already get married. When the time comes, you both should join my company and I will coach you for two years. Then, I will slowly hand over the company to you so I can retire. Then, you can give birth to a child for me to take care of so I can put my remaining talent to good use," Mindy said.

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

"I told you to shut up. Didn't I say exactly what you have in mind?"

David had seen the power of Celia's mother, a typical domineering businesswoman. He glanced at Jon, who was already used to it, and then glanced at Celia again. The mother and daughter had very different personalities, and fortunately, Celia did not take after her mother.

Now, he did not even have time to manage his own company worth hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars, so how would he have the time to manage other companies?

Before David could reply, Mindy said again, "David, to be honest, we were initially opposed to you dating Celia. Although our family is not wealthy, we managed to have some small achievements after Celia's father and I worked hard. Besides this, we also learned a little about your family situation through Celia but thought you were not worthy of Celia."

David agreed with this.

In the past, it was because of his low self-esteem that he felt that he was not worthy of Celia, so he chose to ignore Celia's kindness toward him, and finally chose Sarah who he was more similar in position to.

In the end, he did not expect Sarah to also look down on him. On the contrary, Celia's feelings for him had never changed at all until now.

Mindy continued, "We introduced Celia to the best men among the children of aristocratic families, but Celia was not interested in them, so it could not be helped, she only had her eyes on you. We only have one daughter so we can't force her to marry someone she doesn't like and make her hate us forever, right? So, I hope you will treat Celia well in the future and not let her suffer any grievances."

"I will, Mrs. Young," David said solemnly to Mindy.

Then, they talked a lot more after that.

However, Mindy was the one doing most of the talking while the other three listened.

Occasionally, David would be able to say something while Jon and Celia never managed to chime in.

Since it was almost time, David was about to leave.

"Mr. and Mrs. Young, sorry for disturbing you today. Thank you for your hospitality. I'll come to visit you next time when I have time. Goodbye," David said after standing up.

"You're welcome, David. We'll be a family soon. Celia, go walk David out," Jon said.

"Alright, Dad."

After Celia said that, she left with David.


<give some power stone>


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